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An Introduction

He hadn't written anything in nearly a year. No. That wasn't entirely true. He had written something. Many somethings. Many somethings tantamount to nothing. They were no more than writing exercises. He would start with an idea, a wonderful idea, a brilliant beginning and it would go nowhere after a day. His flirtatious romance with inspiration was just that. His obsession with her kept him in withdrawal when she left and his sense of direction deteriorated. In his languor, he wondered why he kept to such deleterious circumstances. And then, she returned.

  • 224 Replies
10,816 posts

Uh Alt, I think ROaTNO was written and put on hiatus before you even signed on with AG.

What will be next in store for Bullman, Stallionman and the Cowboy!?

20 posts

I dont think I get this ?!

11,891 posts

Maybe "alive"?

Human or Alive would be the best for it-

An unabridged Oxford or Merriam-Webster tome would be nice about now.

Something that is real and human. Alive might work. Of course, I could just rewrite the sentence to "She was reality." but that is overly poetic, given the contrast.

You could transform the setting into a post-apocalyptic world, hahahaha.

Given that the Inconsistent Imaginarium was injected with a full-fledged war it might be post-apocalyptic! Do the Figments of "real" persons hold as much sway as the originals?

And the poist-Apocalyptic setting would be perfect, lol- OR, the world could be in a nuclear winter after the Obama, Biden, Pelosi, and every cabinet member was impeached and George W. Cheney-Reagan-Christ becomes president and nukes Saudi Iranistan.

ROaTNO is set primarily on the "world" of "Armor Games" within the vast space that is "the Moobes" which/who are both a place and a people.

-"Three Cowboys" follows the Space Cowboy and the Bullman
-"The Stranger" follows the Stranger
-"Fog City" follows an unnamed protagonist who wakes up to a familiar camping buddy
-"Of Course, Of Course" follows Stallion Man

Several irreversible changes that bite into ROaTNO:
-The Imaginarium is by no means that "empty" anymore.
-A fictional war occurred.*
-The ASC went through some changes as did the WPC.

Other notes:
-The Nemesis Machine has not changed much. (Of course it hasn't been revealed where that is.)
-No actual persons have been depicted in ROaTNO except for Gantic.** Star Straddler and Stallion Man may resemble someone as hinted once each time but that is pure coincidence, truly.** (I wasn't actually aware that it resembled someone because I drew the image and inspiration from the term "dark horse". Haha, yeah a pun. Stallion Man is a reference to that realization and is not actually that person.**)
-The world of Armor Games does not resemble Strop's map.
-It is inhabited by Armors, Gamers, and Figments.
-It is impossible to tell the difference between a fully fleshed-out Figment and an Armor or a Gamer. 2D foils are easy to uncover.

Further other notes:
-ROaTNO may be inconsistent because the Imaginarium is Inconsistent. (I know this may be a cop out, but just think about it.)
-There was no snow at the ASC or WPC, since it was Christmas in July, technically, but since when does anyone trust results based on technicalities.
-There is no such thing as retconning.
-Australia is actually Antarctica!
-It's actually pronounced mel-BORN.
-Aussies don't call themselves Emus for some rheason yet Zealanders are called Kiwis. (I don't know that for sure. I am only aware of a handful of Aussies and the only Zealander I knew was a snob or something.)
-Australia has its New Zealand, Canada has its USA, New York has its Jersey, California has its Oregon, what does Armor Games have? Looks like it might be Kongregate, but does Kongregate have its Armor Games?

-There is an actual actual reality, an actual fictional reality, a fictional actual reality, and a fictional fictional reality.
-The actual actual reality is completely real.
-The actual fictional reality is both real and fictional.
-The fictional actual reality is fictional and based upon the real.,
-The fictional fictional reality is completely fictional.
-What real and fictional mean are up for interpretation.

Gantic's Rules of Fictional Reality in Armor Games:
-There are true-beings and non-beings. Non-beings are created by true-beings. True-beings are actually non-beings that cannot, in any possible way, interact with their creator. (i.e. Rabbit Guy cannot interact with Gantic in any conceivable manner short of psychosis.)
-Figments are non-beings created by Gamers.
-Gamers are true-being visitors to Armor Games.
-Armors are true-being indigenous inhabitants of Armor Games.
-Interaction with Figments by Gamers is mostly forbidden, especially if the Gamer was the creator of the Figment. Interaction with Figments by true-beings may lead to Bad Possibilities.
-Most Figments are two-dimensional and thus are easily distinguished from "true-beings". However, the better developed the Figment, the worst the possibilities.
-Bad Possibilities is on a need-to-know basis.

