ForumsArt, Music, and WritingAlt's Menagerie of Art! Writing! Fractals! (Warning: Lots of images)

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9,821 posts

Managing two threads has become tiresome. Consider this a collision of the two - Alt's Assorted Authorings and Pwetty Fractals!

Fractals first.

To be continued. . .I don't want to blast you with too many images.



It was a strange sensation, drowning. Once could not call it unpleasant - though it by no means was a joy ride, it brought about a morbid calmness. Even though he could have grabbed on to one of the scraps of metal from the blasted-apart boat he was passenger on, he didn't. He would never know why. Of course, the few waterlogged minutes he had to contemplate this decision as his lungs filled with saltwater were not suitable for mulling over such an issue - quite to the contrary, actually. Perhaps it was some sort of requiem he had been searching for. . .? An elegant ending to the trainwreck that his life had been, a way to add some flair to an otherwise gray experience? Of course, this led onto another tangent of thought - why is gray always considered boring? Is it a stereotype? A general walk of thought? A trail of thinking paved over and 4-laned for it to become a highway of synchronized human thought? A widely accepted epoch of relation?

He would never get the chance to finish thinking through this tangent. One's brain can only function for so long with no oxygen, after all. I guess it's time to return to the water. . . .

He had always found sanctuary in some aspects of Hindu and Buddhist thought - the reassurance was something comforting to him.

Of course, this was not a common circumstance - a idiosyncratic death sequence, to say the least. He had, all his life, lived on a British island. It was during WWII - U-boats were patrolling the water, shooting down any ship that left port. Vultures, willing to kill for an evil man and an evil cause. . .even civilians were the enemy, of course. . . . He, however, wanted to leave. The attacks had come to a lull, and he was confident his ship would be spared from the salvos of torpedos customary for the ships attacked before, especially since they appeared to be departing to some other mission.

He wasn't sure that his family would beg him to stay if he had one. He had always viewed them as a burden. People who live with you? Talk to you all the time? Depend on you? what a waste of molecules, families are. . . . He prided himself on his lack of a family to a point. Whether it was genuine or a psychological filter put up by his subconscious to feel less self-pity was not something he could determine - nor did he want to. So he didn't, and he never would.

He took his money and his ticket to the port, presenting them to the manager of the place. He waved him through - appearing more concerned with his lack of hair then the chance of his passengers dying painful deaths - and the rest of the passengers as well, snatching the money and stashing it.

He gripped the rail as he got on the boat. He could move to London, write a book or two, and sit on what he had - easy enough. Of course, for him, the boat ride itself would be the hardest part of the path to success for him.

He hated riding on that boat. It never stopped rocking enough to give him a rest (he was a light sleeper) and the food was platry in flavor when applied to his (according to him) impeccable palate.

Then, he was shocked out of his half-asleep state on his bed. The captain had ordered the passengers awake. They were to prepare to be sunk, just in case. He didn't deem this necessary. He sneaked back into his room and did his best to re-enter that state of dazed resting.

Then, he heard a crunch of metal. A visceral tearing of the ship's hull, the inside exposed to the ocean. The water seemed eager to pervade the interior - to soak the decor, waterlog the halls, and lap against every door. So it did. Ocean water is not easily denied entry into a boat - not least when the entrance is so large. So, the humans yielded to the saltwater.

Then, another hit - the ship couldn't stand being hit twice at all. It was torn apart. Shrapnel flying every which way, scraps of metal and wood relaxing on the waves. The passengers were not so buoyant. Not being proficient swimmers, most of them drowned.

He had the clout to resist the water by treading it - an audacious act that couldn't go on forever. So it didn't.

The water seemed never to lose it's energy - it was always hyperactive, splashing around, coaxing his head under the water. He conceded. Such battles of force are not like debates. Oh, how I wish they were. . . .

His mind wasn't racing - it was taking a walk in the park, really. It sped up to a jog, before breaking into a run the deeper he sunk. It was short-lived. As aforementioned, you can only think do long when waterlogged and deprived of oxygen.

Poor Excuse

Nothing but a poor excuse
a pale barrier of protection
a neon sign would be of better use
a weak tool of attraction, reflection

you don't need glasses to rob someone blind
or a crutch to be crippled
divinity to be kind
or a pond to make a ripple

don't need fire to make a spark
don't need dynamite to light a fuse
don't need to be naked to be stark
and you don't need a reason when you have a poor excuse

More to come! Many more!

  • 156 Replies
9,821 posts

A'ight, this time the image is good quality, I hope . . . .

13,344 posts

Can I have the wallpaper now that what's his name is banned?

9,821 posts

Just reviving this thread . . . .

Also, revised Other Half nao.

