ForumsArt, Music, and Writing[OFFICIAL] AG Characters

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10,816 posts

Hi, it's me. I've been watching and discussing and we've come up with a proposal. comes a big OP. But if you're interested in putting your character here and you're an AG regular, I advise you to read the entire post carefully.

There have been a growing number of fictions that involve some of the users portrayed as characters, or user characters. For this reason, despite the presence of previous threads of a similar nature, I've decided to make this one, the purposes of which will be:

* To have all pertinent information on any of the characters regularly depicted in AG forums in one place.
* To act as a simple guideline for people who wish to use these characters in their fictions.

It's the latter reason that is important because some people might wish that a character is portrayed as accurately as possible, especially the creators themselves. I don't wish to monopolise on this, but this thread will be run very strictly for the sake of tidiness. This is how it will work:

1) Fill out the template. I will detail this later.
2) Make a post here. The post MUST follow the template.
3) One post per character, don't lump them together or people might get confused. Doubleposting is okay on this thread.
4) These posts are an application only. If they are made official I'll notify you that your post is secure.
5) If I find the post doesn't conform to standards I will explain to you why I will delete the post, then I'll delete it. This doesn't mean you're not welcome to participate, it just means something(s) needs fixing or the post was irrelevant.

So to emphasise, the only posts here will be character templates. There will be absolutely no commentary on the characters or any other off-topic posts on this thread- I will automatically delete those comments for the sake of neatness.

One other thing, we're trying to keep this to a minimum so I will also delete characters that have either just been concocted for the purposes of being involved in this thread, or have not been used in larger fictions on AG, e.g. the MWT, Moderation Wars, Chronicles of AG, SoS etc. I understand this is arbitrary and may appear exclusionary. Again this doesn't mean I have outright rejected your character but you will need to become more involved in the community before applying again.

Now, the Template. This is in a fairly standard format:

1) Images of your character, or a link to said images.
2) Information on your character's name and defining attributes.
3) Physical attributes
4) Personality or character
5) Background of character

Remember, this is an official thread. It is up to you as to how much detail and what details you provide but make sure you're pretty set on the level that you would like other people to follow. Once again I expect the character sheets here to have a great deal of thought put into them.

Finally, if you want to include a character that belongs to somebody else in your fiction, you need to ask first. That applies regardless of this thread. Unless you are writing a work of parody, which is exempt from certain copyright laws.

Okay, that's it for now. Have fun!

  • 98 Replies
3,086 posts

Image by Strop


Alias:Efan AKA fox,


height:6 feet 1 inch.
build: a fox the size of a person walking on it's hind legs.
features: thick orange fur, very good looking, black nose like a fox the size of a person walking on it's hind legs.

A large silver butchers knife and a lot of Molotov cocktails.

personality: young and ambitious but also quite silly, tends to make bad jokes.
likes:friends and action.
dislikes: his job as a bar man.

ACCOMMODATION:a small room above the tavern.

1,612 posts
you put a strange http at the end.

3,086 posts

Thank you, Gaboloth. I have yet to understand links and pictures

6,800 posts

(No images exist; I lack the resources to get them on the computer, and I have not been deemed important enough to recieve one from a Moderator)


Name: Maverick (Mav, to his friends or aquantinces)
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Homo Sapien Sapien (Germanic Descent)


Height: 6'0"

Weight: 128 lbs

Build: Tall and thin, but with wiry muscles, and surprising amounts of endurance.

General Features:
-Dirty Blond hair, and Blue Eyes
-Slightly depressed look, but stoic and unchanging
-Small, assorted scars throughout the body
-Has a slight slouch, quickly becomes apparent when he walks
-High reaction speed, but rarely shows it


Clothing: Standard shirt and trousers, held up with a leather belt. The belt also has a short knife (about 8 in.) thrust into it. Over this goes a worn-out travelers cloak, with a hood that is ussualy over the head. The cloak falls down to about the knees, revealing leather boots. On the back is a short, recurve bow that fits into a small quiver, which holds 24 arrows. A statchel is slung over the left side, so as not to inhibit the drawing and firing of the bow.

Satchel: Journal, writing materials, a few assorted books (including On Flight: A Short Guide, and Cicero's On Duties), a small first-aid kit, and other assorted items, including a small vial of neurotoxin.


Personality: Slightly depressed expression on his face, though is stoic, and doesn't express emotions well, or often. Pessimistic (you never get surprised), and thinks a lot. Is also a wishy-washy ascethetic.

Likes: Coldplay, weapons, shiny things, club-soda, Citrus, writing (and art in general), philosophy (Hobbes, Cicero, Machiavelli, Marcus Araileus), Honor, math, books, and zombies.

Dis-Likes: Hip-Hop, cheaters, bliss, ignorance, blissful ignorance, Ad-Hominem attacks, excessive whiners/complainers, clowns, lemons, haters, and trolls.


Occupation: Bard-***-writer, wanderer/traveler.

Hobbies: Jogging, writing, archery (shooting), reading.

Accomodation: Likes in a cave adapted for habitation in the waste around ArmorCity. Quaint, no?

Background: Wandered to AG from a place-need-not-be-named, and has setteled (permamently?) near ArmorCity. Strayed into the Forums, and with help from other AGer's, he began to refine his writing skills. Due to his choice of abode-location, he is also extremely adept with his bow. Is also obsessed with flight, and despite what others say, he believes its still possible...

437 posts


My first character hee hee ^^

Name:AG-tan aka: Mitsuki Hayashi
age: 16
Gender: Female (duh)
Date of birth: 12 march 1995
Height: 1.64m
Weight: 55kg
Hobbies: Cheerleading, playing tennis, fighting evil armor-trolls with her dual swords.
Likes: Pom Poms, Pomeranians, fluffy things.
Dislikes: Tentacles, Trolls.
Favorite food: Yoghurt, milkshakes, yoghurt milkshakes (0_0)
Disliked food: Anything alcoholic.

[b]Personal attributes
Her right arm is slightly larger than her left arm (I think this is a very nice excuse for making a mistake in my drawing ^^)
Personallity: Mitsuki is a very confident and supportive person. As a cheerleader herself, she is a very encouraging person and loves to support people a 100% to their goals. She also dislikes those who discourages people, such as trolls and she does not take them lightly...

[b]Background story
Born and raised in the world of Armorgames, Mitsuki has developed a strong sense of belonging to there and has sworn her life to be a protector of armorgames. Equiped with the signature weapons of AG, the dual blades and the kotetsu sword technique learnt since young, she fervently hunts down trolls that threaten the peace and gamers of Armorgames.
When she is not fighting trolls, she is busy doing cheerleading to her favorite football team in her high school. In school, Most of them know her as a protector and dare not pick on her, even the jocks in her team.

66 posts
(Character only, uncolored)

Name: Unknown
Occupation: Ranger
Race: Human-Elf
Attributes: Strong, high, wise, intelligent, beautiful, cold, blind

Background story

Lives in dark woods near the rivers, he is always moving from a place to place, hunts Orcs when he has a chance and enjoys adoring the nature when the times allow him.

2,261 posts

Picture: No known pictures yet exist of Bunneh, for reasons unknown.


Name: Bunneh
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Species: Bunny

Physical: Is a somewhat short rabbit. Has a sort of white-gray fur. Unusually long ears, even for a bunny. Not much special about physical strength or speed.

Clothing: Usually wears nothing, and carries a small black bag. What's in the bag is known only to him. He is also sometimes seen listening to his iPod.


Personality: Bunneh has developed a reputation of being nice and fun to talk to. Bunneh has never been recorded saying anything mean or aggresive, and always has something useful to contribute to a conversation.

Likes: Music, making people laugh, having fun, talking.

Dislikes: Anger, and all forms of it.


Occupation: Currently unknown, as Bunneh has never disclosed this information:

Hobbies: Reading, writing, taking nature walks.

House: Also unknown, but is rumored to live in a small shack outside Armor City.

Background: Bunneh is a relatively new citizen of AG. Although he had arrived when he was 13, he mysteriously disappeared the day after he became a citizen. No one really cared, though, since he was unknown. After 6 months, he came back like nothing had happened. To this day, no one knows what happened in those 6 months. Today, he frequents the Tavern, because he very much enjoys having friendly and silly conversations with other citizens. Bunneh is also an aspiring poet, and can sometimes be seen in the AMW building, staring in awe at the works of other artists and writers.

1,766 posts


Alias - Leet
Age - Supposedly 1000 years old
Sex/Gender - Male
Species - Human-like


Height: 6 feet 5 inches
Mass: N/A
Build: Somewhat muscular
Has a long shadow cloak
Has a spiral pendant to keep his cloak intact.
Has medium length hair.

