ForumsWEPRGlobal Warming

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94 posts

i dont beleive in global warming because i think that it is so gradual that by the time it is dangerous the next ice age will counter act it

Does any one else have any views or opinions about that?

  • 933 Replies
349 posts

NASA came out with some new info proving that global warming dosen't exsist, you should read it on fox It was also a theory that came out to put the government in control of what car you drive, and what electronic devices you use on a daily basis.

8,257 posts

Dude, seriously? Fox News? Global warming is becoming clearer and clearer, but if you really want to prove it wrong, please give us some links.

3,371 posts

Fox actually gives out a lot of wrong facts. Bill maher made fun of them one night about it.

5,129 posts

evrything nasa says can be found on their site. gl finding it bravehawk204

1,714 posts
1,714 posts

Somehow my post ended up on page 91, so I'll post it again over here where its relevant.

evrything nasa says can be found on their site. gl finding it bravehawk204

Looking at their site seems like it wouldn't be a good idea for anyone who thinks global warming isn't happening.
879 posts

NASA came out with some new info proving that global warming dosen't exsist, you should read it on fox It was also a theory that came out to put the government in control of what car you drive, and what electronic devices you use on a daily basis.

Good joke, dude. Maybe you should get another source than Fox news to inform you. Oh, and please share your link...
879 posts

Greatest hoax in the history of the world...[quote]

What? Global warming? I guess scientist fake the data that show that the earth is warming... It's a huuuuuuuuge conspiracy, probably led by the Freemasons or the Illuminati...

787 posts

All we can do is think it's a conspiracy when the only source of information about global warming is from government programs. You can never tell these days. Still, it's good to be worried, and also think for yourself at the same time.

5,552 posts

All we can do is think it's a conspiracy when the only source of information about global warming is from government programs. You can never tell these days. Still, it's good to be worried, and also think for yourself at the same time.


The only source isn't the government, anyone with access to records and who has a thermometer can see that the average temperature has risen in the past 200 years.
539 posts

Fair enough, you can plot temperature rises over a 200 year period, but considering the earth has been in existence for some 4 and a half million years, couldn't it be defined as arrogant to now claim as a species that we understand how it works after monitoring it for what, 150 to 250 years?

The scientific community has a vested interest in interpreting the data it collects as some huge building problem simply because it secures their funding for more study. I don't know whether they are interpreting the data correctly, whether there is a direct correlation between solar flares and the temperature variation of the earth or for that matter whether the CO2 theory is correct, but the political answer in my country has been to increase taxes. That's about their solution to this so-called problem. Take more money.

Meanwhile environmental issues such as coastal erosion are ignored and receive no funding, causes houses to drop off the edges of cliffs... but that doesn't seem to matter to politicians.

Is it not a possibility that if the globe is warming that it is an entirely natural event that we as a species can do nothing to halt or alter? And if that is the case, wouldn't it be more prudent to put time and energy into resource management to enable nations to at the very least enjoy the time we have left on earth, or figure out coping mechanisms for the end game?

Just my thoughts on the matter.

5,129 posts

The only source isn't the government, anyone with access to records and who has a thermometer can see that the average temperature has risen in the past 200 years.

what you see happen in these 200 years. is actualy that when humans started to industrialise since the late 1800's. that the speed of global warming has quintupled.(5 times)

wich is proof that global warming is not caused by humans. but it is because of humans that it becomes a problem.
so to solve this problem and lower the speed of global warming we have to come up whit cleaner energy sources for us all.
539 posts

A reasonable argument if you ignore the fact that the industrial age started in the 18th century... ie the 1700s, which means the industrial age existed over 300 years ago.

You also have to accept the argument that CO2 is the primary and sole cause of global warming.

I still maintain that not enough is known about the earth's temperature variations throughout its history to categorically state that this event hasn't happened before. For instance, the United Kingdom was once connected to mainland Europe by a landmass which flooded over a 2 to 300 year period, thousands of years before the industrial age was even a twinkle in the eye of the world.

5,129 posts

A reasonable argument if you ignore the fact that the industrial age started in the 18th century... ie the 1700s, which means the industrial age existed over 300 years ago.

befor the late 1800's all the industrialization was done whit steam power and and electric power (battery's)
wich both are not harmfull for nature.

the United Kingdom was once connected to mainland Europe by a landmass which flooded over a 2 to 300 year period, thousands of years before the industrial age was even a twinkle in the eye of the world.

how you know it was caused in a 2/300 year period?
what is the evidence for this? back then no1 was keeping track of the temp. or anything realy.
i think this can be caused by a massive volcano or meteor.
maybe it was caused in a 2/3000(0) year period.

anyway what we see from the last 200 year is that natural global worming is estimated about 2 degree per 500 year. and now it's 2 degree per 100 year. (and the speed is still fastly rising.)
539 posts

The CO2 theory is based on the burning of fossil fuels. What do you think was used to produce electricity and particularly steam-power? If these activities were not harmful to nature then, why would they be now?

The flooding of the North Sea area? Evidence? Archaeology mainly, and it wasn't caused by volcanos or meteors. Here's a link to a brief explanation -

What industrial activity took place in 10,000 BC that caused the global temperatures to rise so quickly? Although the BBC link documents the rise to happen over 4000 years, other studies believe it happened much more quickly and the majority of the flooding happened in just 2 or 3 centuries.

Who is to say what natural global warming really is? Do we have access to complete history of the natural cycle? Nope. We don't even have accurate data for the last 10,000 years, let alone the last 4 and a half billion. It is the arrogance of modern science that leads to conclusions based on limited data.

There is no definitive proof either way unfortunately and all anyone has, governments and the scientific community, are theories... or in simpler terms, guessing at what might or could happen depending on how we interact with the earth. If the original premise of the CO2 theory is flawed for instance, that would mean everything else that is based on that theory is nonsense.

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