ForumsArt, Music, and WritingStory... I waz bored... (necro)

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625 posts

*David Attenbrough*
Our story starts with a boy aged at 17, locked in a weapons shed while a nuclear holocost is happening... -As you can see, these two monkeys are mat- (On the script sir)... What? Oh rite... During this holocost, a new type of monster has dawned... Its called... A COMBIE!!! (Sir... Typo) Oh what? oh ZOMBIE!!!... Now this kid has a special power... He cannot feel fear or pain... He can't become a zombie either... So as thi - Cuts off the boring script-
*[/David Attenbrough]*


Jason was holed up... He could hear screams and yells coming from every possible direction possible... The yells turned into moans as he armed himself with a p90 with practically impossible ammo, and took up a fire axe. The door bulged in.. Then explode under the pressure of 8 lumbering zombies. "How stupid..." Jason thought as he hacked off one head, and another 2 in quick succession... He pulled out a shotty and blasted another 3 into the wall. Of the last two, they were stumbling towards Jason when the one on the right stepped on the left's foot making it trip. Jason shot it in the head as the other one tripped over a pipe on the floor. The zombie brawling to get up had its head crushed by jasons boot.

~New concept idea in Zombie Slaying... =F

  • 69 Replies
6,921 posts

A little funny, cool and well made. I will be waiting for more! :3

625 posts

Chap 2 - Z for Zega (Whole AG Community bout 2 come into play ^^)

Jason ran outside... heard gunfire from a westerdleftish direction. He ran that way, hacking apart 2 zombies on the left and 5 on the right. As he ran towards the muzzleflash, he saw a giant tank, rolling towards him... It stopped for a moment, then a person no younger than 13 popped out... He gestured for Jason to get inside, as 4 turrets on the Northern, Southern, Western, Eastern part of the tank rang through the air. A zombie walked towards the tank. "Bloody beasts" Jason said as the Gun tore the zombie in half, ripping it to shreds. Jason climbed in, hoping for more survivors inside. Suprised he saw just a giant computer named S(Super)T(Tedious)R(Rapid)O(Overwhelming)P(Person)... Otherwise it was called AI. The kid tapped Jason on the shoulder. "Hey, like it?" He enquired. "Yea... But, what is it?" Jason Replied. "My automated tank, run by my greatest AI built... Strop. Im zega by the way.". "Yea... Im jason"...

OMG SO EPIC (Lets turn this into a sport!!) *Hint hint next chapter name?*

6,921 posts

Haha! I like it again. =) Better than Chapter 2. S(Super)T(Tedious)R(Rapid)O(Overwhelming)P(Person)!!! LOL

704 posts

what! are you completing the alphabet! THAT WAS AWESOME!!! LoL

625 posts

I like it again

No wonder
Z for Zega


Chapter 3 - The sport of kings.. or just humans.
Day 2 - Morning

Jason woke, clutching the pistol he had been sleeping with. He had a dream, a relatively great one, about the zombies. They were stupider then normal, crawling as if they had forgot how to walk. Jason had basically massacred the whole town. There were bodies of them everywhere. Some still trying to get up. Jason had grabbed them by the throat, immobilizing them from biting him. He grabbed the shotgun he had slung over his back, put the muzzle in its mouth. And shot...
"Dude man... Howzit?" Zega asked...
"I'm fine" Jason looked around..
"So... how is Strop run?"
"Using an endless supply of superheated energy.."
"What do you superheat?"
"Zombie... =]"
"Strop doesn't roll around for nothing... It picks up the leftovers of Zombies or dead humans"
"Sounds... nice"
"Yeah... So killing the zombies helps us in a way"
*ssssss* Jason looked around. The sound was comeing from the rear end of the tank, around the western cabin. He popped his head in a robot arm, spraypainting a pistol.
"Yea, strop does that for me... Its like tagging my own personal gun"
"Can i try with my p90?"
Jason fit the p90 under the arm and Strop got to work. It painted his p90 matte black, except for a streak of gold running from the muzzle all the way back in a lightning bolt. It looked awesome.
Jason looked around, and went to pop his head out of the manhole. All the Zombies were out of sight.
"Where are they?"
"Zombies are scared of one thing"
"Daylight... They hide in houses, dark corners.. Anything, immobilized untill the sun goes down.."
"Wrong... they are scared of two things... Daylight.. And Me"
Day 2 - Lunch
"Allright, lets get rolling" Zega said...
Strop hummed up and the tank lumbered forwards.
"Mode Set - Harvest" Zega said as a metallic arm was raised from the front of the tank.
Jason was tapped on the shoulder and Zega handed him a RPG
"Feel free to blast some houses. Name your target and Strop will do a thermal analysis for survivors." No survivors... Fry those creatures... The sunlight burns straight through them..."
Jason popped his head through the manhole and propped the RPG on his shoulder.
"63 Stubbs terrace"
Jason aimed at the front door and fired. The giant bullet ripped through the door and exploded. The whole bottom of the house shockwaved, then collapsed to a pile of rubble. The second floor fell down and a pile of zombies were exposed to the sunlight. For once, Jason heard a zombie screech. The zombie glowed yellow, then disintegrated.

