ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Neverending Story

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9,821 posts

"Hey Alt, what are you doing now?"
"Reading my story on armorgames. It's called the Neverending Story."
"How could it never end if it only ends up being four lines?"
"Read it closely." 0.o

  • 1,014 Replies
4,536 posts

Manta: please... PLEASE... proper grammar and spelling. Quite frankly, and I think speak for everyone who isn't a part of the... what was it? an "Idiocracy?"
Avicus: I believe that was it.
Manta: yes, yes. moving on, if you're going to post unstructured, pointless additions to the "story", do us the small favor of using proper grammar and spelling. "agean?" is that supposed to mean "again?!"
Avicus: everything I know is wrong...
Manta: don't fret Avicus, it's just the spelling and grammar and whatnot of these particular users that is wrong
Avicus: oh, thank goodness. I feared for my life for a moment there.
Manta: oh? how so?
Avicus: if enough text around the internet gets mangled like that, we ALL get mangled.
Manta: Don't worry. there's still enough normal Unsane people to keep you alive and well. If not just barely enough.
Tao: *relieved bubbles*

5,845 posts

Jezz, how can this be an idiotracy? Anything goes, we don't vote on what we can say.

3,337 posts

Jezz, how can this be an idiotracy? Anything goes, we don't vote on what we can say.

Jezz: I don't know, I just thought it was fitting for this thread xD

yah I can't tell if skye is mad or humored

Skye: Heh

I will good well enjoy incinerating the people who make fun of my blimey accent.

Jezz: Good well?
Skye: LULWUT?!
Jezz: and, blimey accent?
Skye: You mean British accent right?
Jezz: Your doing it wrong. No British person has spoke like that since the 19th Century.
Skye: Except perhaps Stephen Fry...

Skye: C'mon buddy, incinerate me!
3,337 posts

Jezz: Naww actually, I won't post in the NES..
Skye: We uh.. we just did.
Xander: *flaps about*
Jezz: *cries* I know. Oh noe. I feel. Terrible.
Skye: errp.. *awkwardly pats*
Jezz: Nao. I still feel terrible...

293 posts

Jalex13: I have a craving for raisins.
Amir: EW I hate raisins.
Jalex13: Oh shoot, we better stop being non random or that creeper pazx will have a one sentence post insulting us.
Jalex13: Jalexmon digivolve toooooooooo Werejalexamon.
Amir: O.O You're a digimon?
Jalex13: Yea, you didn't know?
Amir: Obviously not.
Equinox: GIGA CANNONS!!!
Jalex13: Gate of DESTINY.
Amir: O.O
Jalex13: that should take care of him.

2,053 posts

F: ...
"Eh... This is all very... Odd."
F: Yes, odd indeed...
"Ok, first of all, we're not idiots. At least not the kind of idiots that form a political group. Our kind of idiocy is classified as a sort of indecisive, slightly moronic, intelligence."
F: Yes. If anything, we are equivalent to anarchists in this idiocracy.
Gigi: -Chirp-
F: Exactly.

3,337 posts

Jezz: Poison, I like your "moronic intelligence" xD
Skye: I don't.
Jezz: Well... yeah shut up *sticks tongue out*
Skye: Shh, you sound foolish!
Jezz: HA *pokes Nicho* Hey.. Fabio.. wake up xD
Skye: You can't call him Fabio!
Jezz: I can. Theres nothing he can do about it, he's asleep *pokes Nich again*
Xander: Chirp! *jumps on sleeping Nich*
Jezz: Ooooh... best just leave him there...
Skye: Agreed.
Both: *sneaks away*

Mooarr people post! Nao!

1,252 posts

VISE: all right nich is right what people should we pretend not exist?
zlith: everyone exept N D Jess and Skye jalex is still on probation.
VISE: I agree exept with his above post I won't acnowledge his existance.
LUKE: I agree as well you aquantinces 'o' mine
VISE: shouldn't you incinerate Skye and Jezz now?
LUKE: was this abo't

Jezz: Your doing it wrong. No British person has spoke like that since the 19th Century.
Skye: Except perhaps Stephen Fry...

