Topic completely explains it what happened on September 14th 2009. I'm not talking about anything in particular, just a any events or happenings that occurred.
Dude, really? Wow. So thats why my school is in the top 5 public schools in America. Dude, the mid-level science for 10th graders here is Biology. Earth Science is like middle school **** I think.
I know, that's why it's reserved for retards. And what do you mean mid-level is Bio?
Well I got closer to getting a girl I like to like me..... Other than that I don't think anything has really happened exept when my Profile changed. Check it out.
Yeah, that's basically my choices, plus a couple more. We also have Biology, Chemistry and Physics AP as well as Science 9/10, so that you can get ahead.
Its what everyone but the genius kids and the retards go into. Retards get like some sort of "re-Bio" ****, I think, and smartasses get either chemistry or pre-chemistry, don't remember what exactly.
Oh. Here most people take Chemistry or Biology. Physics is more for the smarter kids and the rest I mentioned, well, I've explained that already.
Probably. We don't have that many teachers. We just have one of the top 5 rates of college graduation amongst our High School graduates in public high schools.
It was just a guess. Are you American? Up in Canada our schools are all basically equal, we don't have good ones + bad ones.
My school has AP English, except we can't take it until Junior and Senior year >.< The only AP and honors classes for underclassmen are math and science, both of which I'm not too great at.
Wow, cool to hear what you all had to say so far. I actually posted this to find some current events for history class, so I guess I'll tell him Elton Jon couldnt get a kid, cause he's gay Hahaha. And dont worry I dont plan on making one of these everyday(to whom ever was going to kill me).