Some people have seen this on my profile and some wanted me to post it, but I never got around to it, but here it is.
I wrote this story back in 3rd grade. This was my very first short story. I misspelled the title (it was meant to be Firefox not Fyrefox), but that is how my username came to be. Well I hope you like it...(keep in mind with your criticism that this was written almost 10 years ago) Or course I corrected some spelling and grammatical errors. I think I got em all.
The Tale Of The Fyrefox
Two countries fought ferociously for power, control, and wealth. They fought endlessly for their thoughts of greed and power. Thousands lay slaughtered by The war's merciless actions and the loss of one's generosity, kindness, and love for another. One creature stepped down from the "Heavens" on a fiery cloud to stop the tragedies and violence, he was sent to restore peace to its rightful place.
The large creature was unmistakably a fox. The fox stood in the middle of the battlefield. It glanced at the dead...all the people paused in astonishment and disbelief. The soldiers dropped their weapons as the fiery creature turned its head. It glared at all the people corrupted by their choices. It then exploded in a cloud of fire and smoke. The people stared into their fate as it rushed toward them in the form of fire. Some pleaded for forgiveness others forsaken it.
The cold hearted perished and the generous and forgiven survived. Soon after, the feeling of generosity, kindness, and love returned. The fox stood on top of the highest mountain located in between the two countries. It stared at the people who were spared from a fiery death, he nodded and disappeared.
Many of the survivors could never explain this phenomenal event. Then finally the elders deemed the creature to be the peacekeeper sent from those "Up Above" to bring the lost emotions back to the people who deserved them. They named him the...Fyrefox.
[quote][quote]I really like it! Something like that being written by a third grader takes true talent.
Very original idea you got there. And 3rd grade?! That's fantastic for a 3rd grader! I want to see more.[/quote]kewl story.[/quote]
Thanks I'm glad everyone likes it. Original eh? I found it kinda unusual when I wrote it. Yeah, it was an assignment in class and at the last moment I wrote it so I wouldn't get in trouble with the teacher. I was always told I was a skilled writer, but never really thought about actually doing it. I see myself as a musician instead of an author, but eh who knows.
History I seemed very important to me, I like much the truth. Also there are other myths envelopes inexplicable things and good if it could give points to the subject but that not can haha good, that you pass friend well mine
Yeah, the setting was meant to take place in the "Knight" ages. The "Fyrefox" is a mythical heroic figure who solves the conflict. So, you pretty much guessed it right.