We all know you're addicted to my not-suitable-for-AG works, fst. :P
Random fact: I posted this thread five times before I had weeded out all the errors in the coding and size issues with the images used for linking. Preview post function, where art thou...
Everyone can if they know how to replace an image with another image while keeping the exact same image location. :3
Now the other one's locked, I have the feeling this one will be more organized.
The OP will be, at least~
Post drawings now??
Hey Zoph, look up a bbCode live tester....or something like that.
I ttly should~ Posting/checking/deleting/reposting works fine, though. :P Mod power abuse, ttly~
It doesn't help with the sizes of things, however it makes sure you have all the linking right.
I only accidentally broke one link (placed the brackets like this: [url][img][/img[/url]]), but there were two oversized images, so it wouldn't have helped much. :<
Looks interesting.
I should finish a drawing (I have multiple half done ones) and post it...
Which I should continue on, btw. But I've been distracted.
Random: More random, scribbles, mercifully censored some stuff with two Photobucket stamps: Dreamweaver: Random mysterious critter: The return of the Tunamancer: My bird: And some unfinished crow stuff: