Alright, heeeeere we go! Please note that I am not going to tell you when I expect the WoM to end, except to say that I have my own personal deadline which is non-negotiable. I will be moving much faster and regularly, and I hope that we all will!
"AIIIIIIIIIIIITE!" Strop's voice was obviously cracking now. "THAT WAS THE BOOOOMB."
Most of the victestants, most of them having been systematically humiliated, stood back in a slightly subdued throng, wondering just when the evening was going to end. It was well after midnight, so surely the law enforcement would be around to tell them they were making too much noise... oh, well, if a member of said enforcement wasn't making most of the noise.
Just then, Strop made a zig-zag motion with his hand and the house DJ of the night, Firefly, zipped up the music. In the absence of the pounding bass, the silence was deafening. Or rather, the ringing in everybody's ears. Strop reached into his ears and plucked out some plugs. Then he picked the mic up again.
"AND NOW," he boomed before he coughed, and tried again. "And now," he rasped, "Let's wrap up proceedings." He laughed with a whiny whinny before continuing: "I'd like to announce the awards of the night!"
With a dry snap, Strop opened a card he produced from apparently nowhere, and read:
"The Fifteen Minutes of Infamy award for most embarrassing media accessory goes to... Chillaaaaaahhhh!"
Chill slouched to the stage and, for his efforts, received an empty plastic CD case.
"The N**** Whut award for most "Authentic" rap goes to... Maaaaanta! Yeah, let's have it up for him and the musical stylings of DJ Smaaalll Fryyyyyy!"
But Small Fry had already retired from the debacle, so Manta was the only one who received a diamond studded pendant. Made with paper and gems of congealed glue. With the inscription "WINNAR" on the medallion.
"Treasure that always, Manta, that be some srs bling there yo... and last... and in this case least, the Oh No You Din't award goes to: Thooooooad!"
Before Thoad could move, though, Strop walked off the stage. He picked up a tomato left behind from Frank's performance, and mashed it in Thoad's face as he walked by. "There you go buddy. Now where can I get a drink? I'm parched."
As the crowd watched Thoad build up to an apopleptic rage, Strop noticed a familiar stall set up in the corner of the hall. "Just the thing!"

"Hey, rasta mon, hit me up with some juice!" Strop said, flipping fifty cents on the counter. Hermit immediately brought up a suspicious-looking flask, which Strop downed in an instant.
"Ahhh that hit the spot... oh, uh, what's going on..." It seemed the effect of whatever strange potion the horticulturally heinous Hermit was also instantaneous: "Not again," was all Strop had time to say before his knees buckled and he hit the floor with a muffled thump.

Thus ends this round. Note where you are. Note that Strop has passed out...
In the time between now and the next round (approximately 5 days), you are free to come to a consensus as to what you would like to do with the unconscious Strop, as, shall we say, repayment for every mean, unreasonable and embarrassing thing he has forced you to do up to this point. It's the last chance you'll get as a group, so you might as well go nuts. I note that most of you may have a particular, uhm, motivation to enact your own personal payback. If you're up for it, now's the time to do it!
There are some rules:
1) You all must come to a consensus which can be encapsulated in one post, so I know what to take into account when Strop wakes up.
2) Nothing that will permanently damage Strop, or kill him. He has to be able to recover fully. For example, piercings will recover if removed relatively quickly.
3) Don't do anything that requires a description that would earn you a ban on this forum (e.g. sexually inappropriate, explicit, graphically violent etc.), because we will still have to ban you... and that kinda goes without saying.
4) This will not affect the outcome for your character in any way. I am inviting you to do this, and Strop will not remember anything from this night.
Well, that's it! While I write the next few scenes, you may HAVE AT IT!