My first time was when i was walking to maths the other day and i headbutted a girl in front of me for a little joke so she chased me and i turned around to run and ran right into a pole and was knocked cleaned out.
Funny stuff lol, concussion stories are usally funny so post yours :P
I barely even get hurt because i rarely leave the house! Oh well, My worst one was when i was 7, I was skipping along to school with my friend and tripped... I broke my nose on the hard cement ground and my face bled very terribly.
I think I may have gotten several when I was about 1...(my parents told me when I was 1 I would run on the tile, fall back on my head, and say, "uh oh!" then get up and do it again.)but the first one I can remember was during my neighbor's barbecue... It had gotten late, it was dark, and people had gotten out the marshmellows. I was at the top of my neighbor's driveway, laying in a little kid's wagon, when my friend came over and started pushing me down. I lazily said, "Just make sure I don't get hurt." I started going down, and he tripped and fell in a bush, with only a small scrape on his knee. I HOWEVER, went to the bottom of the driveway at 15 miles an hour. I hit a bump and my head was catapulted onto a rock. I wasn't knocked out, but I had trouble walking and standing up straight, and when I wanted to go to sleep, my sister said I would go into a coma. Another time, my friend was over and we were fooling around on our pond(it was frozen solid) I try to start running, my feet shoot up into the air and my head is, again, catapulted to the ground. My neighbor's son came over to see what was wrong, because I screamed so loud. I had a lump the size of half a baseball for about 3 weeks... I'll share some more stories later...
when i was one or 2 i had one of the baby walkers where you sit in a little chair thing that holds most of your weight and you can push yourself around
our house is 3 stories and i was upstairs with my mum then i decieded it would be fun to follow her down stairs
i frontfliped down the stairs and got busted up pretty bad lol
fortunately it only happened once, but I fell off my house and landed right smack on the concrete sidewalk. Happened when I was 11, but don't want it to happen again. You can't trust them dang shingles on the roof one bit.
never had one but i've dislocated my right knee then popped it back in place fell out of a tree landed on some brick on my ribs jumped off a tree trunk landed on back with a rock in the lower spine almost got nailed twice with a framing nailer and cut my thumb almost to the bone with a scroll saw but have never broken a bone