If you got LoZ: TP and Metroid Prime 3 you'd basically have all the good games. There are some other choices, but in actual reality nothing compares to those.
Well....Super Smash Bros brawl is awsome Metriod 3 is good Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, if you enjoy terrible games That Wario Ware game for it is actually not half bad.
there are only 2 other good games out for the wii.... Metroid and zelda. Sry but everything else sucks.. I got a wii too, and i have the games u have and these 2... Trust me the wii's games are all made from a crap factory other than those 5... but yea get those 2, you'll love em
Get Trauma Center: Second Opinion. Steep learning curve, but very fun. Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles and Resident Evil 4 are also worth checking out.