*Any actual fictional events are not referenced in passing. That means I do not hold any copyright to those works, nor are they free to use, nor do I wish to obtain the permission to use them, so I will not use them. This does not preclude their interpreted effect.
**Any real persons are only referenced in passing, as an in-joke or a cameo (the only cameo being the rabbit guy).
**As stated in a "disclaimer" on the first page of this thread: "All characters ... are completely fictional." The latter part (Any resemblance to real persons are intentional and approved by all persons associated.) is mostly a joke, but the other character was in fact approved.

As for the actual story, you'd have to read it for yourself. Some of the stuff might not make sense given the time gap.

I dont think I get this ?!

Woohoo! Question #5! or 6...

It's "Written Nothings" or written stuff by Gantic, written not necessary writing. Grokking it is another matter.

The Wave and the Sea

Someone lives across from me and up and down the street. Someone lives across the corner and up and down both streets. I have never seen their faces nor do I know their names, I do not know their cultures but I guess we're not the same. But what do I say to those who pass me going by the other way when I never see their faces or even know their names? Do I say hello, good day, good morning, how are you today? Definitely not the latter since I never knew them yesterday. And what of those who pass in cars and buses in this bustling zoo? Maybe I will never know but maybe someone lives here too.
11,891 posts

This is a record.

The following is to remind me what I'm going to do with ROaTNO should it be picked up after four months again. Which reminds me...

Reaching Out to Touch No One - Part II
Previously: Reaching Out to Touch No One

Some might say I am a con. Door dealings isn't the best way to earn a good reputation. I'd like to think I am a pretty good liar who's good at reading people. I know not to startle Star's mare. A "Boo!" would send it skittering away. I always hope there's never thunder in the rain. Heart-stopping calamities don't rank high on my wanted list. Star loves that mare and we don't ride out dark much but I still worry. I keep that wrapped in steel armor. Lame, but I don't want her to know. Maybe she already does but I won't admit it.
She was following with a bit of a lag.
"Less than five minutes to the next stop," I called out.
"Yeah," she replied.
"We'll find a place for the horses."
"Yeah," she said.
"Hey, Star,..."
"Yeah, I know."

10,816 posts

Further other notes:

I only just got around to reading this now. I am lost for words :P

-There is an actual actual reality, an actual fictional reality, a fictional actual reality, and a fictional fictional reality.

Before I read this, I'd like to announce that modal phil. does my head in. Also, you remind me of a creepy stalker acquaintence I once had. Are you that creepy stalker acuqaintence? :P
11,891 posts

Before I read this, I'd like to announce that modal phil. does my head in.

It is quantum physics faults that there is such and idea of a possibility of parallel universes. And fictional realities is all tongue-in-cheek.

So you have trouble understanding cartoon physics? :P

Also, you remind me of a creepy stalker acquaintence I once had. Are you that creepy stalker acuqaintence? :P

This always happens whenever I bring up the possibility of other realities. In some other universe, I probably am.
10,816 posts

So you have trouble understanding cartoon physics? :P

Yes. The only reconciliation I can think of with regard to cartoon physics is that they affirm the theory of Intelligent Gravity. And I simply can't accept that!
11,891 posts

It's temporal momentum (similar to frame lag). The length of the effects just happen to coincide with awareness of the situation.

I believe I posted the following on my profile before. I've forgotten what it was initially about but I'm pretty sure the title is correct.


The rain we once saw never fell nor ever was there a knell for the sun that sank beneath the bank of rivers that never swell. The flowers never grew from seed nor ever did they breed though they live on grass that's always green, that's always clean, on fields that boast no weed. The clouds, they come, they go, without a shadow down below on the fields and the river without shiver-causing snow. Yet, when it rains it floods the plains as a symbol for the pains we hide inside where we cried over the washed remains. But the rain we once saw never fell nor ever was there a knell for the sun that sank beneath the bank of rivers that never swell.

11,891 posts

I just wanted to post this. Plus I'm working on my WOM thing.


Who are we but men whose wings have never grown,
Whose eyes have never flown,
Whose hearts have never shown.

Who are we but men?

