Once when I was camping I decided to see if dreams were really only seconds long. My friend was tired and dosing off, so I started asking him weird questions until he fell asleep, then i woke him up and he told me about a whole dream that he had. I did this like ten times and each time he had a different dream that had something to do with what questions I would ask him, It was pretty funny
I don't see how it has anything to do with dream lengths though. But it is interesting how events affect dreams.
I think it was Dement and kleitman that did some of the most famous work into dreams... Apparentley there are different stages that you cycle through and during each cycle the period of REM sleep extends so dreams could be longer the longer you are asleep.
I always have dreams related to things going on when I'm about to fall asleep or wake up. I think it's our brain getting a bit confused, not sure whether to try to interpret what's going on in the real world, or make things up.
I'm bored so fun things.... As you enter REM sleep your body becomes paralysed so you don't act out your dreams (hilarious, but cruel, studies that removes the part of the brain that paralyses the bosy in dogs/cats shows it makes them run around in their sleep acting out the dream). Obvioulsy things can go wrong hence some sleep walkig etc.
REM sleep stands for Rapid Eye Movement sleep. How your eyes move can show what you are dreaming about (-ish). STudies have shown that a person whose eyes are moving up and down may be dreaming about something moving up and down a cliff or if their eye movement was left-right-left etc. it may be a dream where they watch a tennis match.
Statistics about dreams. There is no real answer for now about the length of hour dreams there are only theories, the only proved thing it that the length of the dreams is related somehow to the REM.
REM is based upon what direction you are looking in your dream not what you are doing, but yea same diff. Studying REM, its one of the corner stones to lucid dreaming, theres a machine that reads these movements that you can buy for about 4300 bucks american, and it supposedly helps you on the road to lucid dreams.
REM is a very interesting thing to study. There is so much about it to learn. Also studies show that vividly recalled dreams mostly occur during REM sleep. Dreaming during the NREM (Non-rapid eye movement sleep) is very rare. The NREM is very different than REM, during the NREM the muscles are not paralyzed and of course there is usually no or little eye movement.
Dreams occur during the REM. An other thing studies show that when a person sleep less moves to stage 3, stage 4 and REM sleep faster than patients who are not sleep deprived. That means that persons who don't sleep much usually dream more than the persons who sleep a lot.
aint like dreams like...hmm i think when you start to dream your mind is becoming active again when your about to wake up, nobody knows why you dream or why you dream about certain things, eighth wonder of the world