Alt: The coffee thing will come later. Don't worry, as far as content goes we're nowhere near it yet. Also I only sent a message on profile, hence no email documentation on this yet. Hang tight!
This is a link explaining the whole thing: http:/community/thread/3617900/wom-faq Then look for the Way of Moderation archive in the sticky section of the art music writing. Please read link and do not make the same mistake I did.
Bending the rules of the universe slightly here to make an analogy. Some users have a penchant for finding the loop-holes in the code of the site (for this incarnation of AG, that's not too difficult, as there are tons.) This is what's meant by "exploit". Recently however we've been working with some of these people to make some fixes to iron them out.
Where the rules are bent here is that there's no such thing as the ability to make an account which can actually interact with the site and be immune from banning. Besides, the admins are all-powerful anyway and since we now have a very active administration it's a bit of a moot point. Buuuuut seeing as at this point in the story Carlie is away... you can see where this is all heading.
Right, I better work on finishing this segment so you guys can get started on your assignments!!!