ForumsWEPRNoBama: Whos With Me???

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88 posts

Our country took a turn for the worse when Obama was elected. Tell everyone what terrible things you have learned that he has done

  • 250 Replies
90 posts

Hey, you leave Reagan out of this he was the best dam prez the U.S. ever had. That's saying a lot when it comes from a Brit.

I'm a Brit.
6 posts

Obama is making this ression a lot worse.He's just a bad prsident.

739 posts

Obama is doing the best he can. It's not like he's ruining the country like some other president we know.

332 posts

Obama is making this ression a lot worse.He's just a bad prsident.

Mmmm...armorgames members never cease to amaze me with the sheer amount of data and information they use to back up their claims.

1. This "ression", as you put it, has not taken a signifigent turn for the worse since he's been in office. Yes, unemployment is still rising, but did you expect that to magically reverse itself when he got into office? The rate has been slowing, which is an improvement.

2. The bad president thing is rather annoying to me, seeing how he's doing a pretty damn good job on foreign relations, finally opening America up to the world instead of being iron fisted run N'gun soldiers with a superiority complex. Just a though

5,579 posts

Ya, doing a great job at foreign relations. You know what he got the british prime minister? A set of DVDs that couldn't even be played in britain. Oh ya, let's make the people who hate us just strongly dislike us and screw our allies.

4,097 posts

You know what he got the british prime minister? A set of DVDs that couldn't even be played in britain.

Foreign relations is not about buying gifts, he simply did that to be respectful. And anyway, who the hell cares they didn't work in that particular DVD player anyway? It probably wasn't even him that bought the DVDs. It's not his job to do that, it's his job to attempt to make the world stop hating us. DVDs seriously aren't going to impact anything at all.
840 posts

I dont believe that obama has turned the government to worse sittuation.

He has been very helpful and helped get a lot of people jobs. He is still trying more to fulfill his promises of better education and all. He did not base his government on issues like abortion, gay marriage, religion, race, etc. which was the basis of our dear old bush's stupid government. The fact that he is doing this much in such a bad economy is a great thing. Bush had ruined the economy and all the statistics do apply now but they are the aftereffect of the bush government. If there is anything we dont want, it should be another president like Bush.

1,101 posts

hating obama rlly is the conservative way of blaming some one else with there own problems... sry that its harsh for you guys to hear the truth bout urselves, but we know it and u know it.... all these problems you keep bringing up about him are insignifiacnt and juvinile... A game of golf on memorial day? The plane over manhatten thing? Giving some DVD's to another country that doesn't work? Saying that he's screwing the economy?
Well those are the 4 things ive heard all conservatives say... So here... Instead of these ppl constantly in the wrong, ill speak the truth about all this, using facts.
First the golf game. He didn't realize about this, it was one of his employee's saying everyone was going out for a golf game, to take a holiday... Which is what memorial day is right? Everyone deserves a holiday, even the president. He still went to the ceremony, but just played a game of golf... This was a retarded thing to bring up in the first place, but i figure i might as well clear things up a bit.
Second the planes over manhatten. It wasn't even his fault, just a rumour spread through strong conservative lines used to diss the president. Yet he managed to keep it under control and keep the city from a rage of panic.
Third the DVD's... Really? your blaming Obama for a set of DVD's... well k then i guess this is how far it gets with these people. So here, a set of DVD's costs maybe 60 bucks... I'm sure they were glad he at least thought of buying them something whether or not it worked, cuz he couldn't realize that the DVD's wouldn't work lol. He's trying to improve public relations which GW decided to throw out the window when he was in office (not like any of you strong conservatives understand that)... The thing is a DVD is a DVD, the effort of buying something for another country is showing the fact of at least trying to improve relations with them.
And finally, he's not screwing the economy. He's made a complete turn around from Bush... He actually is helping you all out, but ur to arragant to see it, He's made more jobs, he's tried to help the car industries, and he's trying as best he can to make you all happy. So far he's been making the world happy, every person other than these strong conservatives happy (haha), and his efforts have paid off with in your economy itself. I thought America was a place for patronizm, but i guess i was wrong with all this BS about the president...

1,633 posts

It seems like the president is just people's scapegoat. For everything that goes wrong in the US people blame the president. There are two things wrong with this, one, being that we ELECTED him in the first place so we should blame ourselves. Two, The president isn't the supreme ruler. Most of the government's power rests in the hands of Congress, whom we elected. It's just that the mass media doesn't spend a lot of time with the senators and the reps.

332 posts

Ya, doing a great job at foreign relations. You know what he got the british prime minister? A set of DVDs that couldn't even be played in britain. Oh ya, let's make the people who hate us just strongly dislike us and screw our allies.'re bringing his entire foreign policy down to a gift of DVDs? That's some real strong backing you have there.
Besides, even if you don't appreciate it in a literal sense, its more than that. This was more than just a set of DVDs, it showed unique thinking and appreciation, not the usual crap that goes through. So, yes, I suppose its an unorthodox gift, but that's the point of it.

Right...the screwing our allies part sounds kinda familiar. Wait, did you hear that? Invading foreign country's without the approval of the UN security council you say? An institution we're a leading figure in, which ended up dragging our allies into a war which they weren't prepared to fight and costing them hundreds of soldiers, and wounding thousands more?
I don't see "screwing our allies", in any of Obama's decisions. Yes, he's being friendlier with hostile countries. What the hell is he supposed to do? Spit on them and then think we're secure with our debt, failing education and public services, and dependence on foreign resources? Military's pointless when its guarding a country that's already half rotted from within, and maybe with Obama we can actually see some improvement, instead of ignoring that they're actually some pretty severe problems in America

3,880 posts

I never understood the term Nobama.

Explain please?

5,579 posts

Invading foreign country's without the approval of the UN security council you say?

When did we do that? I don't recall. Oh wait, NEVER.
1,455 posts

It seems like the president is just people's scapegoat. For everything that goes wrong in the US people blame the president. There are two things wrong with this, one, being that we ELECTED him in the first place so we should blame ourselves. Two, The president isn't the supreme ruler. Most of the government's power rests in the hands of Congress, whom we elected. It's just that the mass media doesn't spend a lot of time with the senators and the reps.

I agree with you. While I don't think I agree with all the moves Obama has made, he doesn't really have much power. I mean, he has the most power for one man, but when you look at it in terms of branches of government, the executive branch doesn't have as much power as the legislative branch.
Now you guys are just working yourselves up about this stuff. You can't think of anything other them a friggin' set of DVDs. Think before you speak, it helps quite a lot.

I don't think he's been in long enough to judge his actions, so all the Nobamas (I mean the people who hate him, not the people who simply disagree with him) need to find something to bash and must resort to social mistakes. Personally, things like the DVDs just make me, as a conservative, chuckle a little on the day it happens. Then that's the end of it. There's really no need to use it to smear him, as it has nothing to do with politics.
332 posts

When did we do that? I don't recall. Oh wait, NEVER.

You know, I enjoyed that statement more than I really should, but I can't deny it inflated my ego a little bit


332 posts

Bleh, don't be lazy, just copy and paste. The links never work...

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