ForumsWEPRMichael Jackson is Dead!?!

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Michael Jackson, the king of pop, died this afternoon of a heart attack at UCLA medical center.

  • 310 Replies
1,532 posts

Guys, shut the hell up about whether MJ was a pedo or not. It's dragging on and is past the point where it constitutes constructive discussion.
Seriously, any comments after this one about MJ being a pedo or not will incur a one day ban from me. And since I have no exams for another 5 days, so God help me I will do it.

first off, it was a major court case, theres no reason not for anyone who wants to talk about it to not talk about.

Seriously, any comments after this one about MJ being a pedo or not will incur a one day ban from me.

So much power! Ultimate power!

I didn't mind his music when he was a kid , but when we got older he really stunk it up 0_0
I saw some where he was 50 thats the only thing that surprised me ....

yeah the 80s were his best
10,816 posts

I'll wear criticism from people claiming that I'm abusing my powers. I'll explain the reasons for my reaction:

I am acutely aware that "was MJ a pedo!?" is a hotly debated and controversial topic. I put an embargo on discussing that on this thread because I saw a flame war brewing and I feel that discussing that will in fact derail the thread because people like to go on at length about it without being informed of any facts at hand.

My job is to put flames out and lately quite a few users have taken the liberty of ignoring/forgetting this and being extraordinarily rude in return- which is unacceptable regardless of whether it's to me or anybody else. Now that I've effectively drawn the argument away from that and onto my posting habits with my loud and abrasive comment, and I've explained said posting habits, you should feel free to resume discussion of the details of MJ's death.

The ban on discussing whether or not MJ was a pedophile in this thread still applies. If you really feel so strongly that you'd want to discuss that, then take the bleeding obvious course of action: create another thread and discuss it there.

Another little life lesson that many of you should learn is that while nothing is sacred on the internet, death is often a touchy subject. I'm not saying this is a hard and fast rule but I think it would be nice if some unspoken rules on what should and should not be discussed regarding a person's death were observed.

...I won't be fussed if this last part isn't understood.

Have fun, kthnx

1,562 posts

Thanks for explaining strop.

Your first warning post made it sound like you were simply threatening a 1 day ban because you disagreed with people saying that he was a pedophile. I feel as if you could have handled it better in the first place, but no one is perfect.

10,816 posts

Probably. Like not saying "shut up" and "hell", which in retrospect made me look like an MJ fanboy >_< (as GAGAMEN indirectly pointed out to me)...

leeeeeave Britneeeeyyyyy ALOOOOOONNNEEEEEEEE!!!! *sob sob*

Not in my defence, but FYI I still have exams on, so I'm barely here but while I am I'm more twitchy than usual. be on topic I feel that the reaction to MJ's death will be in a way similar to the way people reacted to say, Bruce Lee or Elvis Presley's death. I bet you some people will just refuse to believe it and that the pop legend will live on forever.
310 posts

I was not a big MJ fan. I will admit that I like some of his songs. When it comes down to it he was an artist and a very influential one. An entire generation of musicians were influenced by him. However one feels about his personal life, he was a human being. I think most people would go a little crazy if they were subjected to the media microscope from childhood. I may not have liked him as a person but I recognize that he had a tremendous impact on the world of music.

201 posts

if not for mj, minorities would still not be as main stream as they are now, he changed mtv

9,821 posts

Like I said, I'm sympathetic for his family and I'm sorry for all of the problems he's had in his life, but I can't bring myself to be sympathetic.

He's done some good things. . .but we all do both good and bad things.

I do think that music would be VERY different without him - he definitely raised the standard for pop music.

106 posts

I'm actually kind of shocked at that. he was only 50, which is really young. I really don't give a crap about what the media says, I just remember him from his height of fame, when he was considered cool. what a shame... RIP MJ.

3,562 posts

didnt you hicks know that because of Michael Jackson, MTV had no choice but to also play black artists too. He broke barriers racial barriers, and now all you people think about is what he was ACCUSED of. MTV now plays people of all color and races, but before it was just white people who couldn't really make music.

he was considered cool. what a shame... RIP MJ.

He is cool, I don't know if any of you people noticed not only the spectacular-ness of his ORIGINAL dance moves (the robot, popping and locking, moon walking all were started by him) He made 2 PERFECT albums that still sell well into today. srsly people you should look at yourselves.
9,821 posts

Dan, quit flaming.

It's getting annoying.

50 is kind of young to die, though.

My dad is 50. . . .

1,532 posts

He is cool, I don't know if any of you people noticed not only the spectacular-ness of his ORIGINAL dance moves (the robot, popping and locking, moon walking all were started by him) He made 2 PERFECT albums that still sell well into today. srsly people you should look at yourselves.

I can beat mj at the moonwalk. before he died, he was about to go on tour, where all his concerts were sold out. He
3,562 posts

Dan, quit flaming.

I am not flaming, I am stating fact. You shouldn't desecrate such a great man. He broke barriers so people could be equal. I am mad how most of you just jump the gun and assume MJ is gay, and molests children, and looks like a woman. He got plastic surgery because he saw his father's face in him. He wanted to get away from that, because he gave up his childhood so his father could make money. Like Rosa Parks who gave black people equality in buses, and Dr. King giving black people equal rights in general. MJ broke the glass ceiling that prevented black entertainers and actors from ever being seen. Nobody can come close to Michael's fame, and it sickens to me to see people disrespectin and hatin.
1,523 posts

50 is kind of young to die, though.

Don't worry, his nose was only 26. *Badum, chink*

But for srs, MJ was probably one of the best performers the world has ever seen. All Elvis did was take songs from black people and introduce them to the white world. Bob Dylan used a lot of cool metaphors, and The Beatles popularized LSD.

Michael Jackson, though? That guy could sing, he could dance, the whole shabang. Even if the accusations of molestation were true, I'd say he deserves all the little kids he wants for being one hell of an artist.
1,707 posts

I am not flaming, I am stating fact. You shouldn't desecrate such a great man. He broke barriers so people could be equal. I am mad how most of you just jump the gun and assume MJ is gay, and molests children, and looks like a woman. He got plastic surgery because he saw his father's face in him. He wanted to get away from that, because he gave up his childhood so his father could make money. Like Rosa Parks who gave black people equality in buses, and Dr. King giving black people equal rights in general. MJ broke the glass ceiling that prevented black entertainers and actors from ever being seen. Nobody can come close to Michael's fame, and it sickens to me to see people disrespectin and hatin.

Geez no need to get so defensive, and as i do recall he got face sugery because he got in a motorcycle accident. And he can not even amount to Dr. King or Rosa Parks! Nethier of those herioc people did bad things like M.J. They stip the discrimanation of black people that sadly still happens today.M.J. did ntohing for Black people. He was merly another entertainer earning fame by singing. And im sure you wouldn't ve saying same if he molested you of your future children, think how parents feel. M.J. is nothing.
2,820 posts

of course... a friggen arguement in a michael jackson thread, so predictable.. im not getting involved since i dont have the time to be involved in a flame war.

maple story!

anyways he was a great singer and until now i didn't relize how awsome he was untilll he was gone, thats how life works.

he will be truely remembered in my heart as the king of Pop

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