ForumsGame Walkthroughs[necro] Stick War - Ways to Win

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This is just a simple little guide to the game stick wars. i beat the game on normal mode and now i want to help you beat it too! The beginning levels are pretty easy (on normal mode) just get miners to start with, control a miner for yourself because they mine MUCH faster then a normal one does, i'd say twice as fast. get swordwraths, then attack. get archidons too once u unlock them, but dont upgrade anything yet! save up until you unlock speartons. upgrade their spear and shield as much as u can, then upgrade their hp. you should need 2 more points to get them fully upgraded. after that upgrade your miners mining rate, if you fully upgrade it, two user controlled swings mines you 100$ and 4 cpu swings gives u 100$. after they are upgraded i suggest upgrading your tower health, then upgrading your giants health or swordwraths hp and speed. you dont need to upgrade swordwraths, but you can if you want use the meat shield strategy, i will describe this at the bottem of the guide.
The meatshield was made by crazyjay, the creator, and i think he intended to add this strategy in the game. anyway, moving on, in the levels you want a few speartons, a couple archidons, once you are defended to a good amount, get miners. do the meatshield strategy too if you want to. then attack. on the last level though, i recommend using giants. they dont stay and defend, they just go. you can use-control one and keep it at a stand still, but thats only one. you can also pull back your units to your base and make more, but your miners go away (just a note: every 3 units, miners or fighters, you have pulled back you get one castle archidon to defend your base. they do not get effected by archidon upgrades, only base upgrades.) back to the last stand level, you can user control a giant with no upgrades and take out half the enemy base -ALONE- its amazing how efficient they are at taking down a base :P
I will work on more strategies [in normal mode] and try to find the best one to help you armor gamers :P i will try to focus on economy and see if thats any good.

Meatshield: the meatshield is where you have a few speartons in front. they are heavily armored units with helmets so archidon headshots done kill them [like they do with swordwraths]. swordwraths are made to be behind the speartons and use them as a shield to get closer, and then attack. this is agood strategy because the swordwraths can be leaded up to the base by the speartons, then rip it apart. they are cheap units and do okay damage.

Strategies i will plan to test:
Economical, Archidon - warriors, lots of magikills :P, and giants.

  • 20 Replies
51 posts

For Me I've rather use the swordsman and upgrading it to the max and then the speartons and archers and voila you have you're striker team

51 posts

If you upgrade the giants you are unstoppable against the enemy footman

1 posts

here is my strategy for every level until you get to the ice hills non ambush exept for westwind.and levels before second ambush. get a spearton out early and control him. then go and attack with him. while attacking create enough miners until you get 6. then the miners will get the gold. the gold will help you create more speartons. then the strong speartons (atleast 6) will attack and speartons are the strongest ifintry so you should be able to win by a lot of speartons. and speartons could take the statue down quickly[url=http://www.stickwar]

1 posts

I spammed speartons and archers. A cool thing is that if you take control of a spearton, invade the enemy, quickly kill all miners, the garrison archer does not appear, so you can destroy the statue.
The last level was very easy.
I quickly got 2 extra miners, then a spearton to kill the initial archer and swordsmen. Important: I went to enemy base and spammed space to kill all, dodged archer arrows, stayed there, meanwhile I racked up gold and got some more archers, speartons, then 2 magikill. At the end, I summonsed 2 giants and I attacked.

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