Personal Effects:
*Can control light sources
*Can hover from anywhere to 1-15mph
*Can vanish then reappear (Can only do this 24 times in a 24 hour period)
*Is an experienced fighter.

^Scythe the can never be dulled
^Spell book
^One handed sword (as a backup weapon)

Personality - Mysterious at times, unnoticed most of the time. Talk to him at your will.
Likes - Scythes, darkness, and AG.
Dislikes - Ghosts, trolls, flamers, and daggers.
1) He walks normal speed.
2) You will usually feel an eerie presence when you are in the same room as him.
3) Likes to play Scrabble.
4) Changed his look.


Occupation - Grim reaper, adventurer.
Hobbies - Writing, ghost killing, playing Scrabble, starting a conversation.
Accommodation - A nice 1 story house.
Backstory - When Leet was very little his father was always into the dark arts. He didn't like this at all so when he told his father this his father used a spell on him so that he would become a grim reaper in his afterlife. And so when Leet was growing up he unintentionally used dark magic, sometimes for good, most of the times for bad. And so when Leet died he turned into one of the many grim reapers and was sent to the land of AG by the head Grim Reaper to kill the ghosts that roam there.

1,066 posts

Age: Mid 20's
Sex: Male
Species: Human

Physical featurs

Height: About 6 ft
Weight: 13 stone
Features: Has a gun which can destroy pretty much anything
Wears Nike trainers for speed
Has a secure helmet and body armour for extra protection
Also carrys a laser pistol in this right hand pocket


Mainly acts all tough but is then extremely clumsy
Likes shooting things and having arm wrestles
Dislikes bannanas... >:I


Occupation: Used to be a police officer but then got fired for shooting civilians
Hobbies: Looking in the mirror at himself, shooting sign posts and blowing things up
Accommodation: Lives in a flat
Backstory: When fictional Lucas was about 19, he watched a shooting star murge by and went towards where it crashed. There was an open hole on the outside of the star so fictional Lucas went inside. From then, everything went black for him and he came out 1 year later wearing the helmet he has on, fixed to his head and not knowing the mission which lies ahead of him...

105 posts

Age: 24
Sex: Male
Species: Very small and nice looking Hobbit

Physical featurs

Height: 30 Centimeters
Weight: 5 Kilograms
Features: Has a Freaky huge sword, and loads of hair.
Wears: Nothing but he loves his hair.


Plays a lot of video games especially Assassins creed series,
Grand theft auto 4,
Likes to kill big bugs and humans.
Dislikes Fat jerk nerds.


Occupation: Used to be a professional Assassin.
Hobbies: Assassinates people for no reason, or people hire him for a few small grade assassinations.
Accommodation: Lives in my room (Best buddy)
Back story: I saw a fat man slapping his wife and i imagined that some one is killing him.

2,739 posts

what's up ?

Its noobs like you that cannot even take the time to atleast read the first post that piss Killersup off.

A picture will be up somwhat soon.

Age: 22
Sex: Male
Species: human
Physical featurs
Height: 5'9''
Weight: 154 pounds
Features: tends to write deppressing poetry
Wears: black road with red pants and a black muscle shirt
When he talks to a certian person,he wishes that no one else know of it.
The trust that once flourished in his body is dead.
Enjoys thinking of past times.
Background: He lost the love of his life,and since that moment forward he has grown a cold heart and a daring mind
Occupation: Was once a apprentice gun smith before his life was ruined.
Hobbies: writing poetry,thinking
Accommodation: In his concrete castle
Back story:The thunder rumbled down the town as rain poured endlessly on everything.There he stood,alone.
1,388 posts

Murasaki prefers not to be know by any image since she has been referred to as a Unicorn, a Cat and a Cat-person in the past.

Name: Murasaki also known as Ojereqal the Ninth, Kitteness of the Ninth Pillar in the Ninth Kingdom

Species: Cat of the Ninth Kingdom
Age: 919


Height: 7ft
Weight: 100lbs
Build: Very Slender
Features: In her Cat form she is a slender feline with a midnight coat and deep green eyes. In her Entity form, she is a tall, very thin woman with white skin and purple eyes.


Clothing: Murasaki wears white pants, a white blouse and a long purple robe at all times.
Accessories: She wears a golden ring set with a tiny ruby on her right ring finger.


