Well, Fallous allows choices, And Halo3 is a pure FPS.
There are tons of choices to make in Fallout 3, blow up a city, cleanse the water supply, tons and tons more. It isn't just desiscion making, some desciscions will get you into fights(That is basically the action of the game).
Halo 3 is a Pure FPs, like I said. If you don't really care about making desciscions and experimenting with good or bad descsions, Halo 3 is the game for you. Pure FPS action, no desiscions to make(there is still a storyline though).
So if you aren't much for experimenting with the story and dno't care who people treat you if you do good or bad, then pick Halo 3. If you do however, pick Fallout 3.
Fallout 3, 100%. It's no comparison. Fallout gives you hundreds of hours of gameplay, dozens of weapons, 100's of options in stats, perks, clothing, and good/bad balancing. It's completely free roam, allowing you to go anywhere, do anything, all right out of the gate. It's got so much to do in it, I don't think you can get tired of it. And with 5 DLCs available, theres plenty extra. Halo 3s campaign isn't worth the ten minutes it takes to beat, and online multiplayer gets stale faster then you think. You will not be dissapointed with Fallout, gauranteed.
It truly depends on your personal choice if you love FPS Halo but then again Fallout is an FPS and Third person. There is no online play (even though thatd be sweet if there was.. Wow i should suggest that too Bethseda) but like the others said you can make practially any desicion you want. Ever. Where as Halos a good game too play with everyone and be social. It really depends on what kind of gamer you are. The choice is yours
depends if you have live, and a few friends with the game get halo 3, playing online with a few friends is great on pretty much any game tbh, if you dont id say fallout 3 because it has a much longer singleplayer whith much more things to do and choices to make, you shouldnt pick fallout if you dont like that sorta game though because fallout isnt ment to be played like a first-person shooter
because fallout isnt ment to be played like a first-person shooter
Ehh, you ever actually played it? The games default is first person, any time you enter a conversation it goes to first person, any time you guy ot buy/sell it enters first person, and any time you use VATS it enters first person. All of Bethesda's gameplay vids were in first person, and things are set in the game specifically to be senn first person. The majority of firefights in the game are meant to be played first person. Fallout 3 is definitely "ment" to be played FPS.
It really depends on what you like more with games. If are more of an RPG fan, you should look into Fallout 3. If you're interested in run-and-gun action with your friends, you should wait 18 days for Halo 3 ODST. But really, it's all opinion.
if i were you i should chose halo 3. i never played Fallout 3 but i know that if you realy like halo 3 you will play it for longer than a year because it is just a great game and i think fallout can't compete with that.