Just slap whoever posts above you with anything you feel like.ex: ???????????? just got slapped with a _____________.
I slap you with a beam of nonsense.
(We're running out of beams)
I slap you with a beam of happiness
I slap you with a conceptual beam.
I slap you with a beam of hopelessness
I slap you with a tree.
I slap you with a beamer.
I slap you with a beamless beam
I slap you with big beaming beanstalk.
I slap you with a bean of beams!
I slap you with a beam shaped book entitled "The Bean Chronicles".
I slap you with a crazy book named "Beam's and Bean's"
I slap you with a major motion picture called "Bartholomew Beam's The Silence Of The Beans".
I slap you with a scary game named "The Last Beam: The Four Beans"
I slap you with a shocking visual beam of bean porn.
I slap you with a guy named Mr.Beam and his friend, Mr.Bean
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