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94 posts

i dont beleive in global warming because i think that it is so gradual that by the time it is dangerous the next ice age will counter act it

Does any one else have any views or opinions about that?

  • 933 Replies
803 posts

If people actually care about global warming, why is the beef industry still thriving?

People don't care about global warming. That is the problem.

Anyway, the Earth has just come out of an Ice age a few thousand years ago. We had a mini ice-age a few hundred years ago. Isn't it entirely possible that the warming that's happening now is entirely natural? How is it that in the space of a hundred years or so, we've destroyed a climate systems that's been evolving and changing for millions of years?

We are just intensifying the effects of this global climate change. Humans are not the biggest cause of global warming but we are a part of it. We are shortening the time between warming and cooling changes. It used to be thousands and thousands of years between. The problem with this can be we are setting off the Earth's "normal" changes. I am not saying "The Day After Tomorrow" will happen but we could see some minor changes in the future. These changes will not happen in our lifetimes but we are the ones who decide how much time they have in the future. Yeah, we can all sit back and say who cares or we can actually so something and take action.

Frankly I fail to see how we've made this much of an impact. The Ice-caps are melting. So what? They're only been in their present positions a relatively short period of time. Why is this such a big issue? Am I wrong about what I've said?

The big issue is that they are melting at a faster rate than before. This is what I am talking about when we are shortening the time between the cooling and warming stages. Usually they would be cooler and stay longer but the ice caps didn't have that much time and are now melting faster. This raises sea levels and warms the ocean waters since less salinity (salt in ocean water) means warmer water. Hurricanes feed off of warm ocean waters. Does anyone else think it is odd how many tropical storms and hurricanes we have had this early?

Mr Ham,
pushing his two cents in a topic he probably should've read further into.

It is fine to have your opinion on something as long as you are able to bring evidence to the table. The last part made me laugh even though some of your points were true.
11 posts

People don't care about global warming. That is the problem.

Yeah I wanted to make sure I was on the same ground as your lot. I see global warming less of an environment issue and more of a financial issue. Seems like the majority of people who are pushing for reform are people who are making money off it.
It used to be thousands and thousands of years between.

What is the interval now? Why are we trying to reverse global warming? We do contribute to it, but if that contribution isn't enough to cause any serious damage, why spend millions of dollars trying to reverse it?
These changes will not happen in our lifetimes but we are the ones who decide how much time they have in the future.

Why do we have to pave the way for a future that is uncertain? We don't know whats going to happen; to the Earth or to us as a race. We'll probably be long gone before the effects of our industry kick in. We are contributing very little to global warming compared to how much we are willing to change it. Is it worth it? How long will it take for just our share of greenhouse gasses to make a difference?
[quote]The big issue is that they are melting at a faster rate than before.[quote]
The earliest information we have about the ice age goes only 740 thousand years ago (EPICA ice core sample size). We don't know how fast the ice caps were melting before then; or even if there were ice caps at all.
Vostok Ice Core was drilled in 1996. I know that a lot has happened in the last decade, but it from the graph, it seems like the last century hasn't had THAT much of an impact.
11 posts

EDIT: Bad coding on my part. This is what it should be:

The big issue is that they are melting at a faster rate than before.

The earliest information we have about the ice age goes only 740 thousand years ago (EPICA ice core sample size). We don't know how fast the ice caps were melting before then; or even if there were ice caps at all.
Vostok Ice Core was drilled in 1996. I know that a lot has happened in the last decade, but it from the graph, it seems like the last century hasn't had THAT much of an impact.
6,823 posts

I know that a lot has happened in the last decade, but it from the graph, it seems like the last century hasn't had THAT much of an impact.

Because the most recent levels of CO2 are not properly recorded on there. That graph is off. The current levels of CO2 are approximately 380ppm now. That line should go near (if not past) the very top of the graph. It's cut off... you can't really argue with a graph that does not even properly represent current levels. Check it out:
380 ppm!!!
1,166 posts

Wow but i do agree the next Ice Age will counteract it.

