This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
all the people who are going with the xbox or wii are freaking nuts the ps3 is a bluray monster it has the thousands of ps2 games and games like the xbox and more i mean and the wii i have got to say that is nintendos greatest blunder i love nintendo don't get me wrong but holy crap a family enterntainment system ya sure there selling cod 5 rated m without the nazi zombies and the graphics are pretty bad compared to something like the ps3 and if you like the wii for the controlers movement which affects the game then youll love the ps3 it does the same exact thing example in racing games you can tilt the controller to turn, brake, accelerate, and reverse. so don't be nuts go with the playstation
I vote to wii I remember that I had watched a video that said wii had the least advanced system in the 7th generation gaming consoles, but it work out better than PS3 and XBOX 360
Ps3 is a great console,really detailed graphics,epic games,free to play online,etc. But is very expensive,i mean the console itself is expensive and the games are a little bit too.
Wii is a very nice console,you use your whole body to play,and you can play online,but the graphics isn't that great and don't have some nice games,i mean wii is a console for kids because of the games.
Xbox360 is nice, i can't talk too much about this one,because i don't have one,but i like the games at all and the graphics. The problem is,you need to pay to play online and that makes me sad.
I have played the PS3, Wii, and 360. They're all good but I prefer the Wii beacuse it has good graphics and it needs a lot of physical movement. Also a lot of good games are on the Wii.
I think wii games are a little "friendly". I have Super Smash Bros,Mario kart,Zelda. And noone of those have blood or real violence. But they're good games.
IDK,which one is better,ps3,xbox360 or wii. I Would prefer Ps3 i think.
I think the ps3, because it has the ps2 and ps1 preceding it, and the X-box 360 only has the regular X-box before it and the Wii is the first of its kind so it has room to learn.
I'm saying that the Playstation just has the most experience.
i want to say Wii, because Im kinda nintendo fan, but the Wii has almost all of its games relating to groups, and not many for single players. The games at E3 did look promising, but right now, I would have to say Ps3, only because of its great online capability, and those few games that are a must have.
The Wii is only the worst because all of its games are about groups. But with all the games released at E3, I'm not so sure it will stay that way for long.