ForumsGame WalkthroughsGUIDE: Biological; Poison.

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59 posts

This is my first guide on how to use a poison biological.
First of all, you will need alot of STR.
When you level up, pump your stats into STR. Now, this guide isn't just about how to use a poison biological... It's how to complete the game without blasting your money into re-speccing. The skills you get will be used effectively throughout the whole game.
First, when you get your 5 points, get 2/2 in Break. It will help alot.
Get 1/2 Disrupt. 2/2 If you have the points, the only time you will probably use this is for the Baron.
You could probably keep this as it is.. So the starting skills would be:
1/4 Vicious Strike
2/2 Break.
1/2 Disrupt or 2/2 Disrupt if you really want..
-Before I forget, Integrity helps so much, it's passive, it heals your health and regenerates 25 focus per turn when maxed-
While you have these skills, You should probably use this strategy:
1) Break
2) Destroy
3) Leading Strike
4) Repeat Step 3
5) Repeat the list.
After you have these skills, get these skills:
1/4 Slash
1/4 Corrosion
1/4 Envenom
Now.. Gear yourself up with the most STR Boosting items. It's time to get 4/4 Infect.
Your damage will rise with strength now.
(The good thing about poison bio's are that they use STR, and the starter skills use STR for power)
Now here, there are two ways to go. You will get both skill routes but here is where you choose what path to go first. There is a Full on damage way (Which I will discuss first) and a poison damage/piercing path (I will discuss after the damage way)
[Route 1] - Full on DMG.
The next skill you go for is Savagery.
This is a pretty cool passive skill that actually helps, so this is a good reason to go this way. Savagery (1/4) increases damage and physical piercing by 3%. It's only 3% but it still helps you.
Now, here is what you want from this route, Predator Form.
It beefs your damage by 10%, your physical defense by 25% and last of all, 100 Focus. Now this, 100 Focus will help you so much.
[Route 2] - Poison Beefage.
Get Anasthetic 1/4, then now... The 2nd best thing about this route..
Toxicant Form. You heal from it, you gain damage and poison damage.
Now after that fantastic form, you get the mother of all poison skills.
Acidic Blood. You gain so much Poison Piercing from this, it's unbelieveable.
Once you have those 2 forms, your most likely skill pool would be:
1 Predator Form.
1 Toxicant Form.
1 Destroy.
1 Leading Strike.
3 Infects.
-1 Break-
-1 Sample Blood-
The 2 above are of your choice,
Break can stun the enemy and since it's 2/2, it costs no focus.
Sample Blood beefs your toxic attacks, so thats an upside, it costs focus but you have Integrity which heals health and focus so... ^_^
Now... Strategy.
[Strategy 1] - Length-long battles-
1. Use all your Infects (4/4 costs 15 focus, integrity regenerates 25 focus)
2. Use Predator Form.
3. Use Toxicant Form.
4. Destroy.
5. Infect.
6. Repeat steps 4 & 5 till your forms run out.
7. Use Destroy. (Predator Form heals 100 focus, even just before you lose the form)
8. Use Infect, over and over again.
9. Leading Strike until you get 100 Focus.
10. Use Destroy.
11. Repeat steps 8-10 until you can use your forms, then repeat the whole list again until you kill everyone ^_^
[Strategy 2]
This is basically the same thing but you don't use 3 Infects before you use the forms.
This strategy is for medium-length battles, with the forms, right str, right equipment, battles will be fast and easy.
-If you have done all this right, you will finish the battle with 3 infects-
Veradux is good on Phalanx, at the start, he is the main attacker while you break in your skills, so at the start, he needs to be on aggresive.
Roald, he can assist your attacks in battle, he isn't the [/i]best[i] healer, so he will most probably be aggresive/relentless.
Felicity; I don't reccommend using Felicity, she takes ages to break into your team, by the time you get her, you would be needing Veradux as your used to him on your team, and Roald is far better than Felicity in my oppinion.

This is pretty much the end of my guide..
if you need anymore help, post a comment on this thread or my profile.
I hope this helps you..

To me, for spending my time on this rather than homework :P
Flamemachedi, for making a Bio Guide, he really helped me on how to make and layout my guide.
I'm guessing transitive for his psycho guide..
Last, and certainly not least.. DaliuXas for his Hydro Guide..

  • 10 Replies
59 posts

Here's something I posted in another thread, but i'd like to share here, so i'll copy + paste it:

Biological, Easy on why:
First few levels: Get STR/SPD (Recc. Str) + Get the first few STR skills on the left..

Once you have enough points, re-spec and then get.... I think it's called Sample Blood?
It is after Toxicant Form, it gives you poison piercing + damage. Max it.
Get 4/4 Infect, Integrity 4/4 and then Predator Form.
Once you have all those, you are un-stoppable.
After that, get the skills that are passive, e.g. the one that gives you life. It's passive and once it's 4/4, it gives life + 16%.
(Integrity heals 25 focus per turn + some HP),
4/4 Infect costs 15 Focus. Therefore, you always have max focus after using Infect.
On your Skill Pool, you can put the max of 3 Infects, use that wisely. Your forms (Predator + Toxicant) boost up your hits, Predator is beastly, it gives HP, and 100 focus per turn. It beefs your damage also.
Toxicant gives a boost in damage + poison damage boost, therefore helping your Infect.
So... The Steps:
1. Use Infect,
2. Repeat Step 1 until all 3 of your infects have gone.
3. Use Predator Form.
4. Use Toxicant Form.
5. Use Destroy.
6. Use Infect.
7. Repeat Steps 5 & 6 till your forms are used up.
8. Use Destory.
9. Infect till the fight is over.

Usually, the monster is dead already but just incase, I added some steps for boss fights.
Your stats should be beefed into Strength for Destory + Infect damage.

3,660 posts

Wow how long did it take for you to write that?

Anyways good job on trying to help people XD

40 posts

Good Job. I'm going to test these out.

59 posts

@ sourwhatup2,
This whole thing took me about 1-2 Hours.
Not more than 2 and a half.
I hope you all enjoy this.. And I hope it helps you kill bosses and help you complete the game.

306 posts

pretty good guide am gonna try it out am quite surprised that i had to go to page 13 to find this

222 posts

Savagery is basically useless, btw. You have only one physical attack, destroy, so the piercing is basically useless. Four points for 3% damage is a bad deal.

1 posts

good job

222 posts

Oh. Pre-req. I see .

11 posts

I have to say, I disagree with your decisions on the starting skills. I do say begin with maxing Intergrity because Destroy takes up 100 focus. Maxing Intergrity regenerates 25 focus and 3% life, since you will be using Destory you will have none left. Instead of using two Leading Strike which is very weak at the beginnning, you use one. Give you more turns to use Destroy.

1 posts

am i the only one who cant find leading strike

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