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We had a ton of fun making this game and are really looking forward to seeing what you can do! Who knows, me may even use it in another version of the game.
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How to Load a Castle:
Simply click on a shared castle link and you will be directed to the game immediately. The game will then load the castle take you right to the editor. Click Test Castle when it's loaded to try it out. It's just that simple!
How to Save a Castle:
Start up the Build and Share area.
Build your castle and click Share when you area ready.
This is the direction I wanna go. Balancing act 1.3. Unfortunately, you need some patience to get the result as shown on the pic below. Try several times." alt="[url=http:/=1jB2z]" />
Here's one for ya all, see if you can fire a SBB over the king's head, searing his hair and bring his beloved princess back to him before the evil castlenovice structure disintegrates!
Yeah, CourtJester, Vertically Challenging, based on my balancing act 1.3, works in that sense that the princess sometimes survives. - I will try to make a more reliable version of mine. Then, probably your challenge might be more reliable as well. BTW - I just tried my balance 1.3 out, it already worked after the second time (work=king does not die)
and, puzzle solution 2.1 looks absolutely crazy in the positive sense; and I didn't even try what you propose in the post above. Cool job anyway!!!
extremely strange!!! My balance act 1.3 worked now perfectly 10 times in a row: The king always survived. I'll do a multplied version of it. Will be back soon.
Definitely improved (the king never dies) and multiplied. Use whatever you want, but sublile ammunition probably makes definitely more fun. Doesn't it?
@castlenovice, try firing an SSB over the king's head in puzzle game! You will knock the princess to the abyss. Interesting, I fired another SSB at her and I know I hit her on the feet and she disappeared alive! Weird...
The main problem with the vertical floor element is that unless you can lock it in vertical, it may sway erratically. If you look at the charlesme solution that I found, I got at least six different launches of which only one worked.
In this old one the second king launch off the vertical floor is quite inconsistent and the third one is a total failure albeit, if you put the code in the CtC game, all three live!
Thanks CourtJester! I will try when I have time to "lay":-)
It's definitely not my aim to be a multiposter, but work is progress and publishing that is fun. The following is not the main purpose of my new post, look at this. It's just adding some stuff, and I personally like it.
Now, the main aim of this post is, I started to notice that maybe 2 days ago, the updated version of CtCPP has two slight changes. Of one I'm perfectly sure, I just noticed it, and the other was a 'suspicion' (=I was not sure).
So, what definitely changed (and which is a pity) is that you can put elements BELOW the line you can see on the floor (again, I must say, as in the CtC old version), meaning that (most but not all) elements put below the line just go to hell.
And the other thing I think I observed is when you catapult a pebble really high (sorry, difficult to explain in english) that now - in contrast to previous versions - it doesn't fly anymore OVER the upper 'line' of the 'layground' (as it was definitely the case some time ago) but that it rather 'follows' this line. Don't know if you understood. If no, ask please.
.. I further 'developed' Balance Act. It's now version 2.3. I had probably an hour or so to fine-tune it. I find it quite amazing that the sentries can land safely on the edge of a wooden wall without dying. Although, I had to eliminate the 2nd senty seen from the left (it's a dead angle, very hard to see, so I just left him out) On the other hand, the princess on the extreme right dies after landing of the sentry. Thre the problem is: if I move her slightly, then the sentry might die, or the king, or everything collapses domino-like. Chain reaction.
So, on my computer, only the princess dies. In this version.
I saw that one in the shares! Too funny and, as well, the princess at the end dies on my computer as well. Nice work! One thing I did was put a ws_i to stop the pendulum of the vertical floor - that might help. Here's one I fixed in the shares The interesting part is the wobbly structure that falls from the sky. The original did not have a launch scene...
CourtJester: I made a further fix. It's now Balance Act 2.4. Now, nobody dies, but I must say that the structure on the extreme left is wobbing around quite seriously, without collapsing though.
That was awesome - I put a fs_s on top of the other one and thought the guard might push the rail down further but it didn't stablize the thing because the vertical member never dropped.
However, for fun, I threw a pebble at the guard, knocked him off, killing the king and (ta da) the princess but the structure didn't fall - bloody amazing! I hit him once as well where the king didn't die but the princess did! Have you tried a heavier person rather than the lightest one - the sentry?
Castle - forget about the heavier people - it fails! I see someone has already pirated your level, renamed it into a swear word of which we all know will be jibberish! Idiots!!! I also see that my shrinking castle has been posted a few times with parts inserted or removed so that it will shrink!! I hate the shares, this is the best place to be!