Who are we but men whose eyes can see no fire,
Whose tongues can taste no water,
Whose nose can smell no air,
Whose ears can hear no rumble in the earth,
Our birth,
Our berth,
Our worth.

Who are we but men whose feet wear not their fathers' shoes,
Whose legs stand not in brothers' shadows,
Whose heart hears not their mothers heart,
Whose hands hold not their sisters' hands.

Who are we but men?

Who are we but men,
And then,
And then...

11,891 posts

I like this thread. There is no thread quite like it.

There was a time when I thought I had The Answer. I don't even remember what that answer was anymore, but I suppose it may have gone like this:

Sophomoric Elegance
Previously: Moronic Elegance

I have the potential to be one of the most brilliant people but I do not care much to be brilliant. I despise those with genius who say they want to solve all the worldâs problems. They know nothing of the paradigm and yet they want to fix it. There is a definitive barrier between brilliance and genius. Genius is not necessarily brilliant and brilliance is not necessarily genius. Brilliance is not what makes virtuosity, nor is it virtuosity that makes brilliance. Brilliance is the possession of qualities that makes one so unique that one has the ability not to fix the paradigm but to change it. When the paradigm is changed, it can only progress, but the paradigm can always improve and it will always need to improve. It takes brilliance to see that and be, not as the paradigm dictates but as the new paradigm will* dictate.

*The existence of the new paradigm it is not that one acts as the paradigm will be. When one acts, it is by the new paradigm since it exists as the action is performed.

When one looks upon a brilliant person, one sees not the person one wants them to be but as the person is. But when one looks upon a person who has the potential to be brilliant, one sees not the person but who the person can be. I suppose either way is fortune, but disappointment is sure to follow close.

10,816 posts

That was brilliant.

No, really. Either you get it or you don't.

1,098 posts

you can really write very well

11,891 posts

There is only one major "elegance" left to cover, one that is so truly elegant that when

Nominally related to my WOM entry...

"Reaching Out and Touching No One" was never supposed to be complete. There is no "resolution" and there never will be. The reason for that is obvious. Though I think I may have missed a few threads that should have been tied and skipped a few sequences that may have been crucial. As for the changes along the storyline, especially the contrast between parts one, two, and three, some of it was intentional, some of it was not. But as to what happened to the Bullman and Stallion Man? Their adventures continue. The Stranger and the Space Cowboy? They are nothing more than nothing. The unnamed narrator? Perhaps he will return. I like Pacarna. The Bullman and Stallion Man exist without the narrator. The Space Cowboy does not. The Stranger is a complicated matter.

All further thoughts defer to this post on page 11. There things not much in the way of story, and yet those things can only go on for so long. This thread is still going albeit with lengthy breaks. I am a firm believer in certain things when it comes to writing and one of the principal things is that if you can't keep your writing going, you're writing for all the wrong reasons. Ironically, ROaTNO got to that point. Ironically. If that were a great pun, it would be hilarious. I realized certain things during the course of it though, and those are the things I will keep. I like the "caricature" known as the Bullman, but I have yet to develop his foil (Stallion Man) into someone more fully able. And perhaps, appropriate those two (if only to reinvent them) for my next project: "Lore".

"Lore" is something that would be done (or have been done) like how kingryan's Sector A is done. "Lore" (or rather, something called "Imagined Worlds".) is alluded to a couple times in ROaTNO and a link to it would've replaced this had I not reneged on a promise to myself. But such is the nature of a serial of indeterminate length done with nothing but checkpoints within an overview.

11,891 posts

If that wasn't ridiculous... I ask that the last post be deleted because I hit the submit key right when I realized the image code was wrong.

It's been 10 pages and I finally realized that the link to firetail's "The Menace" actually leads to thoad's "Bogan Wars". That is not intentional.

Also: The first sentence of the previous post was supposed to say:

There is only one major "elegance" left to cover, one that is so truly elegant that when performed improperly assumes the role of the other elegances.

And now another attempt at humor featuring none other than intentionally poorly drawn stick men who are neither ploquie nor Gantique.

11,891 posts

Yeah, I hate my classes this semester but the following is almost quintessential.


on July 12, 2007, 5:35pm by amaranth
When was that? Two years ago.
That was during summer on a...
that's three hours off at
2:35 in the afternoon
An hour after lunch.
What's in the fridge?


12:45AM 12:45 12:45 12:46
apical meristem
dome mountain

i need to finish this paper
i hate this class

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