*sigh* Concluded a good time ago that reviving/necroing my old thread would be rather stupid and unnecessary, especially since it never really got commented on. This basically meant I decided not to post images unless it had a purpose (contest, WoM, and so on). Blah.
The costume Cen is wearing on page two is a reference to something. Actually, that something is both a game and a part in the WoM. Considering a few of the people who follow this thread on a semi regular basis have participated or had cameos in the WoM, and has claimed to have read the WoM, I am a little sad no one caught the reference in the use of the costume, considering it would have been a spoiler to this page. The costume is also a reference to the TVTroopes-page that inspired this comic.
If you are talking about page three (the above), then we have one of the elephants from any of John's elephant games, a random zombie, a few balls from various games, and the big blob is a mob of AG'ers defending the city from the Wilderness. Which, with the games running wild, refers to the costume because the costume is from a game.
It is one bumpy Stego, then. Lots of heads, a guy with a sword. Oh well, considering the quality of those pages, I should say much.
Reference D: Aw, come on - -; Oh well. In other news: I want my pkmn eggs to hatch, and CoX to finish loading... Also, I want to sleep, since I have laundry day from 8'o'clock this morning, and I got up at 6 to get to work.
And now I actually have to draw tomorrow to keep my updates running.
Other than that, my brain has decided to bombard me with ideas I can't do, because brain is awesome like that. Awesome in this sentence means "Sucks butt". One idea is a rip-off of one of my latest obsessions, the other is an ANIMATION of all things (especially considering I have no plan of downloading anything I can actually do it in), and based off of a song. With lyrics. In Danish. So it wouldn't really matter, would it?
Besides that, I tried to download City of Heroes. Guess what isn't working. Yes, City of Heroes. Something tells me someone doesn't want me to play. I have no idea who that someone is, but they sure don't want me around their game.
Oh, and I gotted this. Yus. Two minutes to post...
Oh yeah, the Inverse Ninja Law amuses me. Be warned: Following the link might cause serious addiction to the site and the articles found there. Use with caution.
Injoke between Strop and I, because Strop find it to be better to draw his character without one (I would give examples, but then again, you can find them yourself). Also a common joke, as Strop's banhammer is named Thor. And me joking about Strop being AG's version of Captain Hammer (The hammer is his penis). Of course, without these informations, you can just see it as a continuation from the last page, which ends in Cen questioning the size and able...ness of Strop's manhood, and Strop being too sleepy to come up with a good remark.