dieing to get there dieing to leave dieing to have that dieing to see her dieing to see him I d die for you just thought id die id just die if it happed to me dieing is what we all do a little each day sometimes quick sometimes slow most of the time we don't know when were going to go what do you do when somebody tells you your going to die one year two year maybe ten years to go no where to run no where to hide do you fight do you give up do you cry do you scream out why do you live for the moment do you ignore it could you if you tried ten times a day repeated in your head unbidden it comes soon you will be dead make the best of it try and do all that you can surround your self with friends you want to be with your true love in the end desperately you try to fined some peace of mind some happiness to hide the fear sometime its hard to look in there eyes and lie when asked what did the Dr say iam ok spare them the truth because all that you do all that you say is tainted by what lives in your head time laughs at you from the grave no matter what you say no matter what you tell them you live with that fear every single day dieing to get there dieing to leave dieing to have that dieing to see her dieing to see him I d die for you just thought id die just dieing to live dark 2009
But seriously. Spell "dying" right, if you're going to write a poem about it. Also; ever heard of the "Shift" key? How about the apostrophe?
Honestly, I don't like the poem. And I don't think I'd like it even if it were grammatically correct. No offense, but half of the time it doesn't rhyme(if you want to write a poem without rhyming, that's fine, but be consistent about it!) there aren't even stanzas, and there is no syllabic pattern whatsoever. Sorry man. But really.
aactually I wasn't concerned about grammar or how you spell it or if it rhymed or not its about the fact that I am dieing from cancer so sorry man but really when your faced with it then complain ok
Before I can read this I must say: It is dYing. i can't tell you how annoying that was >~<
I will match you poem with this:
I die inside. Because this poem... this poem does not work. It has no rhyme. It has no purpose. The crow sings at night, as the poem goes without a reason. A reason. A scheme. A purpose... It didn't work. The poem fell, I couldn't hold it, It was just so light. The lack of substance, has destroyed it.
Flag aactually I wasn't concerned about grammar or how you spell it or if it rhymed or not its about the fact that I am dieing from cancer so sorry man but really when your faced with it then complain ok
Then STOP writing bad poems, BE with your family, and STOP trying to jerk me with a pity card that isn't WORKING.
In short: You don't have cancer, if you did you would be resting, taking chemo, and being with your family instead of being depressed on the internet.
If you are just being depressed on the internet, you are obviously a jerk.
So when's this thread lockdown going to occur? In any case, I'm not going to repeat was everyone said, the title is what dissuaded me from comming here in the first place, and it was a good thing; that poem is...Let's go for Okay shall we... And now Gantic is sounding like doctor House...Waitaminute...Gantic = Hugh Laurie? That'd be a plausible hypothesis...hmmmm...
If Gantic was Hugh Laurie, ... OMG. Anyways, Grammar wasn't the best, but I have seen worse. I for one LIKED the poem. Poems don't have to have a set rhyme scheme :/ I thought it could of been alot better, but it was still decent.