ForumsGame WalkthroughsGUIDE: Psychological

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22 posts

This guide is intended to assist in making character development decisions. This is my opinion, and I don't claim that this is the only viable build. However, I do claim that this build is extremely effective and can easily defeat every enemy in the game.

Before I begin reviewing skills individually, a statement of design philosophy and some perspective.

My goal is to beat the game efficiently. This build is designed to win fights quickly and easily, not to do so with any particular style in mind. The things I value are power and consistency. Power means big numbers. Consistency means there's nothing your enemy can do to prevent you from using your strategy.

With that in mind, I will make the case that the Electric path is by far the best approach to building this character. Specifically that Shock Therapy is the best attack available to this character.

Finally, keep in mind the role of your team-mates. Roald is useless and the best job he can do is distract the enemy. Sometimes he grows a brain and uses a well timed stun or silence, and these are wonderful abilities if only he would use them at the right time more reliably. His damage will never be better than mediocre. Veradux on the other hand is a key player. His healing is the main thing that keeps you alive and you should keep him on defensive or phalanx stance at all times and work primarily on boosting his healing powers (it seems to scale primarily with Strength).

Here is the detailed review of each skill:

Starting Skills

Dark Infusion - This is extremely bad. You may need to use it at the beginning of the came to regen some focus (before you have access to Electric Storm). The damage is totally mediocre and having to deal with giving your enemy free focus is annoying. Using it on yourself is unacceptable except when you have no choice.

Corruption - this actually does very good damage during the early game, before you've developed a better attack. Its not unreasonable to set it up with a Dark Echoes or something. It does however, eat up Focus very quickly and should be dropped when better alternatives are available.

Dark Echoes - This is a reasonable attack but its damage never gets to be particularly good. The best thing about it is the low focus cost and the low cooldown, its a good set-up for stronger Shadow damage abilities. Ultimately you'll stop using this at some point in zone 2 when you switch to full electric and no longer use Shadow attacks.

Placebo - useless. low damage, weak debuff, nothing to see here.

Nerve Shock - same as Placebo. skip it.

Terrify - the damage is mediocre but the heal-over-time is moderately useful. However...Veradux is your healer, you shouldn't need any other healing if you're doing it right.

Free Will - One of the best abilities for the class. Recommend maxing this one. The dispelling abilities are critically useful and the damage shield will bail you out on a regular basis since sometimes Veradux falls a little bit behind. The heal-over-time is just bonus, it isn't the real reason you use this ability but its still nice.

Traumatize- Another extremely good ability and a low point commitment to max it as well, so its quite good. This is good for stalling for time to put hard hitting enemies out of the fight while Veradux catches up on healing. This is also very useful for managing cooldowns and ability durations. For example, you can stun enemies with short duration buffs on them so they miss their window of opportunity. The focus drain component is just gravy, though it is critically useful in the Baron fight.

Destruction - this can only be used on allies, not yourself. neither of your allies has good damage, not even Roald wearing full Strength gear. you're the damage dealer of the party. skip this one.

Betrayal - pure garbage. This only works when its set up ahead of time with Retrograde. If something goes wrong you either wasted two turns or perhaps you even just nailed one of your allies for a large amount. Way too tricky. Way too inconsistent. Leave it alone.

Retrograde - also garbage. way too inconsistent. yes i know this has funny combos with Nightmare and Betrayal and whatever else you can think of. Thats all tricky non-sense and you don't need to waste your time doing that. at 2 points you can also use this on enemies. there are no fights in the game that require you to do so though so you can safely ignore that tactic.

Confinement - this is actually quite useful against enemies that heal alot. can view healing prevented as some form of damage dealt, in the end they're totally equivalent. if you can use the skill points (and slots on your ability wheel) to do more damage than the equivalent healing prevented than you should. i was always able to find a more effective damage increase compared to the healing decrease. damage increase is also generically useful against all enemies, even one that don't heal.

Shock Therapy - This is the best attack the class has. Max this, put 3 copies of it on your ability wheel, zap the crap out of every enemy you see. the 330% instinct co-efficient is superb, basically unmatched. the fact that this is ALSO a buff dispelling ability makes this unparalleled in its level of utility. Simply the best thing going and the focal point of this build.

Salvation - this is an extremely worthwhile buff. once you max this, you should find that Veradux no longer has any problems keeping pace with incoming damage. It also keeps him alive longer and boosts his focus regen. Really you couldn't ask for anything better. This is mandatory and the reason why you can trust Veradux to do all of your healing.

Insecurity - this would be an important skill if we were attempting to use Shadow damage. We're not though, so you can ignore it completely.

Overdrive - this is broken and bugged and totally malfunctioning. don't waste your time. even if it worked as advertise, you simply don't need to accept a life-loss penalty to get good damage. this is never a good trade-off. the risk/reward calculus fails on this one.