His vision blurred. . . .
Footfalls were heard on the linoleum floor. Oh, the linoleum floor.
He remembered it clearly - more clearly than other aspects of his surroundings. How it seemed to swallow all thought - before spitting it out in a transparent ghost of the lights on the ceiling, warped from their shape. Warped like his consciousness. Warped like his perception. He felt a bond with this floor - like him, it was forced to be a patron to the other half. The distorted view.
He wasn't sure what happened. There were a few thing he could remember - a noise. The roaring of a gaggle of drunken people, talking the hell out of every small subject they could find. There were hors d'oeuvre, and music. There was a tender - behind a bar, with bottles stacked behind him. Chairs. People. One person, in particular.
His view of the situation was dampened by the daze and the noise. His senses were assaulted by the area. His sight was overpowered by lights, and the wave of humanity dancing and walking around the small area. He stumbled to the door . . . .
A person bumped into him. It wasn't a small bump, more of a collision, knocking both of them back and causing shock. When the other person started to regain his senses, he was angry. The other man's fist flew forward, and it hit something. Was it him? He couldn't tell. He felt something painful. There was also something on his face - it wasn't supposed to be there. It was a red shock running down his lips and his chin. An unwelcome visitor upon his countenance that he wanted to disappear. Every time he wiped it away, more of it flowed down, as if it was provoking his anger in his drunkenness. His emotion welled up inside him, coming to a point in his fist. It was pure momentum - it had to go somewhere. And the man he had bumped into was within arm's reach. His anger hit the other man, giving it to him. Contrary to his expectations, the other man wasn't happy with the gift he got. He took it rather bad, all things considered.
The man was an Indian giver. The other man didn't want to keep what was given to him, he decided to return it in a new packaging. A chair. A way to wrap the gift of his force and anger. The liquid that was freeloading his face loved the packaging. It rushed out to greet the chair as it came back around onto the floor.
At that point, others took notice. Bar fights were common, but not taken lightly. The violence was broken by men in uniform. Badges - reduced to pinpoints of light in his vision - were pinned to their lapels. They faded into darkness along with the other man, still holding the chair.
He could feel himself moving, but he couldn't see or hear. He could feel blood in his mouth, its taste lingering on his tongue.
They took him far down the road, or whatever they were traveling on. A conduit of motor transportation, it was, being used by the car and its lights as it sped down the highway. The lights crooned their message over and over again. The same WEEEEEEE-OOOOOOOOO repeated. The lights welcomed him along with the men - they appeared to be police - as he regained his consciousness.
He asked, "Wh-what happened?"
"You, sir, were in a nasty fight. Busted up bad. You are going to the hospital first and foremost," the driver replied.
"Oh. So that was what happened?"
"Hmmmmm. . .why did we fight?"
"Someone at the scene said that you just bumped into him, and he punched you in the face. Then, you hit back, and he got you good with a chair."
"Oh. My head hurts. . . ."
"What a surprise." The policeman wrote something down on a piece of paper.
He didn't dignify the policeman with a response. He faded into sleep once more.
It took him a while to emerge from the depths of unconsciousness. He never pushed above the surface tension, but didn't dwell in the deep. There were lights lining the ceiling, warped by the floor of the . . . was it a hospital? Yes, that sounded right . . . .
He felt sympathy for the floor as he was walked, by the policemen, to his hospital room. The floor could never see nor display the complete truth of what it was reflecting - like he couldn't make anything of the hall-of-mirrors that was the barfight. Both of them were part of the other half. They couldn't see or act clearly when under the spell of distortion. They had only one difference - floors had no choice, and he had brought this upon himself.

. . . hope this is better than the original.

84 posts

I luv it. Noob commenting on a regular's story? literary genius!

84 posts

^ huh?

9,821 posts

Hmmm . . . .

I should post something. Like this!


oh, the drama, oh the fuss
what shall we throw, under the bus?
pretentious lamentation refuses to fit
what whiny emotion shall we choose to transmit?

mixing the messages you choose to send,
don't bother, MOM, I'm just playing pretend!
the sad thing is, so many aren't seeing
how wonderful it is to be a human being

Some darkness here and there does a soul good
but it's not like it makes you misunderstood
invented tortures await through each stanza
sadness like Bosco to George Costanza

to leave behind what makes us great
a hunger for knowledge to satiate
a vive we don't lose till the Pearly Gates
constant belief there's something to await
but drink too much from the fountain of youth
will do nothing besides blind you from the truth
to sour a life is so uncouth
to say humanity's bad is a gross untruth


one beset by freezing cold
stuck inside a home unsold
a leprechaun, no pot of gold
a life's sweet tale will go untold

entrapp-ed in a scorching blaze
beset by anger, fervent craze
drowning in a cloying daze
plans are burned, remain unfazed

cool breeze lost in choking smoke
heat wave doused by winter's croak
in temp'rature, fever broke
reconcile, forgiveness provoked

Did a mixup if trochaic and iambic on the last one. Just wanted to try my hand with the theme for this week's contest despite being a judge.

189 posts

Hi alt...some nice pics you got there
didn't read any of your texts though...but only 'cos it's 7am here and I haven't slept...been busy playing with SAI

but I really like your pics and hey btw...and did I see that you said something about salmiakki there??
Is it some USA type? Because it is know world through that the best Salmiakki comes from Finland so if you don't have should get it lol

9,821 posts

Awwww . . . the poor writings are so ignored D:

3,035 posts

Probably because they don't have any pics! Maybe you should imbue your stories with pics that you draw too. Then it would be like a picture book!(I know it's childish but I'm sure more people would read!)

9,821 posts

Lol, you don't draw fractals. You gotta do a bunch of math stuff and make 'em~

3,035 posts

But in the title fractals is separate from Writing!!! And you said the WRITINGS were ignored so I just assumed...

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