Basically this is is the place where I post my Artwork that I do when im bored. Comments are welcome and if you want to use the artwork for anything just give me credit thats all....
I was bored So I drew a few characters I concepts imagined. I would like to make a game based upon them but idk if I ever will....from the left Wrat, Sponge and a generic bunny charater
Going back into 3D, sorta teaching Soulhack117 about Blender, think soulhack doesn't listen too me...anyways If you read this SoulHack get on chat so I can tell ya bout pweety colors B)...
I just try to find different work methods have different effects upon a piece....most of these drawings/art have been done in 2 hours or less except for one..The warhorse on the ASC thread. The main reason is finding ways/techniques which I hope to later apply to a larger project.