v1 Reviving it, because it was nice idea that sadly got ruined a little. Anyway:
1. Print screen. 2. Paste into paint. 3. Use box tool to cut out card. 4. Copy 5. Paste into a new paint window. 6. Save 7. Upload to Photobucket or similar program.
That way it should work...
1) This has to be AG only. No dragons or monsters (maybe besides the lagmonster) or anything nonAG related.
2) It is preferred to be selfdrawn, not images found on the internet. The furthest we can go is borrowing images from other artists here on AG, if making card on characters. Please make a (C) to the owner of the character/drawing.
3) It would be preferred to be AG correct/cannon. AKA Strop being portrayed as a ninja horse (in a negligee), or KR as an older guy screaming "I have been here since Beta!".
And don't make cards of yourself with full stats...because that just isn't funny.
Preferable, do not make card of yourself. At best, ask for someone to make a card for you.
5) The owner of the image has the full right to request the card removed.
2) It is preferred to be selfdrawn, not images found on the internet. The furthest we can go is borrowing images from other artists here on AG, if making card on characters. Please make a (C) to the owner of the character/drawing.
@Alt: Funny that she now has another character, and thus not Yazz, but Zophia > >... And leave out the (C) on the card, it looks a little annoying? But otherwise rather nice.
I checked Zophia, Zyarrihl, and solsticedragon on dA, and none of her new char that i could find. . .I'll check FA if I have to, though. >.> <.< >.> <.<
Always a nice time to learn eh? [url]http://www.yugiohetc.com/rules_2.htm[/url]
Though seriously its not that hard to make a monster card for this game, since you don't even need to add effects. Just attack, defense, and possibly a description of what the monster is. Fairly simple in my mind.