listen i think stoping polution is great but when the goverment startes taxing me for something that hasnt been sounds like a scam looks like a scam and probably is
Wait, so what is the government taxing you on? And, are you even old enough to pay taxes????
im not saying polution isnt bad, i know it is but id rather spend money on the cure for cancer than my car
eemjayy, if you're going to copy and paste something, please cite it at least!
Anyway, I think the global warming danger is very real. It's been real for the past century or so (i.e. when GS Callender started to make claims of the greenhouse effect in the late fifties). Although, at this point, the change to reverse the effects of global warming seem futile, it's better than nothing.
Also, I'd like to point out, "major corporations" are ticking me off with this "going green" thing. Though I may be stating the obvious, they're simply changing around to make a buck off consumers... and consumers are simply buying into this hype of going green! They aren't changing for the environment, corporations are changing for themselves and they realize people are watching their every move -- so going green is: a) safe for them and b) they can make a nice wad of cash while doing it.
I mean, do people really understand what global warming is and the effects? Sure some do, but a majority (including myself) don't! They buy into what the commercials are telling them: "<i>We're going green for the better!</i>"
Oh, another thing! Taxes. Take British Columbia for example, recently this month BC has implemented a "carbon tax" that "adds almost 2.5 cents to a litre of fuel" ( Apparently, it's a way of illustrating that greenhouse gases can be harmful. I think this may be a new trend for other governments to follow...
I know I'm going back and forth with what I'm saying, but certain things just get to me. And instead of spreading it through random posts, I just made a big one.
Also, I'd like to point out, "major corporations" are ticking me off with this "going green" thing. Though I may be stating the obvious, they're simply changing around to make a buck off consumers... and consumers are simply buying into this hype of going green! They aren't changing for the environment, corporations are changing for themselves and they realize people are watching their every move -- so going green is: a) safe for them and b) they can make a nice wad of cash while doing it.
Oh, I definitely agree!! But I am not going to argue it, because the fact is: they are going green. The final end here is that they are reducing their outputs and trying to help the Earth. So even if their motives are off, they are still making a positive difference.
You also have to think it doesn't really matter as much why people/companies go green, it's that they do.
Yep, this is what I agree with. So what if it is for selfish reasons, because the fact is, they are improving how they treat the environment! And in the end, that is all that really matters.
Yep, this is what I agree with. So what if it is for selfish reasons, because the fact is, they are improving how they treat the environment! And in the end, that is all that really matters.
Well if they were truly concerned, they would improve a lot more.
@Drace, yes SOME people are concerned, but not nearly enough to make a change. We aren't going to stop using cars, we aren't going to close factories, and some people will not recycle. It is just too hard to change the whole world's actions on this matter.
@quickshift, any information to back that up?
@volcanboy, the ice age happened way more than a thousand years ago.