ForumsGame WalkthroughsGUIDE: Biological

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Apparently this class is "Recommended for Beginners."Well, I think it's slightly safe to say, it is as difficult as the other two, if not a bit harder.Maybe because it has easier to understand moves, and a simpler way to train stats.Whichever, there isn't a Biological build guide , yet, and I have asked for help multiple times and received multiple answers.I've seen others struggle, as well, so I'll help out by making this for all you out there.


Biological class is a class that is one that is focused all around strength, speed, and vitality.You will have almost no use of Instinct in this class.


There are build using Poison, Speed, and brute strength.I'll be starting with Brutes, though.I'll add on the others soon enough.

Brute : This build has you being the main damage dealer.You are the one who rips the enemies apart.Sadly, you are not the healer of the group, and if your not careful, you'll be missing quite often.

Attribute Points

It's simple and obvious where to put your Attribute Points.

Primary: Strength
Secondary: Vitality and Speed

By the time you beat the game, make sure your stats are close to around

Instinct:10-20(From small bonuses in armor)
Speed: 200


Primary: Strength and Physical Piercing
Secondary: Vitality and Speed

Here's a little tip: Never ever wear things that give high instinct bonuses, because those aren't for you.Unless, and this will come up, in Zone 1 you have no gloves or helmet, you can just wear them to fill space(I mean, what harm would it do?)


Integrity 4/4 (Passive)
Vicious Strike 1/1 (Prerequisite)
Break 2/2
Disrupt 2/2
Savagery 4/4 (Passive)
Predator Form 1/1
Slash 1/4 (Prerequisite)
Corrosion 1/4 (Prerequisite)
Envenom 1/4 (Prerequisite)
Infect 1/4 (Prerequisite)
Withdrawal 4/4
Endurance 4/4 (Passive)
Sharp Senses 4/4 (Passive)
Evolution 3/3 (Passive)

*I know some of you may favor Enrage or Animalism, but really, with your kind of power, you don't strictly need it.

Ability Pool

Now you have them ready, you can put in your moves.

1 Predator Form
1 Destroy
1 Leading Strike
1 Break
1 Withdrawal
3 Disrupt (You don't need the extra 2 if you don't want to)

When fighting with all those abilities, try to do this order of moves.

Predator Form
Leading Strike
If they aren't dead yet, keep using Destroy and Leading Strike until you get a Break or Withdrawal.

Zones Bosses

Zone 1 : Felicity

All you have to do is rather straightforward. Attack her with destroy, and break every chance you get to shorten how many times she attacks and giving you more attacks in. Get her to around the 800- HP, and she'll say,"You're not getting that tape!"That's when she used "Serious Business" which makes her hit 50% more and receive 50% less damage.Keep Veradux on Relentless, until someone gets hurt seriously.He's probably the main damager at that point in the game. When she gets to the 250 HP range, she'll finally give up.

Zone 2 : Captain Hunt

This boss can be pretty annoying.He has too allies, a Sniper and a Med.They both immediately put up shields that block 2500 damage. Captain Hunt isn't much a threat, but his Sniper keeps himself buffed and attacks really high if you allow him too.Make sure you kill the Sniper first, and if he puts up a buff, Break him.If Break is unavailable at the moment, use disrupt and make him only allowed to use his weaker normal attack.Once the Sniper is out of the way, attack Captain Hunt.Bring him down fast as possible.Once he reaches about 1000 HP, he'll put on his shield that shields him from 4000 damage, but stuns him.This is your chance.The Med is spending time healing Captain Hunt and Captain Hunt is stunned.Break the Med's shield fast as possible and kill him.When he's out the way.By then, Hunt should have about 2-3 left on his shield.You could either wait it out while debuffing him and getting yourself ready, or attempt to break it.When he's out, finish him off.

Zone 3 : Clemons the Deceive

This guy may be seeming super strong in the beginning, but just keep striving to kill him.Bring him down to around 1000-2000 HP, he'll transform into his true form and heal all his health, but now he will receive 200% extra damage.Keep your allies on Relentless no matter what and kill him.
*Secret: His "Unknown Condition" is really a Subversion.If he hits you , you'll receive more HP, but make sure you DO NOT HEAL YOURSELF.

