Well after receiving a digital camera for my birthday, I have discovered the wonderful world of digital imagery...well...basically 400 photos a day...lol...(that was only on one day...)
So that brings me to the point of this Topic...basically, here is a place where you can share photos you have taken.
The only real rules are:
- Use constructive criticism only. - Only add scaled down pictures...nothing that will be cut off...so either scale them on Photobucket or somewhere else. - Add a link to a full size image for everyones viewing pleasure... - You have to have taken the picture...copyright still exists. - If you want to use the picture, then please contact the owner / photographer first.
I think that's all. Also, if there is enough interest then a photography competition may result...
So, without any further ado, I give you the first picture of the gallery...
My Cat Jaq
I took this photo when he was sitting on top of a water tank in our back yard. Yes, he is shaved and yes, he does have fat rolls...
So...Lets see what you've got...I wonder how long it will be till my amateur photography skills will be terribly crushed by someone with excellent skills...and a SLR camera!
Honestly, this thread has got to stay afloat. This will probably be the last time I revive this. Then, I'm done. SO START COMMENTING PEOPLE.I DON'T WANT TOBE THAT ANNOYING GUY WHO KEEPS DOUWBLE- TRIPLE- QUADRUPLE POSTING.