If there were other people with me in the situation I would pick the zombies, probably because with all the zombie movies and games out today, we would know how to handle them. Aliens could be stronger or more advanced and we wouldnt know what to do about them. Yes we do have alien movies and games, but nobody would know really what is out there.What do you think?
I'd rather face a Zombie Apocalypse, Aliens would most likely be far more intelligent than us and more technologically advanced. So there's no chance of us surviving. But in a Zombie Apocalypse zombies are mostly stupid,slow, but massive in numbers, But there's a good chance you'll survive if you know their weaknesses. Sunlight, head shots, fire, etc.
Zombie Apacalypse. Zombies are slow basically. Aliens have high teched technology. So we people stand no chance against them. With zombies you get a better chance to run away.
Aliens doesn't necessarily mean pulse lasers and plasma shields. It does mean they have developed advanced transportation [specifically space travel] far superior to our own. However I won't risk it, humans are very fragile in comparison to other animals, especially if our weapons are useless.
Zombies are tough too, but I think, if we are going with standard slow, flesh-eating zombies I'd stand a better chance, seeing as even though they outnumber me 7 billion to 1, I still have a better shot at living longer, knowing more about them, since, well, zombies are human.
So zombies, assuming I want to live and have a chance at surviving these unnatural disasters >_>
If Aliens have the technology to travel to our planet, than there weapons would probably be far superior as well. I would rather face slow zombies that only use their hands and teeth.
zombies becuse zombies are well slow as heck but aliens will mosty vap any one who fights them all you need to fight zombies is #1 a m60 #2 alot of ammo #3 food and #4somefriends to help.