Zone 4 : The Hydra

Aah this thing is such a pest.But they have a very very important weakness.And you have both.The Fire Claws are strong against fire and normal attacks, but terribly weak against Poison attacks, so finish them fast and easy.On the other hand, Hydra is stronger against poison and normal to Normal attacks, so keep a Destroy handy.

For them, you'll need to Re-Spec.If you are lvl 17+, you'll have enough points.


Toxicant Form 1/1
Acidic Blood 4/4 (Passive)
Infect 4/4
Predator Form 1/1

That all you need.Acidic Blood will shoot up your poison piercing.Turn into a Toxicant, then use Infect ro kill both Fire Claws.Then turn into a Predator and use Destroy to kill the Hydra.You could also use the extra ability points on other useful physical attacks(I suggest you make sure to get break and savagery).

Once your finished with it, re spec again and get the original ability pool again.Hopefully you'll get Emerald Death.That will help you finish the game.It's an extremely powerful weapon. If you feel like it, you could fight the Hydra again to try and get it.

Zone 5 : Mayor

The Mayor has one ally, which is a Guardian Cannon.The Guardian Cannon will immediately put on a shield called "Duty" which will shield it from 3000 damage and make it heal 300 health/turn.
Put Veradux and Roald into Relentless.Turn into a Predator. They will attack the Guardian Cannon.Break the Shield for them.Then while they focus on the Cannon, you focus on killing the Mayor.Once he gets around 15000- he'll cast enrage on himself, making him deal 400% more damage, but he soon replaces it at one time later on.When the Guardian Cannon has been disposed of, and you have the Mayor down to around 10000- HP, he'll start debuffing you with Destroy Healing and Destroy Damage, which severely limit Healing and Damage you deal.He will also stun one of your team for 8 turns.When he gets under 5000 health, he'll cast Retrograde(switch damage with healing).Keep an eye on his buffs all the time.You might just end up healing him.Just put Roald and Veradux on Phalanx mode and either skip your turn or use disrupt.After that, just keep attacking and he's dead.

Other Difficult Enemies

Baron Brixius

This is a mainly defensive battle, so keep Roald and Veradux on Phalanx.
Lucky for us, Biologicals are this man's weakness.Get a 2/2 Disrupt and you can damage his focus 100 focus at a time.If you kill him Focus, he'll use an ability which will damage him 3000-4000 Each turn it is active.But he will be healing focus, also, so don't disrupt yet.You should probably break him to reduce his hits, thus reducing the times he uses his dreaded Tick-Tock attack.When he gets to around 30000- HP, he'll start having an auto debuff called Holy Scars, which amplifies his damage taken.This is when you stop using disrupt.Just keep using your attacks now.Put both of your teammates on Relentless and Destroy him!

Gregor the Cockroach

This annoying little pest always uses an attack called Roach Vitality.It heals him substantially each turn. Just keep attacking and hitting.Hopefully hie'll heal less than he deals.Once the Vitality goes off, he'll put it back up the very next turn, so Break him quickly to get extra attacks in.When he comes to, make sure you bring him to around 1000 health.He'll either full heal or use Roach Vitality.Either one, use Subversion, which will switch it.If he uses the full heal he'll die, and if he uses RV, he'll get severely injured.He'll shoot down to around 300 HP, and that's when you kill him.

Not many I could think of, but just ask me and I'll list it.


I'd like to thank those who helped me when I had troubles and asked for help.I can't recover those topics, but you know who you are.And Thank You.

Also I'd like to thank DaliuXas and Transitive, the Creators on Hydraulic In-Depth Guide and Build Guide for Psychological Class.Thanks to your topics, I had an idea of how to put together this guide.

Thanks to Krin for making this amazing game.It was a pleasure to play it.Brilliant job.

And lastly, thanks to me for spending hours making this.