325 posts

If the next ice age is likely to occur in 10,000 years, and we're going to make the Earth uninhabitable for ourselves in the next 1,000 given current trends, how do you propose then that we survive without changing those trends?

2,202 posts

Wow but i do agree the next Ice Age will counteract it.

Oh good....when is that now?

Yeah, I don't think we should depend on anything we don't know when will come, or are certain it will even happen. Same goes for Global Warming making the Earth uninhabitable.

380 ppm!!!


My whole take on Global Warming is that we are helping it, not causing it, are making it go faster, and have the power to slow it down, but not prevent it.
However too many people are in denial that Global Warming is happening. Or never even heard of such a thing.
6,823 posts

we are helping it, not causing it, are making it go faster, and have the power to slow it down, but not prevent it.

Well, it all depends on us as to how high levels go. This graph shows what would happen if we stop CO2 emissions (lowest line), and where we would be at if we continue 'business as usual' (top line).
5,043 posts

I have never heard so many people say "The ice age will counter global warming" as I am reading here. I am going to be honest, that is one of the most... how to say this nicely... unthoughtful things I have ever heard in my life.

Don't you know that the problem is not the world getting warmer or colder, it is how fast the world heats up or cools down. You must realise that it takes time for all creatures to adapt. Ok fine, some people beleive "oh well, they can't tough it out so they deserve what they get" but you fail to realise that we as humans depend on the plants and animals that are dieing out.

Global Warming will not be countered by an ice age. That is just pure ignorance and stupid shit you will read in those entertainment magazines (I am purely disgusted at how some magazines actually make up lies to counter global warming and mislead readers for profit).

704 posts

it is so hot is not cool!

39 posts

this is all rediculous! global warming doesn't even exist! it's just a natural weather pattern. did you know that the same scientist that are preaching global warming now are the same scientists that 30 years ago were saying that we need to put black ashes and tar on the polar ice caps to melt them because the earth was too cold?

39 posts

and other scientists have found evidence that co2 emissions were higher in the stone age than they are now. i guess that must have been from fred flinstone and barney rubble. WE DO NOT HAVE ANY CONTROL ON THE CLIMATE!

803 posts


We can't control climate but we do affect it. Our emissions are contributing to global warming and not many people even care. I have said this before and I will say it again. The major changes will not happen in your lifetime. They will happen in the future. However, we are the people who have to slow this down to give them more time. Most of the "green" items actually save you money so I really don't see why you wouldn't want to buy them.

I'd like to know where you are getting your information about those scientists.
423 posts

It's funny that the things that can help save the environment: walking, recycling, etc. have ways of also saving you money and other benefits too, like walking saves you money and gets you in shape, but it takes more effort and if there is one thing that is a truth about Americans it's that we are lazy people for the most part so we don't do it.

It frustrates me. Whenever I can (unless the weather is horrible or I'm running late) I ride my bike to work or to stores or wherever I'm heading. It saves me money, helps me keep trim, and helps cut back on my carbon footprint. The only negative is that I have to plan my days out in advance (which isn't that bad) and that it takes a little bit more time than driving.

713 posts

O.K., haha you guys are probably glad I found this post! (sarcasm) I am a HUGE environment freak! I am a go-green go-getter!
Global warming is real people. As real as you are. And even if you think that it isnt gonna kill you because you will be gone by then (which might not happen) thats no way to think! Just because it wont kill YOU doesn't mean you dont need to worry. Our earth, our very own "home sweet home," is becoming destroyed because of pollution and much more! If global warming hasn't killed us by the time you are gone, dont you want the earth to be clean for the next generations? I mean, don't you care about your (maybe,) future children, grandchildren, great grandchildren... and on and on. Dont you want them to have a happy life like you did on the CLEAN earth, their actual home? Nothing is going to work if we let the earth get polluted like it is! And what about the animals? God gave them life just like he did too us, and they are important too! Who cares if they aren't advanced, or smart, or human?!? They matter just as much as we do, because they have life too! And the earth is their home too, and it is not their fault for the problems on it. Are we going to let the animals take the blame for the mess we caused? NO! We are going to do something! The earth is their home, so they wanna help too, and they want it to be clean, so we should too!
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