High Voltage - less damage than Shock Therapy without the dispel, and in fact it buffs your enemy. Super Awful. 1 point for pre-requisite advancement but never use this.

Tenacity - its very powerful but its usefulness is totally related to whether or not you're actually dying. You can use this as a place to dump extra skill points but if you're doing things correctly you'll kill so fast that the extra survivability of this ability isn't especially important. I usually just put 1 point in here.

Epiphany - this is an actually good Shadow damage ability but its so far down the tree and requires so many points wasted in other garbage abilities that I can't justify building around this.

Electron Charge - same as High Voltage. less damage and overall just worse than Shock Therapy. don't bother.

Electrical Storm - another core ability of this build. it does respectable damage (though noticeably less than Shock Therapy) but ITS TOTALLY FREE and it regens 40 focus. Max it, love it, lean on it, it drives the build.

Charged Blood - the damage passive that makes this build truly deadly. max it, no explanation should be necessary. this is what makes your crits gigantic.

Wraith Form - this is a very powerful ability but strictly speaking you don't need it. I use it because the Speed increase is gigantic and usually gives you 4 turns in a row of guaranteed massive crits. that kind of burst damage is devastating and most opponents can't withstand it. the focus regen from this is convenient but not that important since you've got Electrical Storm.

Nightmare - more tricky garbage. you can try to use this as a finisher or you can try to combine this with Retrograde and hit yourself with it, but in either case thats an inconsistent situation and you don't ever need this. Skip it.

Haunt - re-spec and get this 2/2 for the Baron fight. thats the only time in the whole game you need this. skip it otherwise.

Psychopath Form - this is exceptionally powerful but requires you to be invested in garbage like Betrayal, Retrograde, and Overdrive. If you could get this without having to take Garbage it would be ridiculously awesome. As is this is like the consolation prize for playing a bad build. It doesn't make up for the weakness of the rest of the Shadow Damage stuff.

Shock Coma - this is cute and mildly useful. Its versatile, as you can use it to crowd control an enemy for a long time or to recover your own stuff. have better options for both crowd control and recover so really this is second rate at either task and thus should not be used.

Ultimatum - pure trash.

Sacrifice - this is funny. sometimes you might REALLY want to just eat Roald. ultimately though you may as well keep him around to absorb hits and save yourself the wasted skill points and ability wheel slot.

Implosion - i've yet to find a situation where this would matter. waste of points/slots. another one of those tricky Shadow abilities that requires way too much set up.

So if you've stayed with me this whole time, thanks for reading. I hope you found this useful. Before I finish I'll leave you with my most typical equipment choices and ability load-outs.

Ability Wheel Load-Out
1. Shock Therapy
2. Shock Therapy
3. Shock Therapy
4. Electric Storm
5. Traumatize
6. Free Will
7. Salvation
8. Wraith Form

Equipment Choices
Primary Stats: Instinct and Lightning Piercing
Secondary Stats: Vitality and Speed
Tertiary Stats: whatever miscellaneous defense you can find

the Electric Armor set from Zone 4 (the Tunnel) is actually extremely useful. You can equip it starting at level 18 and is good enough to last through the end-game. If you're especially lucky you'll find a really good weapon with high Lightning Piercing like Poseidon's Trident (or whatever its called).

With this build its typical to crit for 3500+ with your Shock Therapy. More or less depending on buffs/debuffs and the Lightning Defense level of your opponent.

In Wraith Form you can go on Offensive kill streaks where you unload 4 attacks in a row for a total of about 14,000 damage in 4 turns (3 Shock Therapy crits, and 1 Electric Storm crit). This is enough damage to blow away any regular enemy in the game. Only bosses can survive a round of this. Bosses usually die in the 2nd round of Wraith Form though.

  • 525 Replies
1,037 posts

+1-1=0 is the definition of canceling out for me.

22 posts

no, thats just equilibrium. maybe my language wasn't good. my apologies.

if once cancelled the other they would be mutually exclusive, they could not both be present on the same entity at the same time. this isn't the case in Sonny, both effects are active and there damage and healing are combined additively.

3 posts

There is one other use of nightmare: as a skill to use corruption on. For shadow builds I think thats the main instant damage spell but it needs a shadow debuff active. For times when epiphany runs out this can be usefull (long lasting debuff which is usefull if despelled).

10 posts

I find Sacrifice extremely useful. As well as being very entertaining, your teammates sometimes survive (occasionally if they have 10k health, more often if they have 14k or so).

And when the Mayor uses Team Sacrifice, you can hit them with sacrifice 3 or 4 times.

And if you're lucky, you'll have one of the mayor's debuffs (don't know which one) that breaks sacrifice horribly!

