ForumsGamesCrush the Castle Players Pack - Custom Castles

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107 posts

These levels are for Crush the Castle Players Pack

Post your own killer fortress or try your hand at crushing the castles of others. For users posting their own creations, please consider the following guidelines:

Give your castle a title. This will allow other members to easily reference it in their comments.
Show off your work with a screenshot. A great tool for screenshots and videos is Jing.
Provide a description or hint. If your castle has any notable features or specific tactics make sure to let people know about them.
Don't forget your link. Simply copy the link directly from the Crush the Castle Players Pack editor and paste it in your post.

We had a ton of fun making this game and are really looking forward to seeing what you can do! Who knows, me may even use it in another version of the game.

Note: When posting images please use the image button in the form below and provide the URL to your screen shot. We do not allow raw HTML tags nor do we host images. If you need a place to host your images online consider one of the many photo sharing services.

How to Load a Castle:

Simply click on a shared castle link and you will be directed to the game immediately. The game will then load the castle take you right to the editor. Click Test Castle when it's loaded to try it out. It's just that simple!

How to Save a Castle:

Start up the Build and Share area.

Build your castle and click Share when you area ready.

Name your castle and click OK.

Click COPY to copy the link.

Share the link with everyone you know.

Good luck and happy building!

  • 3,823 Replies
6,158 posts

It's done does not always turn out happy mostly because nothing has stabilized so it has several different outcomes.

5 posts

crush the castle players pack is awsome plus it saves unlike that cheap imatation castle clout

1 posts

awesome game

6,158 posts

Bill Hilly Flop

Jeez, I submitted this to the shares 3 times before it worked! WTF!

At any rate, the King spots the Queen, farts and heads for the trebuchet but doesn't make it. He needs another lift to get close. The Queen decides to take advantage of the situation and heads for her new found "best" man but, the King is very angry and orders a strike against the infidels.

However, his plan might be foiled if the wrong shot is made and all are killed by a well placed weapon.

Enjoy you lazy castle builders! Ha ha ha, I got more coming!

This level can be destroyed by stones BTW!

6,158 posts

3 king flips

Well, the saga continues! The King spots the Queen heading for her tryst and decides to flip her the bird. Sometimes he makes it, sometimes he goes to sleep (that would be nice), and sometimes he just stands there dumbfounded thinking about which direction he might head next. Stay tuned for this continuing saga of the charlesme/chupie/CJ series of misadventures!


6,158 posts

Hmmm.... More often than not, he is over-cum with disdain about the cheating Queen and commits suicide.... Poor guy - confused I guess.

As a programming note, the first flip is not consistent albeit the second seems solid but he lands the second and the platform bounces. This is a sign that he has moved a fraction of a pixel. Thus the third is inconsistent - feel free to play with it as I am sure a 4th toss is available. Here is the raw data.

5~w_i:735,358|w_i:713,358|w_i:670,358|w_i:668,-245|c_k:742,259|w_w:694,358|f_i:707,295|p_t:589,318|w_i:1069,356|w_i:1090,355|w_i:1004,-338|ws_i:1086,260|f_i:575,405|f_i:577,393|f_i:575,382|f_i:573,372|ws_i:368,377|f_w:580,415|w_w:1050,354|f_w:1051,289|w_i:1010,-334|fl_w:406.3,342|w_w:469,358|w_w:486,358|p_c:505,390|w_i:408,355|fl_i:423,420|p_c:448,392|fs_i:357,407| c_s:1261,379|c_q:817,363|c_p:767,330|f_w:856,401|fs_w:845,413|w_i:1112,358|w_i:1195,-140|w_i:1195,-263|c_n:1195,-355|w_i:1195,-14|w_s:1195,105|w_s:1195,230|w_s:1195,355|ws_i:645,372|w_i:1155,358|p_s:1173,390|f_w:1183,357|fs_i:770,415|fs_i:770,404|fs_i:770,387|fs_i:770,375|c_s:1156,236|p_s:1221,393|ws_s:164,-8000|w_i:220,340|fs_s:108,410|f_w:124,106|fl_s:707,-4000|fl_s:710,-5000|

1,117 posts

Court That was Great!!! I always flip the princess because she is the easiest to flip. The King...not so much. Very nice.

6,158 posts

@charlesme - thanks. I've been trying to figure out how to use that floor element that I had to block to start a slow moving catapult to flip the king... Maybe some other time

6,158 posts

Battering Ram

This one is hilarious Just scroll right and watch.

The King and Queen preside over their flock who have been taking a bit too much speed (unbeknownst to their parents) and wonder why they are having such a happy dance. Squire Herbert however, runs amok in the crowded dance floor destroying everything!

Your mission is to watch and guess who survives the bloodbath...

6,158 posts

CTC2 in Beta

It's out in beta for I dunno how long and it is in 3-D, check it out.

6,158 posts

The new game is awesome!!! All kinds of new stuff albeit it seems slow. There is a whole new environment for editing and you can change shapes. Jeez, why am I talking, get on it!

6,158 posts

Beta has been removed - nice that we were informed of this in the players pack!

1,117 posts

I missed it, that sucks. If he wants real feedback he should have let us know ahead of time on here that it was going to be here today. Who is better to give good feedback than us?

853 posts

I missed it as well. that sucks.

6,158 posts

RE: Beta CtC2

The only inkling that I saw was a comment on Joey's profile and somehow found the link.

At any rate, the game has a lot of new editing features including changing the landscape by stretching and modifying. Thus you can build a castle on a hill or in a valley and have bombs roll back etc.

It has a lot of new characters and elements including kegs of dynamite and other weapons I had yet to unlock before it shut down. It also has a tight grid for placing elements when you are making castles. What would be nice would be a "snap" feature to precisely place the elements to the grid lines. There are also arches and other decorative elements and it appears that there is a "stretch" feature and I think I did see a rotation feature albeit in the castles I played, it probably wasn't used.

The backgrounds, as I mentioned can be reformed into any shape that you want and stretched and modified. Now you can have a basement dungeon or a hilltop castle!

I am rambling a bit but, one feature was the trebuchet which I think needs some work as it probably needs to be move back a few hundred pixels as it is way too strong and very tough to accurately place the IED's (ha ha) - Yes, it has time bombs and bombs you can hurl at the target and detonate them simultaneously later.

It appears that Joey took all of our suggestions including the fact you cannot steal levels to modify and as well, when you make a castle, your profile name is pasted underneath the title.

As far as appearance goes, it kind of looks like a updated 3-D version of castle crush. It looks totally different than the other versions of CTC in that it does not have that rustic look but of a modernized version (almost cheezy). Hard to explain and I am sorry I didn't take a few screen shots but I thought it would be up for a while longer.

The bomb explosions are not realistic like the old versions and instead of exploding bleeding people, they die in a poof and turn into a gravestone albeit, you have to really kill them as they don't die on contact with any element.

It is indeed unfortunate that Joey did not inform the very people that he directs everyone to on the game start in that his link is to the Players Pack.

There were at least 5 pages of feedback though in the Beta Version and no indication on his profile nor his blog regarding any link. So, the question is, how did these people find out about it? In the shares, there were a bunch of castles - mostly fails.

Quite frankly, I am disappointed that we were not informed and if you feel the same, put it on his feedback page or comment on his profile because this is not a good thing for the Players Pack dedicated Master Castle Builders!

P.S - It needs work and I expect that another Beta version will be issued before it hits the mainstream. I will continue to monitor the issue...

I lost the feed because I exited out by mistake to add comments. As I was watching the Stanley Cup, I screwed up and didn't hit, open in new tab - my mistake!

If you have any questions, post them to my profile or on this now seemingly redundant forum!

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