ForumsGame WalkthroughsThe Art of War(Fare) 1944 Edition (Revised)

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Alright, first off, I know there is a video walkthough, but if your like me, you wont want something that is a dead give away, and since the placement of your opponents troops is random to some degree, then the video walkthough may or may not work for that particular match. The following is a list of tips and tricks that I have found work remarckbly well.
This is a revised edition of my original 'The Art of War(Fare) 1944 Edition'. The information will be in an easier format to read, will all be situated in one, easy to read post, and will also a little bit more.

Rising out of the trenches and onto the battlefield of Normandy, Warfare 1944 sees the U.S Forces take on the German Wehrmacht.

Version 1.1 Changes
- Difficulty options when starting a campaign
- Autosave notifications
- Fix for some Objective based missions not reseting properly

- German tank damage fixed (was too low)
- Tanks now concentrate fire on dangerous targets (bazooka teams and other tanks)
- Increased Tank armor for both sides
- Better A.I for Bazooka / Panzershreck teams with regards to tanks
- Reduced buffer at edge of screen to help block flanking troops at last minute
- Reduced Officer cost
- Reduced Air Support cost
- Reduced Bazooka / Panzershreck resupply time slightly

- Fix for units jumping out of empty cover

- Fix for discount upgrades (such as âIn Good Supplyâ)
- In Good Supply lowered to 20% cost reduction from 25%

Select unit then click on the battlefield to deploy.

Instructions in game.
Table of Contents:
Game Description/Info
Version 1.1 Info
Game Controls
Table of Contents
Part I: Units Availible and How to Counter Them.
Part II: Upgrades and If Their Worth It
United States Campaign
Wehrmacht Campaign
Part III:Player Submitted and Extra Tips
Player Submitted Tips
Extra Tips
Units Availible and How to Defeat Them:

Riflemen: Your most basic unit. Good en masse.
Use Against: Infantry, but Extremely well En Masse
Counter With: Machine Gunner(s), Snipers, Tanks

Assault: Good at rushing emplacements, moderatly good at disabling tanks.
Use Against: Snipers, Entrentched Opponents, MGs
Counter With: Snipers, Tanks

MG (Machine Gun): Good against Infantry when entrenched.
Use Against: Infantry (when entrenched)
Counter With: Snipers, Tanks, Assault

Sniper: Good at attacking infantry at a distance.
Use Against: Infantry (at a distance)
Counter With: Tanks, Infantry (close range)

Bazooka Team: Good at attacking enemy armor.
Use Against: Tanks
Counter With: Snipers, assault.

Mortar: Good against entrenched oponents.
Use Against: Entrenched opponents, Tanks
Counter With: Snipers, Assault.

Officer: Good at calling strikes
Use Against: Entrenched opponents, Tanks (strikes)
Counter With: Everything

Tank (Sherman, Panzer): Good at opening gaps.
Use Against: Infantry
Counter With: Assault, Bazooka Team
Part II: Upgrades (And If They're Worth It)
To decide which upgrades are for you, then you must first decide which tactics you most commonly use. Here are the three most basic ones.

Turtling: Extremely defensive, you ussualy win with moral being depleted.

Newt: Balanced combination of offensive and defensive. Win with both concuring and moral wins.

Rusher: Entirely offensive. The word 'defensive' isnt in your vocabulary. Win with concuring wins.

Turtlers will want mainly defensive, and artillery upgrades. Newts will want to get a combination of the both, and Rushers will want more infantry upgrades.

In Warfare 1944, Newts and Rushers tend to have more sucess than Turtlers, but Rushers tend to take bigger risk. Newts are a balance between the two.
Legend: T=Turtler, N=Newt, and R=Rusher
Example: T: Yes, N: Maby, R: No

United States Campaign

--- Tier One ---

Ballistics: Rifles and SMGs +15% damage//T: Yes, N: Yes, R: Yes
Take Cover: +10% to defense//T: Yes, N: Yes, R: Yes
Red White and Blue: +10% to morale//T: Yes, N: Yes, R: Yes
Post Haste: 10% faster Reinforcement//T: Yes, N: Yes, R: Yes

--- Tier Two ---

Assault Tactics: +10% damage for assault//T: No, N: Yes, R: Yes
Hit em' Hard: +10% damage on flank attack//T: No, N: Maby, R: Yes
Secure Flanks: -20% moral loss when flanked//T: Yes, N: Maby, R: Yes
Resupply Inbound: 15% faster Reinforcement//T: Maby, N: Yes, R: Yes

--- Tier Three ---

Fire Support: +40% damage for MG team//T: Yes, N: Maby, R: Maby
Go!Go!Go!: +20% to infantry movement//T: No, N: Maby, R: Yes
In Good Supply: -20% resource point cost//T: Maby, N: Yes, R: Yes


--- Tier One ---

Grenades: Grenades added to units//T: Maby, N: Yes, R: Yes
Mortar Accuracy: +25% more accurate//T: Yes, N: Maby, R: Maby
Air Support: Air Support availible//T: Yes, N: Yes, R: Yes
Engine Upgrade: +25% tank movement speed//T: Maby, N: Yes, R: Yes

