Believe me, I've tried to find a single credible scientist that refutes global climate change is occurring, and I thought it might be easier if I included "that refutes the claim humans are somewhat responsible/involved". Alas, no. They're invariably on corporate payroll. Worse, some of them fail to declare conflict of interest in their publications. That's a scientific crime. But I'm digressing.
Yep, those are the only ones who still try to deny it ;-)
From that review: "I give Crichton credit for attempting to weave what is obviously to him a very important bit of personal philosophy into an action-thriller novel. I also give him credit for taking the initiative to educate himself on the Global Warming issue, something that I believe all citizens should do (if you've got 10 minutes, a good place to start is the latest scientific summary of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a group of over 2000 scientists from 100 countries working under a mandate from the United Nations in the largest peer-reviewed scientific collaboration in history). However, "State of Fear" is a disappointment both as an action-thriller novel, and as a credible source of science on the Global Warming issue."
Michael Crichton is not a scientist. Sure he can have an opinion on the matter, but it is kind of silly to make your claim that global warming is not happening on the grounds that a fiction writer said so. My uncle doesn't believe in global warming, but hey, he isn't a scientist. And also, refuses to educate himself on the topic. So blind faith in what people have to tell you, and ignorance, are not a good argument as to why global warming is not occurring.
I can't help but moralise here- one should pick their sources carefully. While it's certainly thought provoking to bring a fictional work to the table, using it as 'evidence' without being able to cite how it is related to actual credible evidence leaves you without an argument to stand on.
Like people refuting God on the basis of *cough*The Da Vinci Code*cough*
i don't wanna have to repeat myself just look at [url=http:/community/thread/972727/paperthe-innocent-treesglobal-warmingthe-earths-too-hot-for-people/page/5]
Technically global warming IS real, The Ozone is breaking down and there has been many climate shift even in the last couple of years. The only thing I don't like about the consept of global warming is that WE ARENT THE CAUSE. The harmful gases we produce by burning fossil fuels is only a fraction of a percent of whats being caused naturally by volcano's
Man made global warming is a myth and a hoax. Human beings have not contributed to the heating of this planet (at least no more than we contributed to global cooling a few decades ago).
Technically global warming IS real, The Ozone is breaking down and there has been many climate shift even in the last couple of years. The only thing I don't like about the consept of global warming is that WE ARENT THE CAUSE. The harmful gases we produce by burning fossil fuels is only a fraction of a percent of whats being caused naturally by volcano's
Did you see the ozone break down? Did you feel it get warmer? I sure didn't. Who told you that it was real? Al Gore? lol.
I think that global warming is real because of all the effects it is having all over the world. Because of global warming, England experianced its first tornado ever. Also because Antartica is starting to melt and we are experincing rise of water little by little. So I do believe in global warming.
No one saw any glaciers melt more than they normally would. If no one had thought of the term "global warming" then I bet no one would notice that Earth is getting warmer which it is not. Global warming is just something to talk about. Like UFOs.