The unofficial Armor Games image upload site is online. I didn't want to pay to make a nice website, so I used Blinkz. The link is here:
[url][/url] and the password is armorupload.
To use the site, log in with tha password and post any pictures that you want to upload in the photo album. After that, you can link to the pictures with a command.
Now let's see if it works!
oh, btw. Before you drag the image into the BB command, DO THIS: You must click the "edit" button so that you can get a version of the image that doesn't link to anything. And also, the image posted above is from a game that I play. It came off of my computer and CANNOT be found on the internet
Have fun with the site!
(please don't change the password or post inapropriate material on the site. I would just have to go to the work of making another one.)
Thanks Asherlee! But the site isn't so much for keeping images organized as it is to get artwork from your computer onto ArmorGames, since ArmorGames does not (currently) have an upload function.
I don't really like having to login and the limitations on format and dimensions. Also, giving everyone the capability of deleting existing images can lead to a lot of dead pictures if someone was to delete everything.
If you don't mind, I'd like to create a fully functional uploader with no ads, no login, generated [img] code, and no restrictions. Just don't want you to think I'm stealing anything from you.
I hope that you put in some codes so prevent hacking or someone puting a virus into it. If that happens manny or most of the users could have their profile messed up or even their compeutors hard drive wiped. Dont think it is unlikely, with so manny people in armour games i am sure that an unprotected unoffical site will be atacked.
No problem Dank, I just made that site as a temporary thing anyway. I am hoping that Dan includes an uploader in AG for the next site update. People can use this uploader or the site that you are going to make until then.