Right, since this is technically a forum for people to post their own art and music, I see music threads but I don't see any art threads.
Here's something I did over New Year's.
I don't have a tablet, so this was done entirely by mouse in Open Canvas v0.6. This is the low quality version, the high quality version having an unrealistically big filesize.
On that note, if you're looking for an artist for a flash project or even simply to hire my services etc. I'm up for it. I also do frame-by-frame animation, and might post an example later.
Cool! The yes don't exactly show Sasuke's personality, but it's okay otherwise. It could use some more color (but i guess that's just the artpad), and the neck/shirt is kind of weird. But i like the effect on the hair and the fire. Also, you can always take a picture of the screen (prnt sc) and post it on paint, save & upload to photoshop!
I hope that URL works..anyway if it doesn't just copy and paste it to your URL bar. I used the software GIMP for the first time and I made this. Give away all your feedback!
sorry to be off topic but The Sid was my dad's nickname in college But nice work guys. I really like the picture of the car in the city strop, probably one of my favorite sketches ever. "Hey, the Sid can fix it!"