ForumsGame WalkthroughsShadowreign - A few hints/Tips

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47 posts

Just finished the game. its a good one! i rather enjoy short rpgs like this.

Riddles -
12 - every month has 28 days
For the "a third of six, what is one half of 20" = 15
For the marbles - One more then the total of one color (i think theres 32 of each color, so it would be 33)

The tree order
One tree to the right of the tree directly at the bottom
The very top tree
The very furthest left tree

I completed it as a pure warden at level 40. Using the slow arrow the final boss didnt even hit me... If you have tried the other specs please post how it went.

When collecting the shadow slayer armor:
When requested to get the peice from the inn, you can touch the inn sign and it will spawn 4 enemies. As a warden this fight was tough because the baddies are fast. i made sure my exp bar was close to leveling so i got a free refil of hp/en when i killed two of them.

Shadow gates - They spawn enemies at 75% hp, 50% hp, and a larger group at 25% hp. Leaving the screen will reset the gates hp.

  • 114 Replies
31 posts

help how do i get the petal i walked to the tree surroned by plauge void and nothing happend.

1 posts

I'm thinking of going for every single thing completely upgraded, but is that even possible?

1 posts

ommmmgggg that was fun I did really well as a mage the whole time, I went with arcane MOSTLY, but on gladiator I increased fortify to tops, then top regenerating, put 2 on strength so I could get to next level of gladiator, and increased aftermath to tops. On Assassin I put killing spree to tops and that was all. Got 5 points in warder on spirit of the grove for some better critical chances, really helped. In arcane I got Scorch, Refresh, and energy Nova, topped out mind race, and put the rest into wizards spirit so I would hit high. I trained on some monsters for a bit so I could get high cash, good gear, and lots of talent points. Mage helped me a WHOLE lot

1 posts

I found that full gladiator with the warden's run speed and heal was way to easy, i pretty much just poked everything with an extremely oversized sword while running around in circles with heal on, killed evry mob there while losing close to no health.
Finishaed game at level thirtyone in about 1 1/2 hours of straight playing, my eyes are pwned, gonna go of nao.

1 posts

When I found this game I spent several hours playing, and ended up grinding to lvl. 50 before beating the final boss. I got the +3 talents from the riddles, giving me 52 points. My build from the beginning was focused on using Melee with all of the Talent Trees evenly, every level I put another talent in the lowest overall. In the end I was in full Shadowslayer gear, (didnt wanna give up my high agility gear but owell) and chose the legendary dagger for the speed and crit., as most of my talent points went into abilities associated with frequent high dmg. crits., as well as a few for stability, dps., healing, and hp regen. None of my talents went into the stackalbe passive "Spirit" ablitities. With this build I can tank mobs, or bosses with minions and never decline below 90% HP or Energy, and the finial boss was a breeze.
I call this class build, "Adventurer!"

Overall; Gladiator:13 Assassin:13 Warder:13 Arcane:13

Fortify 3/3 Good Armour bonus
Bash 1/1 Great for getting backstab off
Fire fists 1/1 +dmg., man
Recovery 2/3 Little extra hp regen.
Paralyzing Swing 3/3 10% chance stun is always helpful
Aftermath 3/3 dot that is worth getting

Shadow Strike 1/1 My spam attack, just to double attack rate
Dead Eye 5/5 +5% crit.
Killing Spree 2/2 Usually the first kill was easy enough
Anticipation 1/3 Would've had more but ran out of talents
Backstab 1/1 Powerful high crit. hit
Malice 3/3 Awesome for your backstab

Sylvan Touch 1/1 Instant cast, overtime heal
Hunter's Pursuit 5/5 Need the speed
Stalker's Fury 3/3 Good on the first kill to help proc killing spree
Scorpion Bite 1/1 Bonus to dps. and good for mobs if used with Blink
Blessing of the Wind 1/1 Good for run, energy regen., and cast time
Nature's Recovery 2/5 Little extra +16% to all heals

Recall 1/1 For obvious reasons jumping to town is helpful
Focused Mind 5/5 energy regen.
Refresh 1/1 Healing for when my life gets to 60% (never)
Blinkstep 3/3 Just all-around fun when walking, and useful too
Malicious Intent 3/3 +30% dmg. great since first hit is crit.

15 posts

Great game, I went with a gladiator/ assassin combo, finished pretty easily cause I could take and deal a lot of damage

1 posts

what the fuck someone help me i cannot find the last battle anywhere where is it??????

10 posts

really awesome game one of my favorites i beat it twice,once using Raikage's melee build,and then using my ranged build(Gladiator/Warder)-
Arcane-1/1 Recall
Gladiator-3/3 Fortify 5/5 Recovery 2/X Warrior's Spirit 3/3 Life Steal 2/3 Aftermath 1/1 Battle Aura
Warder-1/1 Sylvan Touch 1/1 Steady Shot 3/5 Hunter's Pursuit 5/X Spirit of the Grove 1/1 Blessing of the Wind 5/5 Nature's Recovery
With this build it was a bit hard on last boss,i killed him just as i was about to die and also, this build started out as Gladiator/Assassin/Warder,but i beat the game before i could even put one pt. into Assassin lol
P.S. vinnielb the final boss is at the very northeast corner of the map
P.P.S. on my first char., i beat it at lvl 36,2nd char,i beat at it lvl 33(not including the fact that when i beat the last boss i leveled up)

3 posts

I just finished i was a pure warden didnt even hit i dodge all his hits :P

3 posts

He didnt hit anything*

3 posts

lol 2 hitted so bad. I had bow i was a pure warden.

2 posts

I did not finished the game, but I think that it won´t be a problem.
I have a Gladiator level 25, doing the crazy mans quests. I already tried, and I can take the 4 waves of the dark gate, destroy the dark gate then, and kill the mobs u.u (I loose the half of my life, use 2-3 potions.)
However, I think my weapon is bad. what´s a good weapon for gladiator?

1 posts

Great game!

My hero stats:
Well for my first 17 levels I used the assasin's passive skills for criticals and damage (Killing Spree, Dead Eye, Stalker's Spirit) and then I kept taking the Warden's passive which gives 2 agility (Spirit of the Groove). I spent two talent points on the Warden's Power Shot and Nature Grasp. I looted items which gave me the most agility. When I finished the game, I was 50 level, 145 agility (33 ranks in Spirit of the Groove + items), 94% natural chance for critical, 46% chance to dodge and criticals for 350 damage. I spent hours enjoying this game! It rocks!

1 posts

just completed the game lvl 37 assassin / gladiator, nice combo.. gladiator gave nice health boost and assassin dealt awesome damage - and then gladiator had stun chance and life steal, which was really great help!

2 posts

well. I just completed it at level 39 with a mix of warden (8 skill points) gladiator (29 skill points). Not that hard, but Stunning was a great help!
Titan swing as well, maybe it doesn´t deals that much damage, but it has 1 second cooldown..

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