ForumsForum GamesOnline Card Battle

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This is a good online card game. They have 3 types of cards. Extras, Monsters and Spells.

They have 10 types of monsters. Each of them has their own HP.
Also, 2 or 3 attacks.
They also have 2 types of extras and 10 spells.

In your hand, you must always have 4 cards in your hand and you start with 10 cards. 5 Monsters and 1 extra and 4 spells.
When a monster dies or a card is used, it goes to the cemetery. You could use it next match. I also have a small shop that includes good weapons and to gain them, you have to win. They have 3 monsters, 1 extra and 2 spells.


Knight:30 HP, Stab 15 Damage, Slash 10 Damage and Spin 20 Damage
Archer:20 HP,Direct Shot 15 Damage, Bombard 15 Damage and Doble shot 40 Damge
Giant Spider:50 HP, Web 10 Damage and Bite 15 Damage
Wyvern:30 HP, Fire Ball 30 Damage, Flame 20 Damage and Bite 10 Damage
Water Man:30 HP, Bubble 5 Damage, Water Blast 15 Damage
Fairy:10 Hp, Heal 10 HP, Double Recovery Heal 20 HP to everyone
Wolf:20 HP, Bite 15 Damage and Scratch 10 Damage
Car:40 HP,Charge 40 Damage and Push 30 Damage
Twin Head Drako:70 HP, Double Bite 30 Damage and plasma ball 50 Damage
Cybcyb:80 HP, Thunder Beam 40 Damage and Extreme Beam 50 Damage


Horse:A mount for a knight or archer. Gets -10 Damage for every attack
Dragon:A mount for anything except for the spider. Gets -25 damage for every attack.


Kill:You instantly remove one random card from your opponents hand, deck or field.
Heal:Fully Heal ALL monsters on ALL fields.
Protect:Protects all of your monsters for 1 turn.
Disc Trap:If someone attacks one of your monsters, its destroyed
Reflect:Reflect the next attack from the opponent
Invisible: Doesn't let anyone attack 1 monster
Double Attacksamages are doubled for 1 turn
Double HP:Max HP is doubled
Reborn:Get any card from the cemetery
Chooser:Get any card from your deck

How do I place monsters?

Every time at the beginning of your turn, you will be able to summon 1 monster only. You are allowed 3 monsters max in your field.

How do I get monsters from my deck?

Well, every time, the first thing you do when its your turn, you draw one card.


After summoning cards, you have to attack. Your allowed 1 attack per turn. Each monster could only use one attack once. If the 3 of them are used. It will go back to the deck after the end of the turn of your opponent.

Now ,the final thing is the SHOP!


Wizard:30 HP, Fire Ball 30 Damage, Ice Ball 30 Damage and Lighting Bolt 40 Damage
Golem:60 HP, Smash 40 Damage and Earthquake 80 Damage to all the opponents monsters
Beast Rider:100 Hp, Stab 20 Damage, Dark Stab 75 Damage

Cyb:-50 Damage for every attack

Shadowestroys all the cards other then monsters from the opponents hand!
Invincible:Lets a monster stay in the field until he dies. He could use all he's attacks whenever he wants and how many times he want until he dies.

So who wants to join? Ill allow 4 people.


Cards in your deck:

While in a battle:

Cards in your deck:
In your hand:
In your field:
In your cemetery:

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