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An Introduction

He hadn't written anything in nearly a year. No. That wasn't entirely true. He had written something. Many somethings. Many somethings tantamount to nothing. They were no more than writing exercises. He would start with an idea, a wonderful idea, a brilliant beginning and it would go nowhere after a day. His flirtatious romance with inspiration was just that. His obsession with her kept him in withdrawal when she left and his sense of direction deteriorated. In his languor, he wondered why he kept to such deleterious circumstances. And then, she returned.

  • 224 Replies
11,891 posts

It's not incredibly hard or that well thought out, not as well though out as my last post. Overthinking is what it is.
It takes me a day to almost complete half of a New York Times crossword and those are the hard ones. It takes three to solve a simpler problem.

I am completely confused.

And so I ate a chicken pie and walked across the street in a tutu.

The answer to a joke! Marvelous joke too. LOL
10,816 posts

Oh, so you are getting in on this cross-dressing business, Kingryan!

706 posts

"That's bull, man," the keeper said. He was right. It was bull. Not even I would believe what I said. "There's no space, cowboy, and you know it." That I did. Strange how it was though. The stranger thing was that I was usually keen on such things. "Are you even listening to me? There's no room for your stallion, man."
I mounted and called out, "Hey, Star! Straddle ready to go?"
After we rode out a fee paces I said, "Must be bad luck. Bronco busters filled up the place."
"Yeah," she replied.
"Well I wasn't going to eat crow. Man! Did you hear him say man?"
"Yeah," she said.
"I will never admit to anything, let alone lying."
"Yeah. I know."

If I had read your other writings, I would understand this. But I don't.

I found a few things: the "space cowboy" part, but I don't know what that is.

You used the word Stranger a lot, and I saw you "reaching out and touching no one" story, or at least 1 chapter of it, and I think one of the character was called the Stranger.

I can't figure it out, is this a thread of riddles? I don't know if you are just writing, or if there is something else. If you don't tell me, by ignoring or saying you won't tell me, I will know it is a riddle. So you can't win. Unless you lie, in which case I will just try harder.
11,891 posts

If you don't tell me, by ignoring or saying you won't tell me, I will know it is a riddle. So you can't win.

Doublespeak gives wonderment to the user and bemusement to the end. Answers would not be so readily apparent if answers were such. Especially when people end thoughts and sentences with conjunctions therefore! You know? Would I assume such? No. Not entirely. But how does anyone? Could whomever would cut off their sentences at but know? Or is it not that because?

If I had read your other writings, I would understand this. But I don't.

Not entirely necessary. Well, maybe. Just need the character names. The second post I made explains everything of this thread somewhat. But to further: Interpretation may not be my entire intent, a report I would assume presents a puzzle of sorts? Riddle? Maybe. Or perhaps I said: Interpretation may not be. My entire interpretation, I would assume, presents a puzzle of sorts.

Confusing though how it is.

Of course, hidden elements of plots and assumption also flow into this, where not everything is needed to necessarily understand. But not everything is something. I can be more confusing than this without talking in circles but indirectly at no one with no meaning and without entering into doublespeak, although it is confusing enough to seem so and might be. Was that even intelligible?

"A Red Motor" and "Reaching Out to Touch No One" are the only &quotuzzles" here, so far, and not entirely puzzles more than amusing wordplay. Punctuation presents meaning and boxes the mind sometimes, so does spelling. I once looked at a poetry writing exercise that asked to &quotunctuate this poem". It was ambiguous enough to present different readings from the persons involved.

"Cranberry and Coffee" is a joke. The punchline not entirely obvious, but a joke on readers who get lost in detail. It's like so totally awesome!

"The biggest n00b" was a poke in several directions. I mean like filler words and vowels, like um, are so inflationary that like precipitous is totally incomparable. I mean you can't even say that it isn't. And no one should ever say "so totally awesome" or "so", "totally", and "awesome", you know? Like that isn't bad enough, using like every like few words is like so much worse than like saying "um" in a speech or like presentation. It's like involuntary mental pause (No, this is not like a wordplay on you know what!) but your mouth (or the word center of the brain) just can't stop moving. I notice I type with filler words (and I'm not sure what the correct word is here) sometimes and have to go back to correct them. Not "like" but the others (i.e. "I mean" and "you know" and "Well&quot.

"The Raptor Survival Club" was a poke, too, in various directions.

Now, Destor, I have answered your question.
4,196 posts

Oh, so you are getting in on this cross-dressing business, Kingryan!

Ahahaha no.
10,816 posts

That's it. Gantic, I hereby expose thee as a flagrant deconstructivist!

p.s. Kingryan, you got pwnt.

11,891 posts

That's it. Gantic, I hereby expose thee as a flagrant deconstructivist!

Oh no. I've been exposed. I am a flagrant obscurantist, I swear! I know nothing!

