Here's why you should fear the pipe:
"Oh god." Strop was the first to speak. "His idiot score must have gone through the roof."
Klaus swung around to face Strop. "Really Strop? Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?"
Everybody blinked. "Huh?"
Strop folded his arms, clearly unimpressed. "Klaus, is that even tobacco in that pipe?"
He was met with a long deep, guttural laugh which then stopped suddenly. "I don't know."
Well, this was a problem. Or maybe it wasn't. Strop was actually faced with a moment of indecision. Should he try to include Klaus in the debriefing despite the fact Klaus appeared under the influence? Klaus would surely disrupt proceedings. Or should he just ignore Klaus and plow on? Klaus would surely disrupt proceedings. He couldn't simply do what he did last time and king-hit Klaus back into the stratosphere either, as there were far too many witnesses. But they were standing right outside Armor Hospital, so it wouldn't be too much of a stretch for him to fill out an Involuntary Treatment Order form courtesy of the Mental Health Act, and have Klaus admitted to the psychiatric ward (which, in reality, was a fortified broom cupboard. Lack-of-budgeting issues).
But while he was considering it, the decision slipped out of his hands.
"NOW IS MY CHANCE!" another manic voice boomed. Everybody whipped around, just in time to see a giant banana leap into their midst. "I SHALL BE KING!"
"Really now, what next?" Strop started, but a brown flash blew him over.
"OM NOM NOM, I HAVE THE MUNCHIES," Klaus yelled, and ate Bananaking in one ridiculously giant gulp.
There was a moment of shocked silence (just another of many that shocking morning), and then nobody could really remember what happened next. Perhaps it was the clattering of the former Bananaking's crown on the ground that galvanised everybody into action. Perhaps Klaus had his sights set on the victestants. Whatever it was, every victestant started yelling and running around, and Klaus started picking up random people and throwing them around. Or maybe it was every victestant trying to jump on Klaus to contain him. Strop didn't really know either. But he did know something else.

Klaus had fallen asleep.
"TAKE HIM DOWN!" Everybody who hadn't been genuinely incapacitated by the melee leapt atop Klaus and, in the blink of an eye, he had been hog-tied Japanese-bondage style.
"Well, that was easy," said The Bullman.
"Where'd we get the rope from?" Goumas asked. Naturally, nobody knew.
"How come your banhammer didn't work?" Gametesta shot at Strop.
"Quiet, you!" Strop bent over and picked up Klaus' pipe, turning it over. Then he stuffed it into his ninja-suit.
"Alright guys, I guess you get to see what happens when we need to ban somebody! To the dungeon!"
And off the crowd went, with the exception of one person. Who couldn't move, because they were in a completely unnecessary body-cast.