--- Tier Two ---

Smoke Grenades: Add smoke grenades to units//T: No, N: No, R: No
Smoke Mortar: Smoke Rounds//T: Maby, N: Maby, R: Maby
Artillery: Artillery Availible//T: Yes, N: Maby, R: Maby
Anti-Infantry: +30% Tank MG damage//T: Maby, N: Maby, R: Maby

--- Tier Three ---

Explosives: +25% explosive damage//T: Maby, N: Yes, R: Yes
Barrage of Fire: Additional Artillery rounds//T: Yes, N: Maby, R: Maby
Armor Production: -25% resupply time for tanks//T: Maby, N: Maby, R: Maby
Wehrmacht Campaign

--- Tier One ---

Ballistics: +15% damage to Rifles//T: Yes, N: Yes, R: Yes
Take Cover: +10% to defense//T: Yes, N: Yes, R: Yes
For The Fuhrer: +15% boost to morale//T: Yes, N: Yes, R: Yes
Reinforcements: +10% faster Reinforcement//T: Yes, N: Yes, R: Yes

--- Tier Two ---

Machine Gun Training: +15% damage to MG teams//T: Yes, N: Yes, R: Maby
Secure Flanks: +10% defense when flanked//T: Yes, N: Yes, R: Maby
For The Fatherland: +20% boost to morale//T: Yes, N: Yes, R: Yes
Rapid Deployment: 15% faster Reinforcement//T: Maby, N: Yes, R: Yes

--- Tier Three ---

Scharfschtze: +20% damage for snipers//T: Yes, N: Maby, R: Maby
Fortified: +15% defense for units//T: Yes, N: Yes, R: Yes
Conscripts: Rifle Men at Half Cost//T: Yes, N: Yes, R: Yes


--- Tier One ---

Grenades: Grenades added to units//T: Maby, N: Yes, R: Yes
Mortar Accuracy: +25% more accurate//T: Yes, N: Maby, R: Maby
Air Support: Air Support availible//T: Yes, N: Yes, R: Yes
Engine Upgrade: +25% tank movement speed//T: Maby, N: Yes, R: Yes

--- Tier Two ---

Smoke Grenades: Add smoke grenades to units//T: No, N: No, R: No
Smoke Mortar: Smoke Rounds//T: Maby, N: Maby, R: Maby
Artillery: Artillery Availible//T: Yes, N: Maby, R: Maby
Anti-Infantry: +30% Tank MG damage//T: Maby, N: Maby, R: Maby

--- Tier Three ---

Explosives: +25% explosive damage//T: Maby, N: Yes, R: Yes
Barrage of Fire: Additional Artillery rounds//T: Yes, N: Maby, R: Maby
Armor Production: -25% resupply time for tanks//T: Maby, N: Maby, R: Maby
Part IV: Player Submitted and Extra Tips

Player Submitted Tips

deploy tank. I use it to knock out the enemy tank.Then I deploy riflemen to protect the tank. When the enemy tank goes bye bye. I deploy assault men out. Then deploy some riflemen. And then I deploy 2 teams of riflemen on the left and the right. I make them stay undercover to kill some enemy's. (this is kinda cheating to the enemy but) I spam rifle men lol.

(last level)
u.s. regular
at the start the enemy will send out a tank first you put a tank where the other tank is (if the enemy tank is left then u put your tank left same for right) you then put bazookas behind your tank as soon as you have enough points your tank should get knocked out first (if on regular) and your bazookas will finish the enemy tank off now that the enemy tank is gone you have to press on the enemy and make them always need to use mg's assualts and riflemen because if you dont they send out another tank an easy way to press on the enemy is a tactic i call base build this is useful in the last lvl because you have two areas which can cover you on the middle row on the two bits of cover you have put mg's or snipers on them then you press the enemy's on the flanks and if they get to close mg's will take them out and the snipers will do the same thing for long range (snipers are easier for this tactic) then if you are like me you flank the enemy till their morale drops or just send riflemen down the middle

hope this helped

Extra Tips

Easy Tank Kills

Ok, everyone hate how the bazooka teams do zilch against a tank right? The bazooka teams lack the firepower to disable a tank unless they get lucky and hit an engine.

So, put an officer on the field, but keep him in the back so he doesnt get killed and make you lose morale. Deploy a rifle group ahead of the officer to hold up the tank for 30-45 seconds. Deploy a bazooka team, and at the same time call in a air strike. You must have the airstrike upgrade to do this! Before V. 1.1 came out, an airstrike would kill panzers (not shermans) in one hit, but the health got boosted on panzers. So when you call in the airstrike, deploy 2, yes, 2 bazooka teams to finish the tank off. It works with one, but he ussualy gets killed and you have to deploy another. Wash, rinse and repeat.

(Tank VS Tank)
When It comes down to the Sherman VS the Panzer, the Panzer Wins. In order to destroy the panzer, combine this tip with the 'Easy Tank Kills'.

