Just slap whoever posts above you with anything you feel like.ex: ???????????? just got slapped with a _____________.
I slap you with a "harmless" lie that causes trouble in the future
I slap with a vague statement that may or may not be considered a lie.
I slap you with a comforting lie.
I slap you with a painful lie
I slap you with a pointless lie that has no effect on anything.
I slap you with an all-powerful lie that effects everything.
I slap you with a little white lie.
I slap you with the worst second worst life because you have the worst life
I slap you with the life of Death
I slap you with death of life.
I slap you with an absurd amount of life.
I slap you with no death at all!
I slap you with no consequences.
I slap you with a scary consequence that isn't bad at all
I slap you with cute consequence that has a bit of "badness" .
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