Next chapter

Chapter 4 - Z & C, The Master Artists
6,921 posts

Wow, this is good. And I will be waiting for any other guys to come in the story!

625 posts

Chapter 4 - Z & Q, The Master Artists...
Day 2 - Lunch - 2pm

"7 Watkin Road"
"Negative, we have two non-zombie life sources in there, female and male"
"Stop" Zega commanded as Strop pulled to a halt, and accessed all main guns on perimeter of tank.
"We saving them?"
"Need as many survivors as we can get"
"Tanks gettin crowded"
"We'll make a base"
Jason walked up to the door armed with his flash p90 and kickass spaz. Zega followed closely with a M4A1 Grenade Launcher.
Zombie Count 13/13
"Break in 5"
Jason kicked the door in as and took the stairs on the left. Zega cleared out the rooms to the right. A zombie came rumbling down the stairs as Jason shot a single bullet into its kneecap. It buckled and tripped, falling face first into a ridge of a step breaking its nose in the process. It looked up just as Jason kicked it in the face with a spiked boot, splattering its face.
Zombie Count 12/13
"Aw, **** now i need that cleaned..."
Zega stormed the kitchen, grenaded a Zombie in the face, and shot one straight through the neck and roundhousing another one straight through the window making sunlight create a barrier between him and another 3 Zombies.
"Yeah!... Thats how we do it ^^"
Zombie Count 9/13
Jason ran up the steps, pulled out his spaz and shot 2 zombies in the doorway, piercing the eyes of one, and the neck of the other. He walked through the doorway as the Zombie grabbed him on the leg. Jason took his foot and smashed it straight into its mouth.
"**** you... You messed up my boot!"
Zombie Count 7/13
Zega sat down, trying to process how to torture the zombies. This was his liable opinion. He grenaded the wall, making the zombies stumble straight into suns rays, frying them to ashes. He then turned around, and sprinted up the stairs to join Jason fighting 4 zombies.
Zombie Count 4/13
"Lets spice this up. Strop, cannon these things"
The 1st zombie stumbled towards Jason just its head exploded, splattering blood everywhere.
"Oh Rite"
The 2nd zombie had 2 bullets go straight through its head... More blood.
The 3rd zombie had sense to run, unfortunately meeting the taste of cold steel boot.
Zombie Count 0/13 - Zombie Count Disable
Jason opened the door to the last room, seeing two survivors just sitting there on a table, drawing figures.
"Hey look, more survivors" Jason exclaimed.
"Thank god, we wouldnt have held out..." The female said
"The names Zophia by the way"
"Yeah, im Cenere"
Jason darted his head to the other male.
"You know how to handle a gun?"
"Yea sure"
Jason tossed him his spaz as they made their way out of the front door.
"Blow it up Strop"
Strop had shot two explosive charges into the house and once the party of 4 were inside the tank, he disengaged defence mode and blew the charges. The house exploded into wood as they rolled along...
"Strop, one shoe shine over here please"
"Roger... Dang, ripped my cloth"

Chapter 5 - E.lectronically S.upercharged U.tilized N.anotech A.utomated Base (Esuna Base - More Zega AI)

6,921 posts

Wow! Esuna, I hope you will make your new Chapter very soon, I am a big fan of you!~

689 posts

Wow this is great so far, really funny and violent!
Could I please have a cameo? ^^
Im in your RPG! Please!!

6,921 posts

Man Esuna, are you even making more of these? I hope so!

