*sigh* Concluded a good time ago that reviving/necroing my old thread would be rather stupid and unnecessary, especially since it never really got commented on. This basically meant I decided not to post images unless it had a purpose (contest, WoM, and so on). Blah.
Heh. Cubone. Not a fan of him, but nice drawing. You should draw a Cen Jinx morph :P
Jinx are pure female (though often looking more like a transvestite), and Cen would be a Cubone if he was ever to be transformed into a Pokemon... Just like Kai would be a Furret and so on. Besides... I kinda... Dislike Jinx quite a bit. It is ... fugly > >
blond pony tail AHHHH!! Cenere as Cubone!?!?
As mentioned, yes? Because he would be a Cubone. It is a solitary Pokemon, and the stare it has fits him well. And it is a first gen, which makes me happy.
Wouldn't you like, get cramps after a while or something if you used your thumb and little finger instead of forefinger to hold something? And the second looks like the person is about to do something evil to the candy. Like nom it. That would be horrible.
Well, I did not, and still do not think that they are good enough, really, besides... I already got four or five up, and I have a feeling I am annoying people > > Actually my left hand facing inwards, because... Well... And being mean to candy is what all villains stride to do.