Hovers are good for sweeping land being missle absorbers. Team them up with Sakatas or black queens, hovers are good at owning enemy sakatas, spiders, infantry, chronite tanks, glads, etc etc
Armoy, Armoy, outpost. The other would switch between hospital and forge.
If your ally is good, you can have 3 armories making only snipers and hovers. For best effect snipers should stand slightly in front of your hovers and basic tanks.
Or if you are fasist and your ally is a communist, go for medics and roman, plus some sakatas in the mix. (Armory, forge, hospital and solar array), and let your ally build 3 armories for maximum amount of hovers and snipers.
Basic tank is better against infantry due to bigger splash damage, mix a few at least.
Before pushing forward, auto no-rally romans (thats why you need a forge) and let them absorb fire before you push your sniper-tanks forward.
If you are good with the controls, you can harrass your enemy with a considerable mass of snipers.
someone needs to be taught a lesson :\\\\ roman walls will tear apart a sniper army if its just sniper.
Having seperate sniper walls can cause the snipers to fire at different times, and you can always run to let your base do a little work. This is under most circumstances.
eq mass hovers with meds behind also let your enemy attack first unless they spam snipers if you just cant wait stop your units just as they are attacking to micro. hovers are very good againts sakas. like 2 hovs can kill a saka in oneshot