Personality: Quiet, calm and reserved. Prefers to do things in a covert way, sneaking around rather than out in the open. Enjoys startling people out of their wits by coming up to them unawares.
Cats, the color purple, eccentric people, eclectic people, the sound of waves and domineering Lions.
Dislikes: Movies, Anyone displaying even a tincture of sanity and cake.
~She finds great joy in sitting still for hours on end, without moving a muscle or getting up to stretch
~She likes eating peanut butter crackers by pulling them apart and eating each side one at a time.
Power: Crystal - enables her to change form at will.
Defense: Ituk- unleashes the fury of her mind to protect her Spirit, Soul and Ghost.


Occupation: Novelist, Warrior Princess
Hobbies: writing, talking, hiding, sneaking, and spending time with her eccentric companions.
Backstory: Murasaki, called Ojereqal by her people is the Queen or Kitteness of her people in the Ninth Pillar under the Ninth Kingdom. She has ruled her people for 203 years and remains one of the only Ninth Rulers in the Ninth Kingdom who is able to harness Ituk to defend her Spirit, Soul and Ghost. She is also the only one who possesses a Ghost despite the fact her Spirit still remains.
Other than her apparent ruling all these glorious 203 years, she came from the Ninth Realm to explore Earth.
Upon arriving some 4 years ago she stumbled across the Kingdom of AG about 2 years later. Determined to make her mark on Earth, she became a citizen of the illustrious kingdom...

1,388 posts

Name: Murasaki also known as Ojereqal the Ninth, Kitteness of the Ninth Pillar in the Ninth Kingdom

Species: Cat of the Ninth Kingdom
Age: 919


Height: 7ft
Weight: 100lbs
Build: Very Slender
Features: In her Cat form she is a slender feline with a midnight coat and deep green eyes. In her Entity form, she is a tall, very thin woman with white skin and purple eyes.


Clothing: Murasaki wears white pants, a white blouse and a long purple robe at all times.
Accessories: She wears a golden ring set with a tiny ruby on her right ring finger.


Personality: Quiet, calm and reserved. Prefers to do things in a covert way, sneaking around rather than out in the open. Enjoys startling people out of their wits by coming up to them unawares.
[b]Likes: Cats, the color purple, eccentric people, eclectic people, the sound of waves and domineering Lions.
Dislikes: Movies, Anyone displaying even a tincture of sanity and cake.
~She finds great joy in sitting still for hours on end, without moving a muscle or getting up to stretch
~She likes eating peanut butter crackers by pulling them apart and eating each side one at a time.
Power: Crystal - enables her to change form at will.
Defense: Ituk- unleashes the fury of her mind to protect her Spirit, Soul and Ghost.


Occupation: Novelist, Warrior Princess
Hobbies: writing, talking, hiding, sneaking, and spending time with her eccentric companions.
Backstory: Murasaki, called Ojereqal by her people is the Queen or Kitteness of her people in the Ninth Pillar under the Ninth Kingdom. She has ruled her people for 203 years and remains one of the only Ninth Rulers in the Ninth Kingdom who is able to harness Ituk to defend her Spirit, Soul and Ghost. She is also the only one who possesses a Ghost despite the fact her Spirit still remains.
Other than her apparent ruling all these glorious 203 years, she came from the Ninth Realm to explore Earth.
Upon arriving some 4 years ago she stumbled across the Kingdom of AG about 2 years later. Determined to make her mark on Earth, she became a citizen of the illustrious kingdom...

1,044 posts



Age: 21 1/2

Gender: M

Species: Human

Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 163 1/2 lbs.

Features/traits: Carries a rapier, has long brown hair with blonde streaks in it, brown eyes, and glasses (sometimes).


Name: Torvaick Firebrand

Backstory: Torv (as you may call him) was born on earth, given a rapier for his 16th bday, and has never looked back.


Usually calm, but can get really ticked off.

Likes: Flame wars (forgot to mention that torv can throw fire), movies, video games, internet, drawing, and SW:TOR.

Dislikes: Trolls, hackers, not being able to play for free, spelling/grammar mistakes, and the like.


A jedi robe (not shown in picture), a rapier, a Kangol cap, glasses, and a drawing tablet.

boom, done.

50 posts

What's up Guys figured i might post my link here seeing as i made a little mistake in the art & music thread excuse me but anyway this is my character while not Officially an AG he's sort of a character that represents me Originally I named him Leou's Raynethx (Rayleonheart) so here it is


Showing 76-90 of 98