I was regenerating 350,000 health per turn

1,037 posts

I've never needed sacrifice, I don't find it useful at all unless I'm receiving too much damage to handle...which I never have had that happen.

2 posts

Ummm, well, and what about Charged Blood?
I have enough time to lvlup 5 times to get 100% of this ability...

575 posts

i just wanna say that ightmare is note useless at all if you use shock therapy right after they only recover around 300 hp and not the rest IMO it's pretty good maxed out.

92 posts

Baron, so easy

first you have to put 2 times traumatize on your action bar
3 shock terapy 1 electric charge, free will

you just have to traumatize him and while he is stunned
you put all on phalanx mode and when baron wake up you use traumatize again and after 2 turns he will wake up but you will be prepared for his atak, then you keep traumatizing him til he has no more focus and starts killing himself

92 posts

shock therapy is a great ability! lots of damage and dispelling effects!

222 posts

What about the shadow defense-reducing moves... um, Dark Echoes and Insecurity? Don't those make Nightmare a lot stronger?

20,591 posts

Well, maybe

Insecurity (4 turn bonus) + Dark Echoes (More damage dealt and shadow defense lowered) + Nightmare (Damage but healing) + Shock Therapy (get rid of healing)

222 posts

I'm working on a build for that as we speak... Or I can respec my other Psycho... either way, I guess I'll find out later.

I don't really want to find out if it's any good on my own, though . Has anybody done that combo?

1 posts

here is my build for psy.(survive skills)

passive:charged blood (max),tenacity (max)
attack:shock therapy (max)(2/3),electrical storm (max)(2/2)
healingretrograde (1/2)(1/1)),(nightmare (max)(1/1)),free will (max)(1/3)
hit/healing:terrify (max)(1/2)
other goods:dark infusion (max)(1/1),corruption (max(1/1)

HOW TO USE? attack whit electrical storm (it give mp back)
2.use shock therapy when enemy have buffs (combat,thunder,shadow)
3.when you have low hp use retrograde+nightmare (don't let veradux heal you when you have retrograde
4.other way to heal and defend is free will
5.there is third way to heal name of that skill is terrify.

list of combat action bar skills
1. shock therapy (max)(2/3)
2. electrical storm (max)(2/2)
3.(retrograde (1/2)(1/1))or dark infusion (max)(1/1)
4.(nightmare (max)(1/1)) or corruption (max(1/1)
5. free will (max)(1/3)
6. terrify (max)(1/2)

there is my list of good skills

118 posts

What level is that build?

A level 23 build with 3 point left over

At max:
Charged blood
Shocktherapy: Equipped 3 times
Electrical storm: 1 time (don't use it that often except for long battles)
Free will: 1
Terrify: 1
Tramatize: 1
Wraith form: 1

First I use terrify to get the self healing going. Or free will on a allie that needs it. Then the other way around. (if a weaker target I don't bother.)

Then I blast 3 times with shock therapy.

I might use tramatize at first, or after this point. Depending on different things. Usually on a higher HP units that the allies aren't attacking (and set them on max aggression so they don't waste attacks on a traumatized enemy at half damage) It stuns the target leaving you under attack by less enemies.

After I have a bit less then half energy (which is a bit after I've used the three shock therapies) I might use free will again if needed, then switch to wraith mode to get all that energy back and to blast even better. With switching to wraith mode to get energy back, I almost never need to use electrical storm for energy. Just occasionally in boss battles. Electrical storm can be handy for decent damage on that small space where none of the 3 shock therapies are available. Or on those rare occassions where a enemy debuffs you so you cant use any abilities that use focus. Pysch doesn't have many of those.

If you want to play for more damage but more risk too, you might remove traumatize or terrify for nightmare. Casting nightmare then removing it with shock therapy the next turn. The enemy will still get one turn of healing from it though somtimes even 2. Shock therapy still does more damage then nightmare thanks to charged blood and a equipped posidians fury with 98 lightning penetration.(plus the 1 or 2 turns of healing subtracting from damage)

Retrograding nightmare is just a waste of space. Willpower and terrify just do better and take less space.(especially with overdrive, not that I would bother going down that path)

Oh, on hydra, the arms are weak to shadow magic but resistant to lightning. And the main head is resistant to shadow magic and somewhat weak to lightning (unless its the other way around?) So you will want dark and lightning magic as psych for the hyrda. Terrify works well for that shadow magic. You only need one, just switch between it and shock therapy since terrify has a CD of 1.

Whether to go for just instinct, or some speed too (and how much) I'm not sure. The speed does help the lightning penetration I suppose/I hear, and wraith mode quadruples your speed. Which makes every point count alot more then. But then wraith mode doesn't last long and has a long reset time. Its hard to say.

222 posts

Wraith form quintuples your speed.

1+4=5 = quint.

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