ForumsArt, Music, and WritingReaching Out and Touching No One

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Gantic has a thread and will weave a cloth. This is a thread brought to you by Gantic & Co. Bringin' change to a constantly changin' world.

The title of the thread will become apparent later, but to start off:

Three Cowboys

Just to make things clear, there were never three cowboys. Just two. One of them's got the solar-powered laptop, the other's got the rubber ducky, but they're both mavericks, all three of them. It was my idea to throw in the third cowboy, but he's as real as any of the others. The solar-powered laptop and the rubber ducky were my idea, too. So were the two cowboys. To make things clear: There were no cowboys.
In the vast emptiness of the Moobes, a black craft shaped like a horse, christened the Star Straddler, cruised to what was only a small but sparkly blue-and-green marble. The captain had his boots up on the dash as his craft crawled along the moobe that would bring him to the planet that the Moogle Navigator had found. As the craft touched down on the surface, only one thought was on the captain's mind: "The Space Cowboy has landed. In Armor Games."

  • 156 Replies
1,463 posts

This is gonna be greatness...


11,891 posts

So I haven't written anything here in a while since I had projects to finish and then I felt that my game comments were being neglected, plus I was working on this picture:

That's skyglow in the picture, not a sunset.

11,891 posts

What's he gonna do, whip out the Improbability Drive? :O

That smells too much like a deus ex machina.

Three Cowboys

There was nothing for the Space Cowboy and the gander to do but wait around for the ship to refuel. Then the Space Cowboy realized something. How did the gander get here? That questions was never answered. And furthermore what happened to the goose? She just disappeared. In fact, where did teh Bullman go? He was there just a minute ago. And why was his ship not refueled already?
"So, you never told me from--"
"Hey, I got some w3 anchors if we're going to sit around all day waiting for your horse to refuel," the gander said. "The least we could do is avoid all the awkward conversations that just fill the silence."
"What the heck is a w3 anchor?" the Space Cowboy asked.
The gander snatched the Universal Region Locator from the Space Cowboy and attached an anchor to it. He tossed the new hyperlink to the Space Cowboy and took one more contemptuous look over the ship that seemed to take forever to refuel, and the remarked:
"Hey that looks kind of like St--"
But the hyperlink was activated before he could finish and the pair found themselves on the other side of Armor Games.
10,816 posts

--rop? :P

You better not poke that hyperlink in places it shouldn't be going!

11,891 posts

--rop? :P

No one can know for sure. He never finished his sentence. It could be --allion Man for all I know.

Another part just to add to the ludicrous.

The Stranger

He closed his laptop. It was too much to take in. Much too much. It was like an episode of the Twilight Zone. How--? Where--? What--? Why? Why? Did he materialize out of nothingness with all his memorizes out of nothingness in this sad state out of nothingness in the middle of nothingness in something that was much bigger than he was, much more than he could imagine, much less impossible? He remembered, or did he actually remember?, something he read on a blog, something called a Boltzmann brain.
At that moment, two figures emerged out of nowhere. One was tall with brimmed hat and the other short with a cap with a flat top. Their figures were sharp and well-defined in the light from the full moon behind them. Was this... Armor Games?
10,816 posts

Stallion Man is also good!

Boltzmann brain


And speculative cosmology completes the evil triad of the philosophical dilettante!
1,463 posts



This is getting stranger and stranger...

11,891 posts

Shall I go forward with black holes and multiple dimensions? Or recurrence in dreamstate? It's truly evil if you happen to believe Carl Sagan on the Drake equation.

This is getting stranger and stranger...

11,891 posts

Three Cowboys

It was dark but a full moon lit the surrounding area and it was grass as far as the eyes could see, and that wasn't very far. There was a purple glow on the horizon. The Space Cowboy hadn't a clue how he got here or how to get back. The gander was still with him though, mumbling and trailing off, finishing the sentence he started, but he didn't hear what he said. He looked around again and there wasn't much out here, except for a giant rock and someone sleeping against it.
"How are we supposed to get back?" he asked the gander.
The gander raised his wings in disbelief. "With the alt modifier, duh! Hold that down and hit left. Or just backspace."
"Next to the spacebar?"
"The closest space bar is 30 Mbits away."
"On your keyboard."
"That's back in my ship."
"You're hopeless. I'm logging out."
The gander stopped moving. The Space Cowboy waited for five minutes until the gander disappeared. He was left alone, except for whoever was sleeping against that rock, in a strange part of what was possibly Armor Games.

10,816 posts

So did he log out, or did he ping timeout?

This would be a great time to insert The Internet Is For Porn song, but I get the feeling this literature is too high-brow for that kind of lulz.

Also I'm not familiar with Carl Sagan's take on the Drake Equation.

1,463 posts

That was yes, a Pun.

Also, this story is very its own little challenged way.

I am really enjoying this.

Coolness...ness.... and yeah and stuff.

11,891 posts

I was going by the "active in the last 5 minutes" thing at the bottom of the forums.

And wouldn't inserting the song be against the rules?
Plus, my sense of humor is severly limited to puns, which is incidentally somewhat highbrow or just really, really, really lame.

There are a great possibility of intelligent life that can be detected by their communications (radio waves and the like) in the galaxy but not so many at any given time since they are very likely to wipe themselves out (by nukes). Of course, there might be a pinch of anti-nuclear proliferation in there.

Then there's the Fermi paradox. Throw that in with the Boltzmann brain, other universes in black holes, etc. and you get a massive headache. Unless it's all hogwash. Then it doesn't really matter.

That was yes, a Pun.

Puns are the highest form of humor!

Next entry in a couple days maybe. A bit busier around finals.
10,816 posts

What subjects?

It's fun to think about cosmology except for when it's going to be applied to something other than speculation...I have yet to discover how it's applicable in a real sense. I think I figured this when somebody was harping on at me about the most likely of extremely unlikely scenarios and all I'm thinking is "we're here, how is what you're saying different from arguments supporting hard Creationism?"

Puns are the highest form of humor!

No, irony!
11,891 posts

Both materials. Surprisingly, I don't actually have finals for my other classes.

Speculation is how writers and artist (and physicists and science popularizers) get paid. Scientists and engineers get paid to do the applied science.

No, irony!

I can't say that I've ever appreciated irony to it's fullest, not even the morbid kind.
11,891 posts

Three Cowboys

"How's it feel to be tricked by a troll?" someone said.
The Space Cowboy looked around the moorland in the moonlight before settling his eyes on the only person he could see. The man had his back against the rock and a black hat covered much of his face. Perhaps he wasn't asleep.
"Who said that?" he asked.
The same person responded, "There's only one person out here on this moonlit night. Welcome to the Moops."
"The Moops? Who the heck are you?"
The man stood, leaving his laptop where he sat, and kept his hat over his face. He was virtually invisible to the Space Cowboy, except for his vest. The man walked up to the Space Cowboy and introduced himself.
"My... father always called me the Stranger."
The Space Cowboy resisted the urge to say the word spaghetti and asked, "You don't have a horse do you?"
"No," the Stranger replied. "You'll have to walk if you ever want to get back to Armor Game City."
"How did you--"
"Lucky guess."
The Space Cowboy looked around the moorland again, looking every now and then at the skyglow in the distance. There was nothing out here, nothing that he could see, even under the bright full moon. There was only him, the Stranger, and the rock.
"There's nothing out here for megabytes," the Stranger said. "It's a little empty around this part of Armor Games."

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