This is a new generation of Kacboy's Krap. Only the best of the best and the worst of the worst. (Not actually the worst of the worst) I will be posting art I liked from my previous Kacboy's Krap and adding new art and maybe a few poems! Also, Join my site:
Rating - 9.8/10 An epic game that will keep you busy. Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver for me is the best Pokemon game so far. I know it is a remake but I have never played the original Pokemon Gold/Silver. So this is all new to me and it is incredible. The 3D buildings have improved a lot since Diamond and Pearl and it still has that Pokemon style. The touch screen menus are a great change and are much more convenient than always having to use buttons. The game sound is not the best, the music is all good like in Diamond and Pearl but it still uses screechy 8-bit sounds on all the pokemon which doesn't quite fit in. The gameplay is same as always but you may be able to tell that it seems to have less wild Pokemon. It brings a little from every game and is a true sequal to Blue, Red, and Green. This may be because the game would be too long since there are 16 badges in total for this game. This game will last you a really long time spanning 2 regions with 16 badges. The Pokewalker is a nice little gadget that can train your Pokemon without the DS. Overall, this game almost meets all my Pokemon Game expectations and I recommend it to any Pokemon fan. -- Presentation - 8.8 Graphics - 8 Sound - 7.4 Gameplay - 9.7 Lasting Appeal - 10 ____________________________
I'm sorry people, this thread is too outdated and I can't keep up. Not even on my own site. I'm just making art too fast these days. You can see my art and videos here: