This thread is based off of a few different threads like The Twisted Pictures Machine or Epic Picture Weirdifier. Threads like those have been popping up everywhere, so I thought, "Why not make a contest out of it!" Basicly, this thread is a contest of who can make the funniest/weirdest/coolest picture out of any ordinary photo. I will look for suggestions for pictures from players, once I see one I really like I'll chose the picture and the people will start their editing. I'll chose the best picture and announce the winner.
I would be happy to run this thread. Considering you would allow me to do so, of course. I am assuming this is somewhat like a photoshopping contest on who can do the wildest edit to a photo or something? Great idea!
Nice to have you here, Artiste. Fluffy was previously the leader of the thread; he handed the reins over to me, however, so I run the thread, as you put it. Although since Fluffy has presumably quit the thread(you can ask him if he has), then I suppose you can fill the gap he left as judge, if you would like. Bonus condeco vos quoque(you speak French, I speak Latin.) =D
Sorry for double post folks. Here is the new picture. Credit: Photo acquired through Wikipedia photo portal. Photo taken by Richard Ling. Deadline: Tuesday, Dec. 8 Good luck folksies. If there is indeed a gap in judges, as I predict there will be, then I will appoint new judges as necessary to have three as before.
Didn't feel like drawing on this one. Still impatiently waiting for a tablet. This is mostly ran through modified filters with a few minor adjustments.