For KingRyan, or QueenRhianna, as he (she) was now called, the week was very long. Admist having even crazier mood swings than the younger victesants, QueenRhianna had to deal with weird hot flushes and a strange urge to knit. Also, no matter what bra she tried she couldn't contain the sag. It just reminded her so much of this comic:

In a week, QueenRhianna managed to knit:
- Three scarves.
- One bikini for Strip, she was still waiting on the picture.
- A woolen hat, which she now wears.
- A cardigan, which she also now wears.
- A patchwork quilt.
Of course, she had forgotten where all of the wool came from, however it is supposed (sup-oh-sed) that she drew them. She forgot a lot of things during that week. Especially where her glasses had gone. She also had a habit of repeating herself.
In a week, QueenRhianna managed to knit:
- Three scarves.
- One bikini for Strip, she was still waiting on the picture.
- A woollen hat, which she now wears.
- A cardigan, which she also now wears.
- A patchwork quilt.
QueenRhianna also had some trouble hearing people, so she drew herself up some special wool and knitted herself a pair of hearing aids which she couldn't work out how to use. She had to take the battery out at night, and put it in during the day. By the end of the week she had lost the batteries and was wearing them upside down.
And then there was the time she had tried to fix the fence with some string so that the scary wolf (Nemo?) couldn't get in. Of course she had fallen over and then ended up with Nurse Strip, and that was how she offered to make her the woollen bikini.
In a week, QueenRhianna managed to knit:
- Three scarves.
- One bikini for Strip, she was still waiting on the picture.
- A woollen hat, which she now wears.
- A cardigan, which she also now wears.
- A patchwork quilt.
She also managed to forget who everyone was half the time. Like that strange man who had come to her door offering a potion to cure her femininity. She had never seen him before. Now, she was clever enough not to take any of his strange potions for who knows what they could do, so she decided to invite him in for a cup of tea. The two had a lovely chat, he turned out to be quite a nice man. And he gave her the loveliest of new perfume to try. It was special perfume that you drank and also made you feel a bit funny. It had taken a while to get rid of the extra arm that she had grown out her kneecap. Overall she didn't really mind it there because it meant that she could walk properly.
She managed to forget a lot of things that week, like the name of the big castle nearby. Of course, she had decided to go for a walk shopping one day and ended up at a strange looking Castle door with a red (colourblindness was retained) lion painted on it (Strop or Cen do you know what I am referring too? xD). She couldn't get through, which had annoyed her, because she thought that that was where the shops were.
When she finally got to the shops, she was sure that the shopkeeper overcharged her for the banana that she bought. She had heard from her friend that banana's were very good for you.
In a week, QueenRhianna managed to knit:
- Three scarves.
- One bikini for Strip, she was still waiting on the picture.
- A woollen hat, which she now wears.
- A cardigan, which she also now wears.
- A patchwork quilt.
The quilt was quite warm.
At one point, QueenRhianna tried to remember her past life, but she could only think of a strange man with a crown on his head. Judging by the crown she was wearing, it must have been her husband. He must be dead now. That was such a sad funeral. She tried to remember all that she could about him. She could see how she was so much in love with him, he was such an amazing person. And his magical quill which he had left to her, which only she knew how to use...and the archives which he had spent so much time work left all to her. She felt so loved. (by this point I think I'm on a roll)
In a week, QueenRhianna managed to knit:
- Three scarves.
- One bikini for Strip, she was still waiting on the picture.
- A woollen hat, which she now wears.
- A cardigan, which she also now wears.
- A patchwork quilt.
She also managed to forget who everyone was half the time. Like that strange man who had come to her door offering a potion to cure her femininity. She had never seen him before. Now, she was clever enough not to take any of his strange potions for who knows what they could do, so she decided to invite him in for a cup of tea. The two had a lovely chat, he turned out to be quite a nice man. And he gave her the loveliest of new perfume to try. It was special perfume that you drank and also made you feel a bit funny. It had taken a while to get rid of the extra arm that she had grown out her kneecap. Overall she didn't really mind it there because it meant that she could walk properly.
For KingRyan, or QueenRhianna, as he (she) was now called, the week was very long. Admist having even crazier mood swings than the younger victesants, QueenRhianna had to deal with weird hot flushes and a strange urge to knit. Also, no matter what bra she tried she couldn't contain the sag.
At one point, QueenRhianna tried to remember her past life, but she could only think of a strange man with a crown on his head. Judging by the crown she was wearing, it must have been her husband. He must be dead now. That was such a sad funeral. She tried to remember all that she could about him. She could see how she was so much in love with him, he was such an amazing person. And his magical quill which he had left to her, which only she knew how to use...and the archives which he had spent so much time work left all to her. She felt so loved.
And all in all, she forgot to write her diary of the week until the last night, and so then was behind in her about three thousand words.
Did I mention that she managed to knit:
- Three scarves.
- One bikini for Strip, she was still waiting on the picture.
- A woollen hat, which she now wears.
- A cardigan, which she also now wears.
- A patchwork quilt.