  • 320 Replies
20,591 posts

I guess, if you always play in easy mode, it doesn't matter what tactic you use...

1,037 posts

BTW, by "The whole time it's going on" I meant the 7 turns.

Healing their focus may be a negative side effect, but it's not one I see as important. The only enemy that really needs his focus drained in the game is the Baron.

Dark Echos may be good, but you won't be using it every turn, and Dark Infusion also will receive the bonus from it.

And yes, Shadow Psych probably is too weak right now. I think it needs some improvements but whatever.

1 posts

Question: Should I take more strength, or more Physical Piercing, on a strength-based build?

1,037 posts

I think you should be taking more strength. Physical Piercing is more for a speed build where they are actually getting piercing strikes

222 posts

Piercing is still good for strength builds... but the Z5 piercing armor gives so little strength that you get more damage not using it, unless you are guaranteed a critical with speed build.

20,591 posts

Personally, if you are a biological, speed build will actually be strongest and most useful later on.

Although I'd much prefer to give Felicity Emerald Death than her Ruby and Crimson blade, even though they give good piercing bonuses. (The weapons that look the same as primary and secondary arms, usually suck.)

15 posts

thanks for the guide i was trying to find a good combination for the biologicals

764 posts

I used completely my own (lucky) strategy, but great guide, I tried out another character with this guide and he totaly owns. Again great guide. Well done!

2 posts

thanks for the guide i was trying to find a good combination for the biologicals
2,820 posts

with this guide i hits 6k's in predi form, nice guide indeed

405 posts

Isn't there any posts of Flamemachedi of a speed bio or poison bio?

955 posts

well there are none, he planned to write about these in place of "Reserved" posts, but since there's no edit here, he cannot insert the requested info.

Speed bio is a straightforward class, it needs lots of buffs and debuffs in order to deliver one huge damaging strike. The core ability of a speed bio is "Shadow Blend", when maxed, it multiplies your speed by 5 (100%+400%=5*100%), and any of the moves that take actual speed in account (primarily Withdrawal and Slash, because they do biggest part of speed). Some people advise doing Shadow Blend - Agile Exposure - Withdrawal/Slash, some advise doing SB-Slash-Slash, and some SB-Sharp Senses - Slash. I think all of these move sequences are pretty balanced, with SB-AE-Withdrawal being the most devastating but the most affected by enemy offensive moves. About the gear - can't say, my speed bio is in front of the hydra and I have not much will to try me past the point, I'm sure someone does know it. So far I go speed first, vitality second.

Poison bio is a bit more tricky creature, while his damage with initial hit is pathetic at first, he possesses one of the hardest hitting unprepared attack in the game, if you would count the aftermath DoT - Infect, as well as several really nice debuffs like Anesthetic and Corruption and the biggest piercing skill in the entire game. However, some people like the DoT so much that they can't just stop themselves dealing Envenoms to the max. Anyway - a generic poison bio is as follows: Toxicant Form, Corrosion, Infect/Envenom, Sample Blood, Acidic Blood, Integrity. Some use Withdrawl for healing, some care for Adrenaline, some go even double-form to up their damage. The gear is mainly the same as with Brute bio, but extra instinct helps with initial strikes of poison skills, which can go really high.

405 posts

I know that he planned that but will he ever post a new guide?

16 posts

speed bio is the best build because you go first and you can destroy the enemy with out them hiting you once

Passive abilities
4/4 integrity
4/4 savagery
3/3 evolution
4/4 endurance

combat action bar
leading strike
4/4 shadow blend
4/4 withdral
4/4 slash
4/4 slash
3/3 sample blood
3/3 sample blood

put all points on speed
after shadow slash does 7,000 damage to Z5 enemies while withdrawl does 11,000 damage
use shadow then slash then withdrawl to destroy two enemies and they probably won't hit you. then slash twice.

87 posts

lol i just use predator form, agile exposure then destroy. i just keep hitting like 7-8k till they all die... even i killed baron like that, instead like 3-4k.That cockroach i totally K0ed that fully! how could it be so strong?

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