625 posts

Chapter 5 - Esuna Base
Day 2 - 4pm
Jason was a dark figure trudging through the corpses of the many dead. He had survived a nuclear holocost that had made the most of the worlds citizens zombies - the living dead. Jason was one of the survivors. He turned his head to the left.
He was facing a shopping centre. Jason had been sent due to his great power and speed. He was to eliminate all zombies in the supermarket and gather as much food as he could.
"Time to fly..."
Zombie Count Initialized
30/30 Zombies Remaining
Jason set a charge on the door, ran a few steps back and drew his katana (The only weapon he had brought with him). He blew the charge and two zombies were blown to pieces, splattering all behind them with a spray of hot blood. He charged in and swung his sword, decapitating three zombies and catching one in the ear. He kicked the zombie and its head was pushed further onto the katana. He kicked again until his sword was full through and on top of the katana, the top half of its head was balancing. He flipped the katana and the head slid off.
24/30 Zombies Remaining
Jason took a step forward as six zombies were walking towards him. Four to his front, 2 at his side. The two at his side were closest to him, so he went for them first. He jabbed the one on the left in the eye and brought his katana up. The zombie crumpled to the ground as Jason brought the katana down slicing the other one in half vertically. He swung around as a zombie grabbed onto his arm. He twisted out and stuck his sword through its gut, piercing another two behind it. He twisted his arm and lifted going all the way to the heart. He then drew the katana out and plunged it through its eye. All three of the screeched and collapsed, leaving Jason with one zombie left. The zombie had stayed behind, showing that it could have a mind of its own to think.
"You hesitate.. You die"
He lunged forward and sliced off its legs. As the zombie went down he cut off its head.
18/30 Zombies Left
Jason proceeded with clearing out the isles, taking out another 14 zombies. When finally done Jason thought.
4/30 Zombies Left
"Where are the others?"
There was a moaning from the manager room.
He kicked down the door and decapitated two zombies. Leaving the other two at the back of the room. He sheathed his katana and smashed the glass of the emergency box containing the fire axe.
"Time to die"
He ran forward, screaming as he swung the axe, It got stuck halfway through the zombies head and it fell backwards. It was dead anyway. The last had hesitated too.
"Wrong move"
He took his katana and kicked it to the ground. He pinned it down before looking it in the eye.
"If you have a mind to stop.. Tell me this... When i kill you, will you go to the afterlife? Or is this it for you?"
The zombie roared and Jason cut its head off.
0/30 Zombies Left
Zombie Count Dismissed

Day 2 - 6pm
"Damnit... Hes supposed to be here by now."
"Hey.. Dont worry, he can take care of himself."
"What now Zega?"
"I completed the base AI... Were protected for the night."
"Great... Lets just hope that Jason is still alive..."
"Has the AI got a name?"
"Yea... Its the electronically supercharged utilized nanotech automated base. Just call it Esuna for short."
"Well... lets get on to it then."
"Esuna - Command 01 - Engage Defence Mode"
Two machine guns came out of the top of wall at either side of the entrance and two turrets were brought up from the ground just in front of the scrapheap entrance.
"So lets get the party on!"

Day 2 - 7pm
Jason was charging through hordes and hordes of zombies. He let his katana hang loosely from his hand slicing any zombies that got to near to his right side. He could see the defences active 500 metres away.
"They seem to be going good..."
Zega was operating a turret from the tank, while Zophia and Cenere were sniping zombies out from on top of the walls. He ran in and placed himself beside Strop. He dropped his bag.
"No time for talk."
Jason jumped straight into the fray, beheading the zombies with his katana.
"Now we wait for day..."


Next Chapter
Chapter 6 - The SCAR

Also, if i ever get good in flash and get better at drawing. I am definently going to create the shopping centre scene.

Anyway... Peace out.

2,202 posts

Wowz, this is probably the best zombie story evah. Love the incorporation of Armourgamers, although I don't quite get what S.T.R.O.P. means, is gibberish to me but ah well. Jason's pretty cool too, I don't know what he reminds me of, just one of those bad-eh, a word meaning a little bit more than hardcore, zombie-killers that you rarely get to see ^~^

625 posts

thanks, also strop and esuna are just random words i string together. They dont really make much sense, they are there just to get the first letters to make the names.

4,825 posts

Wow! This is an amazing story! Best story i have come to seen in my whole entire life good job Esuna! You are a really good story teller

P.S:And i don't tell that to anyone

625 posts

Im told im quite a crappy story teller xD
Thanks for the compliment, really nice ^^

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