A traditional, house-hold favorite of my clan's forum games, the up, side, down, game. Here are the rules:
Rule #1:
^ = Answering someone's question
< = What you are currently doing now, or what you have done recently
V = Your very own question that the user below you will answer
Rule #2: Do NOT post "also" questions! This means that: e.g. You are drinking a glass of tea, so you would ask the question, "also drinking tea?" This is a giant no-no among my people. Be creative!
Rule #3: This is not a truth-or-dare game! Do not post questions that will make the user uncomfortable, such as sexual questions, or those that the below user deems inappropriate. So don't ask these questions please.
Rule #4: Of course, do not flame, spam, or abuse. Typical rule in every thread.
Since I'm the starter, I cannot ask a question, so...
<: Posting this thread
V: Are you going to watch the new movie Twilight at 12:00 AM, or when the crowd is smaller?
^ Rubber skin. < You don't get any AP for posting in the Newcomers' Forum or in the Forum Games section. You have to post somewhere else. V Favorite section in the forums?
^ I love bananas. They're great! < Showing that this arrow: < means it's what I'm doing. > This arrow, ITheNormalPerson, means I'm talking to you: > V Favorite section in the forums?
^ You killed some one! ITNP How could you!? Okay... okay this is still under control... There is a pile of hay I know nearby we can hide the body inside of... Don't worry... God I never thought I'd get in a murder story since killing all those cops... < Watching the lord of the rings trilogy for the 1000th time on netflix and making short stops for foruming V favorite Lord of the Rings character?
^ YOU SHALL NOT PASS! If you've watched Lord of the Rings then you should know who made that famous. < Is wondering why he stayed up all night. V What's the longest that you've gone without sleep?
^^ a lot, making a very complex equation I determined he could chuck a lot of wood ^ Cassowary < coming up with ideas for "hilosoraptor" V favorite internet meme?
^ Haven't really watched anime. Though I do like manga. < Attempting to do homework. > Why? What's my least favorite band? V Philosoraptor? That's cool! Do you think it's cool?