While calling in air strikes on the Panzers, Send in a Sherman. BEHIND the Sherman, send in Bazooka teams. The Sherman will take the damage while the Bazooka teams remain unscathed. Send in Rifle men incase the Sherman is destroyed. The rifle men will take the damage, allowing the bazooka teams to continue attacking. Send in another Sherman when you can. You can also use mortars, as they can take out the infantry support around the tank with there sporadic fire. If your going for maximun XP at the end of the match however, stick with using just the Bazooka teams.

Note: I couldnt find a list of Maps for the game, and I dont have enough time to go back through the game beating it just to find out the Names of the levels. So... Deal with it

  • 9 Replies
20,591 posts

Not bad.
Will this help me get the hard badge on Kong? (beat hardened mode english campaign)

6,800 posts

I dunno m8. I joined Kong, but the games wont load for me, so... I try all these strategies in hard, and the work pretty well for me. There is a level of unpredictablility in the game and placement of enemy troops, but they still should work most of the time.

20,591 posts

So what exactly is harder about hardened than recruit?
More enemy life?
More enemy damage?
Slower unit recharges?
Slower supplies?
Higher unit cost?
All of the above?

2,765 posts

wow you actually put my thing on there (even though it takes like 10 reads to understand the whole thing) but now warfare is pretty boring and i doubt anyone (except firetail i think) will post

134 posts

its pritty long i like the game so i may use some of it. I have already beaten it on hard.

1 posts

Check your spelling, fool. [b]

1 posts

WOW thanks alot this really helped me. I dont like videos but i can never find ones that are not a dead giveaway.


2 posts

Tips for Rushers and Newts. (who needs defense, just blitz the middle.)

Best upgrades in order: "Post Haste" to "In Good Supply" (best in the game), "Grenades", "Mortar Accuracy", "Engine Upgrade" to "Anti Infantry" (Armor Production debatable for reasons below). Ballistics and Explosives are good after all that.

Poor upgrades: Smoke Grenades, (just throw normal grenades). Secure Flanks, (the enemy shouldn't even touch your flanks if you do it right.)

General Strategy:
Be very aggressive at the beginning before the enemy can build strong defenses, then dial it back as necessary. Take advantage of "In Good Supply" by swarming whenever possible.

Specific Tactics:

#1 Armored Blitzkrieg - A.K.A Well-supported tank crushes all:
Send tank, (middle lane if possible, otherwise, in front of enemy tank) follow with bazooka team, then assault.
If battle has not yet engaged then place a mortar team, (lane according to map and choice.) If it has engaged then select the assault team and have it throw grenades as fast as it can.
NOTE: their is a small delay time before another grenade can be thrown, do not click before this or it will cancel the last grenade.

If faced with a tank: the combination of your tank's main gun, the bazooka team, and the assault team's grenades, and hopefully a mortar hit or two should have it destroyed in short order and leaving your own tank at 25 to 50% health. With infantry buffering against enemy bazookas

If faced with massed or entrenched infantry: Grenades from your assault team are remarkable bunker busters for the price, (and can hit snipers from slightly higher range). Machine gun from the tank should handle the rest.

Now spam assault and riflemen down the middle, (unless it has LOTS of cover that would slow them down and another lane is entirely empty), telling them to advance ASAP while buying another mortar when reloaded, then another tank. Rinse and repeat above strategy until you win. Hopefully before your 2nd tank has even been damaged. (this is why armor production may not matter since you might win before it even gets there.)
NOTE: Newts will likely want .30 cal or snipers to be added in between tank and mortar teams after the first tank/bazooka/assault combo.

Pros: Artillery resistance is minimal as they are pressured too fast to set up more than one officer or two mortars.
Cons: If your tank gets taken out a little too quick from some lucky artillery strikes, you might have to scramble another bazooka/assault team combo to kill the enemy tank. NOTE: in this situation Rapid fire Assault grenades are more cost effective than bazooka teams, and about as reliable. Grenade spam requires minor micromanagement.

#2 Explosive Swarm Blitz - A.K.A Shock and Awe (for when tanks are otherwise unavailable): Assault, Rifle, Mortar on the middle lane in that order. Have rifles and Assault advance as quickly as reasonable until combat is engaged.
Newts will want to add a sniper after the mortar is placed.
The moment combat is engaged have the front most soldier fling rapid fire grenades until resistance is broken, or he dies, then switch to the next soldier, reinforcing with Assault and Rifle constantly, while placing mortars in different lanes when they recharge.

If enemies are too well entrenched (somehow):
Rushers: run extra riflemen on the top or bottom lane and time them to attack in sync with the middle lane. Grenades constantly.
Newts: Let your mortars build up and begin blowing enemy resistance to shreds.

Pros: Mortars build up and overwhelm over time when protected by pressuring infantry.
Cons: Air support strikes can almost reset your offensive. Requires moderate micromanagement.

2 posts

Gimmick Strategy:
LET THEM COME! - A.K.A CounterAttack :
When the first enemy tank is coming on an outside lane. Don't face it. Send your tank, men, and mortar on the opposite outside lane (maybe delay your tank a little). Your morale can absorb the first flanking while your tank and mortar together set you up in a great position to push Assault and Rifle down the middle and conquer to win despite having nearly no morale left.

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