Ok, this is a contest to do pokemon sprites, they can be splices such as: They could also be retypes: Or I could just come up with something XD.
So, there will be one round that will last three days (bound to changes). You can only make a single entry (and can't modify it, so make sure you wanna submit it when you do) and if it is a splice, mention the pokemon you used. Also, you can only use colors from the sprites. If you have questions post in my profile.
There will be specific rules for each round.
The obvious rules also apply, such as no flaming and art theft >.>.
Round 1 Rules Make a splice using 2 Pokemon. Read the rules first. 1) ONLY use the sprites from HG/SS And DPPT. 2) DO NOT use the shiny forms of the pokemon. 3) The splice must be noted, and more than a recolor most be done. 4) Have fun.
I won't even bother making a tiebreaker cause this was purely for warming up :P. Saggron, Mewtwocuno and salarchomp win!
Round 2 Rules Make a FIRE retype to any grass type starter. You can edit it any way you can but it must seem it's not grass, it's fire starter. Only use sprites from HGSS AND DPPT
Oh, it's not THAT bad. The only thing it is the fire coming out of his arm that connects to the back. You should see my Voltorb + Bibarel. It looks ultimate terribleness.