In 2321
The year is 2321. The human population capped at 20 million in around the turn of the 22nd century, 5 million of that on the Moon. We never met the Vulcans in the mid-21st century. There is no United Federation of Planets or one world government. However, the Central Bureaucracy in New New York was formed 2158. Earth resembles more like it did in WALL-E than it did in Star Trek, but it is still very much inhabitable... within the cities and bunkers.

In the year 2207, war broke out between two factions over the future of the human race. It started against the eugenicists and transhumanists who claimed that the human genome had been retarded for the last two centuries. Many more sides showed up in later years, but no one knows who is fighting whom anymore, only that there are seven sides to the war:

The Geneticists: By manipulating genes, the geneticists strove to remove all disease but began to take their dreams beyond that, giving humans the power of unaided flight and creating fearsome chimeras.
The Bionics: The bionics split from the geneticists sometime around 2251 in disagreement over whether man should be integrated with versatile machinery.
The Roboticists: The roboticists split from the bionics when they believe that it was inevitable that robots and artificial intelligences would inherit the human legacy if humanity were to live forever.
The Archaeologists: By some odd twist, perhaps due to some tear in the fabric of the universe from an physics experiment run amok, archaeologists discovered the use of magic. This power consumed them because no one ever respected archaeologists.
The Psychologists: No one knows if the psychologists were an offshoot of the geneticists or a startup but they attained psychic powers that removed many limitations, allowing them to control minds and even levitate.
The "Civilians": The civilians consisted of non-scientists and physicists and engineers who protect the remaining cities with impressive defensives and massive offensives.
The Mathematicians: The mathematicians hid themselves away from the world to solve the still unsolved mathematical problems. Only a handful are still alive.

Choose your side >>
10,816 posts

Alright, could I have a show of hands of who knows anything about transhumanists and futurists?

*raises hand*

If I understood correctly, some of the major debates within those movements are represented in the conflict between the first three factions.

Also, are you suggesting we play?

247 posts

of course he does.

question, if I am a Psychologist, can I eliberate the pressure my brain puts on my muscles and use them at max force? can i regenerate? can i stay in two bodies at the same time?

i wonder who is dump enough to become matematician

11,891 posts

Not entirely. Aren't we playing it already or starting? Originally I was going to write a story entitled the Transhumanist War. That's still a possibility but at one point I found the idea to be like an absurd SciFi MMO, so I wrote this in place of it for the time being.

i wonder who is dump enough to become matematician

It's an oxymoron. Mathematicians are some of the smartest people in the world, but only those who really like math become mathematicians. I'm sure anyone interested in science/math jokes would know that mathematicians are often the butt of "Correct answer, but completely useless" jokes. That is, there are no applications until a scientist comes along.

So no, I'm not suggesting we play. I don't actually have the time to brainstorm scenarios, but if I did, it'd be a possibility.
10,816 posts

To show you how to paint the post completely the other way:



4,196 posts

I choose to be a DUN DUN DUN...


The Nanotechnologists are a small group of Bionics who split off when the bionics were deciding whether or not to build a giant robot. They are currently trying to develop supreme war machines that are about the size of a grain of rice. The thought is there...just not the technology. These machines would end all wars and put the Nanotechnologists as rulers of the whole world!

Anyone want to join?

11,891 posts

To show you how to paint the post completely the other way:



Read the alt text...

The Nanotechnologists are a small group of Bionics who split off when the bionics were deciding whether or not to build a giant robot. They are currently trying to develop supreme war machines that are about the size of a grain of rice. The thought is there...just not the technology. These machines would end all wars and put the Nanotechnologists as rulers of the whole world!

That is a possible future for me, making Strop's future career easier. > And be on one of the teams that build the first nanobots and convince them to call them nano-strops. Get it? Ha ha?

My lack of inclusion is for two reasons: Media is moronic. (Forget about "stem cell",) "Nano" is still the buzzword in science. You see all that nano-powered superheroes and villains floating around? It used to be called (gamma) radiation (re the Hulk, Radioactive Man, and others).

Nanotechs are engineers. Nanorobotics fits under Robotics. When I say robotics and artificial intelligence, I'm not exactly saying Asimov's positronic brains. Nanotech can be used for various applications including medicine delivery systems. But I find the use of nanobots to endow someone with superhuman strength absurd. The technology is coming though, but I'm not entirely sure how strong anti-(nano)robotic sentiment is (pointed towards anti-nuclear sentiment and genetic manipulation).


I don't!
I don't?
I don't.
I do.
I can't.
I will.
Good bye.
10,816 posts

**** you, xkcd, trust you to have the last word!

Dare I say I don't, because that would probably be shooting myself in the foot. MOVING RIGHT ALONG!

making Strop's future career easier

Could also be "more difficult" or "obselete", haha, depending on the directions they take.
4,196 posts

Yeh...I don't know if I want to get into Nanoscience...I only am really interested in the technology side of it...and at Adelaide Uni the course they offer is Nanoscience and materials...which involves biological things...which I don't think I am interested...

I still have just under three years of school to think about it though...

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