VISE: that.
LUKE: what O no thats not insulting. besides they well; have seem'd to forgotten that teh editor sent me back in time to teh mid'l ages my accent bound to have changed a bit.
zlith: O yah how was mirlin.
LUKE: O just terrible I hired him for my birthday well everybody could see through his blimey rabbit hat trick. but Shakespeare was cool we hung out for a good while.
VISE: O realy how rich was he.
LUKE: O not very much, 'e was donating all his money to a very nob'l cause VERRY NOB'L
zlith: what was that Perfume XD
LUKE: yes :|
zlith: :O I was right
LUKE: the french, those cheese et'in surrender monkeys smelled bad
VISE: did you meet anyone else important.
LUKE: no but I was the dragon in several plays it was good well awesome.
2,053 posts

Mooarr people post! Nao!

"That makes me not want to post."
F: We posted anyway.
"That would be correct."
F: ...
"Something tells me that the people who are posting all this intolerable nonsense have a more sporadic mindset."
F: It seems likely... Even we showed signs of it in our early posts.
"Yes. Perhaps talking in extremely intelligent dialogues that no proper idiot could decipher would lead these users away from this mindset."
F: Perhaps.
2,053 posts

"I'm no proper idiot, but I could hardly decipher the plethora of grammatically incorrect babble that zilth just posted."
F: My brain hurts too much to care.

3,337 posts

Jezz: I totally agree with poison.
Skye: Luke knows nothing of teh British dialogue! I mean really:

they well; have seem'd to forgotten that teh editor sent me back in time

Jezz: No, not forgotten, merely never knew/cared/thought possible.

his blimey rabbit hat trick

Jezz: "blimey" is not an adjective.

Shakespeare was cool we hung out for a good while

Jezz: Shakespeare was long since dead in the 19th Century

O not very much, 'e was donating all his money to a very nob'l cause VERRY NOB'L

Jezz: That an attempt at a cockney accent? "How rich was he? O not very much" does not make sense at all.

good well awesome

Jezz: Once again, "good well" does not make sense! And the British never even knew that "awesome" was a word.

Skye: I'm sorry. She loves the British way. And doesn't like Luke all that much.
Jezz: Mhmm, oh one last thing...

shouldn't you incinerate Skye and Jezz now?

Jezz: Bring it on my friend xD
2,053 posts

"Aye, yer saondin' mor' like an Irish lad who dun' no how te speak with an Irish accent."
F: Wow, your good at that.
"I know. I'm excellent with foreign accents."
F: I see. And the incineration bit, I'd like to see you try and do that do a Phoenix and a Gorgon.
"Indeed. It seems rather impossible to incinerate something so closely related to fire."
F: And Skye could just look at you, no?

3,337 posts

And Skye could just look at you, no?

Skye: Yes

Skye: Whoa. Niiice Irish accent. Even if it is typed.
Jezz: Are you, by any chance, Irish?
Skye: Pfft probably not. Just good at what he does
Jezz: Oh... dear... Well I can do a British accent!!
Skye: No sh**...
13,657 posts

Pois, try a Danish accent. A nice and thick one

Yes, I interrupt randomly.

1,252 posts

LUKE: I see that the editor has no knowledge of how to make an accent.
(fine if it will please them I will stop making you talk in an accent)
LUKE: good now were was I. O! *breaths fire at Je-* I'm board already *breaths fire at VISE
VISE: OOOOOW what was that for!
LUKE: fetch me some cattle to eat
zlith: *tries to sneak away*
LUKE: you go uncapitalise vise
zlith: O that I want to do
vise: all I could find was a couple peasants why don't I get a capital name anymore >
LUKE: peasants are tasty CHOMP
zlith: anything else?
LUKE: yes always adress me as "the incinorator" even though I will get board of that in a bit
zlith: OK the incinerator man I'm getting a free ride
LUKE: well I don't want vise to get mad so go pet Xander, try to burn jezz, and have a staring contest with Skye. then after that call D a witless puppy and listen to all those anoying people.
vise: *snickers*
LUKE: well you find this funny would you like tho switch plases?
vise: NO!! stupid dragon
LUKE: thats it go to the time out chair

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